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    Newbies Nest

    Rahul, I hear you. I have had no time for anything, I was always too busy yet very little was achieved.

    Today, I was productive at work, I went to the doctors to get a prescription for an infection I currently have, booked my car in to be repaired (back door of my car has been broken since Christmas), I washed to kitchen floor, organised my son's swimming gear for tomorrow and went for a walk. I must admitt, I took a good look round the house this evening while the sun shone in the window and saw how dirty the skirting boards and doors are.

    Day 5 completed with no alcohol. I was slightly tempted twice today, once in the shop and another when I saw a guy drinking a pint of beer outside the pub whilst smoking a fag. I kept repeating to myself, I DONT DRINK


      Newbies Nest

      Minderaser, so good to see you, Cheroker, and Done!

      I had a he__ of a couple days at work myself. Back in the old days, I'd call this a Brown Liquor Day!! Everything that could have gone wrong, did! But I will not drink AT the problems of work, that just doesn't help! In fact, everything is made worse by that old way of thinking. Numbing up my emotions is no way to deal with life! My neck has been in a kink all week due to tension.... after I finish my note, I'm going to go in there and take a bubble bath and wash off this awful day. When I come out, I will be renewed and AL in sight! We are so glad you're here and I hope work improves for you soon!

      Rahul, I understand exactly what you are saying regards to introspection....I believe that you are really on the brink of sorting it all out and things will fall into place better than ever. It takes time to get all of this stuff sorted out!! It's pretty new to us! You will get there, I will get to the point of accepting that you have made some mistakes and that's just how it is. We are re-writing the ending now tho! The future looks better than ever! There are a few flat spots along the way.....hang in there!!!

      Hugs to all, great posts today!! XO, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Well I told my husband that I am quitting drinking and I wanted no alcohol in the house. I also asked him if we could please avoid situations where everyone is drinking for awhile. I don't want any situations where I am going to be pressured to drink. Especially until I have some time built up in my AF bank. Usually for me after 3-5 days I start craving a drink badly. I think I am going to spend some time alone hiking trying to reconcile things in my head. This is my initial plan of action. I want to not want to drink so badly.


          Newbies Nest

          Mind and Done, let's do this. I'm afraid but I know I have to stop drinking someway, somehow. Strength to you both.


            Newbies Nest

            Cherokeer;1666094 wrote: Well I told my husband that I am quitting drinking and I wanted no alcohol in the house. I also asked him if we could please avoid situations where everyone is drinking for awhile. I don't want any situations where I am going to be pressured to drink. Especially until I have some time built up in my AF bank. Usually for me after 3-5 days I start craving a drink badly. I think I am going to spend some time alone hiking trying to reconcile things in my head. This is my initial plan of action. I want to not want to drink so badly.
            Sounds good, Cheerokeer. The amazing thing is, the moment you truly decide you're done, you are! It doesn't feel like it, but you have total control over this. No one can make you drink. There is always another option.

            After you decide you're done, everything else is to make that choice easier to put in place and maintain. I'm not trying to suggest that all of this is easy but it definitely can be done.

            When we're drinking, we are in cages but the great news is, we also have the keys to get out.


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks for the reinforcement Sugar. I realize I can not drink at all. I can not moderate. I thought I could but I can't so I have to learn to live without it. I want to be AF so badly.


                Newbies Nest

                Cherokeer;1666096 wrote: Mind and Done, let's do this. I'm afraid but I know I have to stop drinking someway, somehow. Strength to you both.
                And to you. At least there's the support here for the times we're afraid / struggling. I'm off to bed now, but I'll catch you tomorrow.

                Have a good night, everyone! (or morning, or... well, you get the picture!)



                  Newbies Nest

                  Cherokeer welcome back! Quitting isn't easy you have to do what ever you can to get control of your thinking. Find your triggers and stay away from them. You have realized that you have a problem that is a huge first step. Listen to the wise ladies here in the Newbies Nest they will help you.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome to the New Newbies, Minderaser, Cherokeer, and Done with it. You are pretty much in the same frame of mind that we all are when we come to MWO. You are nervous about whether or not it's going to stick, how to get through the early days, and how to continue that success as you go. I liked lots of NoSugar's responses, as she's always has great advice and guidance.

                    Cherokee, I'm glad you told your husband and made the suggestion that you stay away from Alcohol for awhile. That's a very smart decision instead of being around people that are doing the very thing that you are struggling to stay away. It's not forever, because later on, you'll be more comfortable while people are having a few drinks while you sip on something else. But I really like your hiking idea as it's getting you out of the house and doing some soul searching. That's something we need to do and is beneficial at this time. Take a little notebook with you to write some thoughts down that go through your mind if you can. And water!

                    Hi Done with it. Glad you found MWO. Stay close to the Newbies Nest, check out the toolbox, and there's a Gratitude is an Attitude thread in the general section. The important things to do now are:

                    1. don't drink
                    2. read
                    3. post
                    4. read the toolbox and make a top ten list of things to put in your toolbox.
                    5. read more

                    Maria, glad you weathered the storm and remained calm. Those Guardian Angel's are so great, aren't they? Keep prayin Maria. I do it lots and lots. And good on your 5 days!

                    Rahul, the rest of our live will work out. We're just getting the feel for this AF life. So don't be hard on yourself to fix everything and get everything done too fast. Everything gets done in the time it should. I'm also ready to tackle some other things in my life, but frankly, I'm glad I didn't push myself into adding too many things to my plate all at once, because those are the time I said f-it and gave up on everything. Everything has it's own time.

                    Pepper, I could have written your post about your workday. I've had pretty much the same week that sucked and I did keep myself busy with things that I had to do, and reading on here. I wasn't afraid I would drink, but I felt like shit and really down because of being betrayed by a woman I've worked with for over 20 years. That really sucked. Sucked the life out of me. But how you explained your actions by going home, taking it easy, drinking something non-al, and clearing your head is the perfect post to show that it can be done. Imagine having gone back after a few drinks and trying to face it. It would have solved nothing, as your brain wouldn't be prepared to handle anything else. Good for you.

                    Byrdie, thanks for my new boobs! Gosh! I'm really excited as I really needed a lift! I finally have cleavage! Yay! and Yah for DH!

                    Daisy, you're sounding super happy!

                    Juja, anxiety only gets worse with Al. It did for me. Everything got worse with Al.

                    Orimus, you're right. Everyone's toolbox looks a little different. But that's ok. Same goal, different tools.

                    Hi Lav, Sara, Pav, Ava, NS, and all Newbies. Have a great sober night.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Hello & welcome Done with it, welcome back Cherokeer!
                      You have landed in a safe spot, please settle in & make yourselves comfortable.

                      The Tool box is stuffed full of great ideas to help you get started on your AF paths.
                      I also relied quite heavily on the Hypno CDs. They really helped me learn to relax without AL on board & changed my thinking about it altogether

                      Juja, hang in there & just believe in yourself. I know how difficult it is to be handling everything at once. Take care of you first & foremost!

                      Greetings to everyone & wishing a peaceful & safe night in the nest for all.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Cherokeer - don't think of pink elephants! :-) What is the life you imagine? Fear is nothing more than recognizing the unknown and not knowing what to do about it. Coming here changes the unknown to the known and gives us the tools to face it. For me it's learning to embrace life and our dreams again. Live with passion to paraphrase one of my heroes. What is yours?
                        “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

                        "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

                        Newbies Nest
                        Newbies Nest Roll Call
                        Cattleman Cafe


                          Newbies Nest

                          Sharky;1665982 wrote: Found this on Facebook. Thought you ll would enjoy.

                          I Took An Entire Year Off Alcohol, Here Are 7 Reasons Why I'm Not Going Back.
                          from another thread, worth a look see
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Samsone and Sharky, thanks! A very encouraging read!
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Struggling to sleep, so I thought I'd read around on here. Samstone, that post was excellent, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
                              I worked out that I spend about ?230 a month on drinking, and that's not including any money I spend in pubs etc. That's just at home drinking. And it also doesn't include all the rubbish take aways or drunken ebay purchases.
                              It's no wonder I've never got any money. But yet I always found the money to buy alcohol.
                              Next payday I may actually be able to treat myself. Hopefully that thought will keep me honest.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Struggling to sleep, so I thought I'd read around on here. Sandstone, that post was excellent, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
                                I worked out that I spend about ?230 a month on drinking, and that's not including any money I spend in pubs etc. That's just at home drinking. And it also doesn't include all the rubbish take aways or drunken ebay purchases.
                                It's no wonder I've never got any money. But yet I always found the money to buy alcohol.
                                Next payday I may actually be able to treat myself. Hopefully that thought will keep me honest.

