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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    A huge happy 50th to you Petrel, everyday is a great day now sober and i really enjoyed my 50th sober even though i was sick with the flu. Enjoy your day you deserve it.

    FF conrgrats on your 30 days, keep it going and keep on here. Never become complacent about al wanting to visit us for a drink or 20.

    Frances i am not sure if i congratulated you on your 90 days, isnt it amazing how the days creep up and keep going. triple digits soon, woo hoo to you. Love your posts and your determination in keepin sober. Being accountable is what its about.

    Rahul, great post and you cant change your friend, as you know it is only when we are ready that we will give up al, nothing or no one will ever make us give up until we are ready. I loved the al man waving to you. Exactly what it would be like with al. Glad you did not go in and say hello.

    Ginge great work on your days af and be strong this weekend, it is pretty hard in the early days to be around al and not think that "we werent that bad" but we know in our heart we are alcoholics. Remember how you managed to get to your bottom if you feel the urge for that drink. reflect for a few minutes and i am sure you will say no. Pull out all the determination you have to say no and its only two letters that you have to say, unless you want to be polite that is and say thanks.

    Hi Juj and Maria, keep postin and not drinking. posting keeps our hands busy.

    Roxy nice to see you. I am not sure now i am 50 that i feel 30 and i didnt much like 30. 4 children under 7 wasnt much fun but i wasnt drinking much so maybe it wasnt that bad.

    Have a great one xx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Great support and sound advice here. Today is Day 3 of AF. I have a bottle of wine in the kitchen cupboard and it can stay there. My daughter came round tonight, I offered it to her to take home with her, I told her that I had decided not to drink anymore as it was having a very bad effect on my emotions. She accepted this but declined the wine, she is not a big drinker herself.

      I am feeling a little better today but there is still plenty of GRS in me. I am still however determined to stay AF and am also starting to feel a little optimistic about getting healthy. I went for a walk this evening.

      I know I need a structural plan but just doing normal things like housework, shopping, looking after the kids and going to work is plenty to keep boredom at bay for now. I am starting to drink plenty of water.

      I am grateful for this site. I will check out the toolbox tomorrow



        Newbies Nest


        I could not sleep ... Was thinking a bit too much ... So started playing computer game which I used to do a lot before I started drinking. Now since I am here I must say this site has done miracle for me. But before that Happy Birthday Petra ... You are 50 years young....

        When I came here it was more like exploring then never in my widest dream I would have imagined that scale of my drinking problem was so huge and solutions was complex yet simple. But it was tough. Being on this site, sharing, reading, reading and being part of the group has been the key. In my early day used to post a lot, feeling bad or good. Even after my several relapses I stayed on this site with posts reflecting just that -misery, guilt shame hung over etc ... I remember those day is used to go out for breakfast with a heavy hung over head and used to read posts and write depressing post of misery due to AL. But will all the support from everyone I was able to standup get strength to fight. Staying here, giving yourself time is the key. If you want it someone by what ever means stay sober for 7 days then another and then u will desire vanish. Craving will remain but then we are here to support.

        Keeping yourself occupied, eating well and making yourself stuffed with food especially during evening has been the key. I have been daily heavy drinker for last 10 to 15 years. Not something I am proud of .. What I am proud of is being sober and clean since last 3 months now. All thanks to this site and wonderful set of people here.

        Take care.
        Rewiring my brain ... done ...
        Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
        Rebooting ... done ...
        Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


          Newbies Nest

          Congrats on Day 3. I think you're doing just perfectly with everything right now. You're not drinking -
          That's the most important thing right now. And your checking in the NNest, That's it! You're doing it. Don't drink and check in. Keep that going. One day at a time.
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Newbies Nest


            Petrel, happy 50th!

            Mauri, how did you day 2 go?
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Newbies Nest

              One more thing...Can you pitch the wine? It's just too big of a temptation and too easily accessible. I don't even have wine in my house after a good while now, wouldn't even think of having it here. Sometimes our brains snap, we're walking down Al's street, and we open the cabinet or refrigerator and it's staring at us. Not enough strength, determination, or resolve and it's too late. Not a good situation.
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Newbies Nest

                FF, on behalf of the nest, please accept this prize for your crowning achievement!
                What a brilliant accomplishment! I am so proud of you I could pop! Keep up the great work! Do you have any words of wisdom for us? What worked, what didnt?
                Maria, 3 days is fantastic, you are operating under your own power now! At day 7 we will give you your first prize!!!
                Rahul, sorry you had a fuss with the wife. Those are going to happen from time to time. It is a shame our spouses dont realize what a monumental accomplishment it is to get sober. ( and stay sober)...the endless mind games that AL plays with us, the compulsion to get the next fix, the fear we have overcome....I feel under-appreciated by my spouse,too. But I know what I have accomplished and I am proud of myself for it. Sometimes that is enough. With the support of my friends here, I have the support and recognition I need to get this done! We all have each other!

                Made it to my destination ok....a long day of driving! Enjoying the time by myself to catch up with my friends here! Nighy all! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all. And Happy 50th Petrel! FF, well done on those 30 days! - another milestone.
                  Maria, the first 3 days done - there is always only tomorrow - slowly but surely does it......
                  Juja, good job on getting back on the horse!
                  Well, I finally handed over the backdrop today - haven't got a pic yet - will take one on Sunday when I hang it on the stage.....they loved it, so I am very happy. Been so busy lately - when I am sober I realise how much time I have wasted in the past through drinking, mainly nursing hangovers......where I may have thought I was unmotivated, now I know this is not the case. As soon as I get one thing done I have something else lined up......3 at a time! Now isn't that something! Best of all is I am getting them done and enjoying that feeling of achievement.
                  I agree with Rahul on the eating. On previous quits I didn't really get how well this worked but now if I feel the pull I know that the first thing to do is eat heartily and see how I feel - works every time!
                  Byrdie, glad you got there safe and sound - enjoy your catch-up!
                  In bed now and tired after my adventures at the weekend! Night all.
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Another sober evening. This so-o-o nice. What was I doing all those years?

                    Work today kept my mind off my husband. I feel so bad for him. At our next couple's session, I will be more honest than I was this weekend.

                    Congrats to everyone for doing so well--Frances, Ginger, Maria (pour out the wine), Daisy (makin' stuff happen), Rahul (insight and strength), j-vo (for being you), available (4 children under 7 at the age of 30?? At least you're alive.), FF (AF days).

                    Hello to all the rest of ya'll. I can't get back any further.

                    Hope Dila comes back.
                    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Just wanted to wish everyone a good night

                      Ginger, pack up your zero tolerance policy & you will be fine in your trip! I call it 'Lavan-ittude' :H

                      Petrel, Happy birthday :bday7:

                      Maria, Congrats on 3 AF days - great start!!

                      FF, congrats on 30!!!

                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!!!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi, Nest:

                        daisy45;1665355 wrote: Been so busy lately - when I am sober I realise how much time I have wasted in the past through drinking, mainly nursing hangovers......where I may have thought I was unmotivated, now I know this is not the case. As soon as I get one thing done I have something else lined up......3 at a time! Now isn't that something! Best of all is I am getting them done and enjoying that feeling of achievement.
                        Daisy - One of the Bubble Hour hosts says, "the longer I am sober the worse my disease becomes." For those of us who were "functional" alcoholics (my guess is most people here) we don't realize the things passed the obvious health and hangovers - but there is so much more to uncover in a sober state. So cool to stay busy, discover new things, feel more confident, etc.

                        Way to go, FF! Awesome achievement. Speech! Speech!

                        Maria - Days 3 and 4 are HARD - you'll start to feel better and think "I wasn't so bad." I concur with J-Vo - get that wine OUT of the house, and, as someone suggested to me, write down to remember how you felt when you came here. If you are tempted to drink, look back on old posts - it keeps me with a healthy fear of alcohol.

                        Petrel - Happy Birthday! I hope you got in a nice long run and a good meal - and whatever else your heart desires. Way to go on a sober 50th - what an accomplishment.

                        Hiya to everyone else. I'm off to sleep after a long and deliciously AF day.

                        Pav (trying to develop the Lavan-ittude - after a year or so I'll try the Pavattitude. Has a nice ring).


                          Newbies Nest

                          Very late evening all. Unfortunately I haven't been as strong as the rest of you heroes. Had a few beers with my bro on sat and after two I didn't want anymore but now . . . just opened the door. Had a good laugh but in the end I was the fool.

                          Daisy, I'm sure the backdrop is fantastic. The smell of the theatre . . . .

                          Maria, have to agree. Get rid of that wine! Offer it to the earth, the sky or whatever you like. Last thing you want is the end of a long day and then a stare off with AL. As you say good bye to that bottle just imagine the life that you want to create in the days to come.

                          Byrdie, glad not only that the long drive ended but that you had some way to enjoy the trip. Thanks for being the backbone of this nest!

                          Juja, just remember to be you no matter what happens - you may feel bad for a while but in your honesty you set the both of you free. Think you gave me my answer.

                          Rahul, keep going strong! Bringing up eating well . . . could have never realized how much that means.

                          To those I missed I have only done so in words. Keep on living the life that never misses the smell of the roses for the smell of the trash heap we have left behind.

                          Have a great night all, be proud of the day that has passed and look eagerly to the one that lays in wait. Tomorrow is another day to mold our lives into the dreams we hold dear. I am grateful for being able to join all of you in navigating through the shadow of these valleys.
                          “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

                          "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

                          Newbies Nest
                          Newbies Nest Roll Call
                          Cattleman Cafe


                            Newbies Nest

                            Very late evening all. Unfortunately I haven't been as strong as the rest of you heroes. Had a few beers with my bro on sat and after two I didn't want anymore but now . . . just opened the door. Had a good laugh but in the end I was the fool.

                            Daisy, I'm sure the backdrop is fantastic. The smell of the theatre . . . .

                            Maria, have to agree. Get rid of that wine! Offer it to the earth, the sky or whatever you like. Last thing you want is the end of a long day and then a stare off with AL. As you say good bye to that bottle just imagine the life that you want to create in the days to come.

                            Byrdie, glad not only that the long drive ended but that you had some way to enjoy the trip. Thanks for being the backbone of this nest!

                            Juja, just remember to be you no matter what happens - you may feel bad for a while but in your honesty you set the both of you free. Think you gave me my answer.

                            Rahul, keep going strong! Bringing up eating well . . . could have never realized how much that means.

                            To those I missed I have only done so in words. Keep on living the life that never misses the smell of the roses for the smell of the trash heap we have left behind.

                            Have a great night all, be proud of the day that has passed and look eagerly to the one that lays in wait. Tomorrow is another day to mold our lives into the dreams we hold dear. I am grateful for being able to join all of you in navigating through the shadow of these valleys.
                            “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

                            "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

                            Newbies Nest
                            Newbies Nest Roll Call
                            Cattleman Cafe


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thank you to everyone for the birthday well wishes! Much appreciated. Feeling great at 50 years of age and sober


                                Newbies Nest

                                available;1664787 wrote: Maria you dont need to tell anyone you are not drinking if you dont want a reaction. If someone had of said to me in the early days that "i was not that bad", i would have thought mmm your right and drank. any excuse to drink and i would have grabbed it. The early days are bad as that al brain will tell you that you were not that bad, anything to entice you to drink. You are on an alky site so you have a problem, we all drank different quantities and we all got to our bottom and with help and support from fellow alkies it is totally possible to stop. We understand the addiction better than most, we know the lies, the depression, the anxiety, the guilt, the denial. We know how hard it is to stop. It will take at least a week for the al to get out of your system and this is why the al brain starts after a few days to get you to drink and you cant. The hardest thing for me was realising i was an alcoholic and i could never drink again and that means never ever ever and being totally honest to everyone on mwo and myself.

                                Keep on here and post and post, avoid being in situations where there is al and take care of yourself. You will feel better in a week or two.
                                although I don't appreciate or need the label u are so 100% on the money with the little voice.
                                holy crap.
                                i am not sure if it ever goes away? we just need to learn to ignore it.
                                i am almost laughing as it is this little voice that gets me back into problems... . ur not so bad! look that person! he/she is much worse off! etc.
                                JUST IGNORE IT!
                                easier said than done.
                                after a few weeks or months and then when the guard is down- it sneaks back out of that ugly little cave!
                                such good advice here!!
                                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober

