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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    j-vo;1666700 wrote: DD,

    Juja, I hope that you get into contact with a therapist. You're a beautiful person and need the extra support right now. I'm glad Pepper could explain that to you about the manipulation. I wouldn't have known that. That's why this site is so wonderful. Someone is an expert in something. I'm thinking of you.
    I called my therapist, and left a message. I'm hoping she has something on Monday.

    Pepper's info was a life-saver (Thanks, Pepper). I've been reading about emotional blackmail, and it's right on the mark with my husband and father. My challenge is not to react, and that's hard. Oh, and I need to find my copy of Co-Dependent No More. I hope I still have it.

    You, too, are a great poster, j-vo. You take time to respond to everyone, and you offer more than platitudes. You are a star, along with so many others, in this milky way of ours. The Nest is one unbelievable place.:l

    Pav and Av--:goodjob: So, so good.
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      Newbies Nest

      Gosh, I don't even know where to start!
      Darkest D, please consider putting that 30 day post in the Tool Box! I tell you, those are priceless when a lost soul is looking around the internet at the end of his/her rope. Knowing that such a difference can take place in the amount of time it takes between haircuts is golden!

      Cherokeer, like Pav said, a little honest fear of relapse is a good thing. I don't play with rattlesnakes either, so I equate this to that. I used to be afraid I would accidently drink but then my friend, Kuya, reminded me that the chances of accidently drinking are similar to that of accidently having sex!!!!!! :H So I am much more relaxed about all that now. You will get there, it all just takes some time. What is different now is that I know I AM in control of what I drink. I'm not shaky at all about it, it's just NOT going to happen. So I am at peace with that.

      Ava and Pav, what can I say? You two are the dynamic duo!! The ying to the other's yang! I am so very proud of both of you....I see what you do, not only here in the nest, but other threads as well. I know it takes time to compose the types of posts you write, but isn't it a good feeling to pay it forward? Lav must get a great feeling when she lays her head down at night, she has helped SO many people, that must make it all worth it because as you know, the pay stinks around here!! Bahahahaha!

      Jane, you are just before getting your Flying Underwear! Your writing is just amazing, we should write a book of some sort, you write it and I will cheer you on!! XXOOO to you, as always!

      NS, fellow nest mother....your words, as always, so well-chosen and presented with empathy and compassion. It's as if we are all reading from the same book, isn't it. What works and what doesn't doesn't vary very much, does it? (deconstruct THAT sentence!!)

      I've been cleaning out drawers and closets this morning. What a chore.
      Juja, filling those new-found hours were challenging, Jane's thread about Do this Not that is fantastic. I found a lot of joy in baking cakes and cookies (sorry NS) and taking them to neighbors and people who either didn't get out much, or who weren't expecting it. It gave me a lot of joy to do that, and it gave me a task to keep my mind occupied. So baking really did it for me. Lav is a bread baker, so maybe that's more up your alley. There is a niche out there with your name on it! Just gotta unearth it!

      Daisy, I wish I could hug you in person....can't tell you how proud of you I am!! Keep up the great work!
      Rahul, closing in on 100 days....just amazing!!

      Everyone, it's a privilege to be here with you all. It's a shame we had to meet under these circumstances, but I have never met a finer group of people in my life. Hope everyone has an easy day!! XO, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Hi all. I am having problems accessing this site all day. I thought the server was down or something. I am on Day 7 and I am drinking plenty of water. It's the weekend and it's a bank holiday weekend here. The sun is shinning and alcohol did cross my mind lots today but I haven't given in. I cleaned my house from 10am to 16.00. It was in a bad state boy have I let things slip these past few months. I am feeling a sense of achievement


          Newbies Nest

          Wow !! This is simply amazing. If I see last 48 hours posts I see witness some powerful stuff. People sharing their problems ... Sharing is the first step and if that's not enough wonderful support they are gerting and such great advice from all. This is just so good. I just wonder how we were able to make such wonderful community spanning all continents, age, sex ... !!

          Pretty powerful posts by Jane, Byrdlady, paviti, available, nosugar and others too ...

          I wonder who first started thisbforum ... Did they ever imagine what all it will achieve. Did they imagine such quality content, genuine support and incredibally powerful threads like toolbox, roll call, new bies nest will evolve... While I dont know what all goes on the ladies section but what ever they discuss there I bet they truely come to new bies nest with incredible wisdom ...

          Thanks for forming such great community ... Be proud and sober you all ... U all have made me realize what life is ...
          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
          Rebooting ... done ...
          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks J-vo!


              Newbies Nest

              Pav and DD Wow you are an inspiration to us all!!!! Well done!!!!


                Newbies Nest

                Av wonderful! Everyone thanks for sharing all the good and the bad! You all are helping me so much! Sorry I haven?t responded to all the site keeps shutting down each time I try to write and then I have to write again and so if your not mentioned I am thinking of you. Tomorrow is day 21 for me 3 weeks and also will be day 6 of my 10 days with guests and a party in my house. Feeling really good that I haven?t drank in resteraunts, in bars and with wine, beer and booze in the house. Tomorrow we will do more sight seeing activities so hopefully I won?t be as tempted as today but I didn?t drink anyway. So proud of my new found willpower which I really thought was non existant! Pav 6 mon seems like a life time! Wow! Thanks all! Byrdie I like that image of you running after us all with that giant wine bottle if we drink! I think we should just hold on to that each time al enters the brain. Keep up the good work everyone, so sorry to hear if your like me and have been struggling but we too can overcome! DD my heart and well wishes go out to you. you truely are an inspiration! Thanks to all!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Well done cherokeer, I am genuinely proud of you, and myself!! I ducked a trip to the pub this evening, never realised how much bloody hard work it is being everybody's drinking buddy until you dont want to do it anymore.
                  I went to the supermarket for stuff for dinner before, and was a little tempted. Will have to change my routine a bit as I read on here. I've been reading so many threads I'm not sure if it was in the nest or not!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    great job minderaser and cherokeer! Those first few days are sooo hard! It is difficult trying to change our habits and trying to find ways to keep our minds off the booze! Hobbies.... hum I use to like to uhhhh.... cook and drink .... uhhhh paint and drink..... uh watch movies and drink.... uhhh yeah I liked to drink! trying to do those things without the booze is so hard isn?t it. Now I am excercising and reading all your posts and still cooking but without all those lovely sauces that require al in them but are still good oh and I?m gardening so hang in there you can do it!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Booze Blues,
                      You're at day 21 and you've gotten there with what I would call max stressors. Ten days of guests in your house! I'd have gone missing...and jumped the bridge. If you've managed not to drink through that situation in early sobriety, then you can do anything! And I understand that this is your DH's family as well...double max stressors! Yes, drinking pretty much went with just about everything and managed to ruin just about everything, but that's ok. We're not doing it now. Keep up the great work.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Newbies Nest

                        MAE to everyone. So good to see so many doing so well and staying strong. And those who have fallen, are getting back up.

                        I joined here over 3 months age. I've fallen over 2 times. Once at 37 days and once at 14 days. Now at 39 days, I'm into new territory. I have to say, I have felt tempted over the weekend. I've been out at functions over the last 2 weeks, and I've been the only adult not drinking. I used the excuse that I had to drive on Friday night. Last night at home, I felt tempted, but was strong. Lots of strong support when I needed it. Thanks Ava.

                        It's Sunday morning here. Feels fantastic to be alive. In 5 weeks, I'll be running a marathon.

                        Have a great day everyone!!!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Petra,

                          I too came to MWO last year and went sober for 44 days and fell. Tried again sometimes 7 days sometimes 10 but keep falling. Then early this year I broke my personal record can crossed 44 days. I so remember how I felt then. Mush like you ... In uncharted territory. I also remember myself being so proud of myself. While numbers of 30, 60 days might mean a lot especially for others to congratulate ... There is no such feeling like beating your own record. U being a runner u know ...

                          U should be so proud of yourself. You inspired me a lot in early days and still do ... Look at you running a marathon ... Wow ...

                          Trust me when I say if u stay on path ... Life will be lot better ...
                          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                          Rebooting ... done ...
                          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                            Newbies Nest

                            I want the stress and the pain to go away. I want to stop feeling the hurt. I crave the numbness that comes. Then the next day I feel all the remorse and berate myself yet again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Maria 7 days, congratulations on that achievement. I was so happy on my 7th day. I had done it, damn it was so hard but i did it and the next week wasnt so bad and now... well al, oh thats something that others drink, not me anymore. Keep posting and checking in, it is still early days lovely.

                              Byrd, it is great to be at 6 months officially and without you and lav and Pav (i'm a poet) i know i would be still meandering along lost, alone and ashamed by pouring al down my throat and slowly killing myself. I seen Pav's massacre post just after i decided to be af (another half arsed attempt) and thought "hang on, i can do this journey with another" and we did and we have. Its funny but the competitive Linda came out (had not seen her for a decade or more) and i said to myself that this time i will not fail, if Pav can do it then so can i and thank god Pav's determination was as great as mine. Its never a chore to help newbies, i was one and giving up al was the hardest thing i think i have ever done and there is no repeat button to be pushed anymore, as at the end of the day i am done with drinking and it is so very worth it. I dont have any shame, guilt, anxiety, depression. I am content, which i never felt drinking. What pay? Do you get paid? I will settle for chocolate thanks or some nice fresh eggs from Lav.

                              Booze wow 3 weeks and a family bash as well. If you can do that, you can do anything and being af is not soo bad. I managed my first holiday af and i highly recommend it. Great work and congratulations.

                              Petrel it is a pleasure to help you get to where you are now and to beat your last great af time. You are my closest MWOer so the threat of me visiting seems to be keeping you on the straight and narrow. now thats a great thing. Keep making yourself proud and myself and we cant go wrong.

                              Dil instead of posting the day after you drink, try posting before you drink. You have done af time and where is the bouncy happy Dil that we seen emerging on here? We need her back. You know the answers to your posts. the answer is to stop drinking and believe me it is so much better being sober than feeling everything that al gives us, which my friend is absolutely nothing.

                              Well today to celebrate my 6 months i am going to winter clean my room, i have been procrastinating about this job for a month or more and now my hanger that my clothes hang off has broken (too many clothes maybe) and Byrd as given me motivation.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Dila, I was drinking so that I didn't need to deal with the things that are going on in my life, but they're still there when you wake up, and the fuzzy head and feeling bad doesn't do you any favours. I'm only early in my quit, but stringing some alcohol free days together has made me feel a bit better about things.
                                Give it a go, and people are always here to speak to if you need them.

                                Take care of yourself, you sound like your in a tough place right now.


