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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    DD Thanks I agree, I don't think experiencing feeling left out and perhaps regret this early on is a good thing.

    Mind, Yeah!!!! For you 7 days!!! Awesome.


      Newbies Nest

      Wow, the last few days, I didn't really say it, but I've been feeling kind of low. I can't pinpoint it. My guess is that maybe I have anxiety because my summer will be starting shortly, and I've f-ed up every summer I'm off with booze...don't want that happening, as I know this year I've been really successful with AF stretches. It may be those thoughts, or it may be just the thought of being off and losing my strict schedule, one that i know I have to follow, or maybe it's the thought, now I have no reason not to lose the 30 lbs. I've put on because i have time to get my butt off the couch and exercise and eat right. So it could be any of those things. I've never had a sober summer, and I'm looking forward to it, but I need to stay focused on my sobriety. I was feeling a bit wobbly, so I pm'd a few people and that was a good thing. I'm posting how I'm feeling now, so that's always recommended for alkies to do. We don't need to keep these feelings bottled up. I was doing that. Pretending I was ok and I wasn't. Reading. Posting. Connecting. So I'm feeling a bit better as I've talked some things out with my girls, and posted here. Thanks NNesters.

      Juja, it's always nice going to bed sober. I think that's one of my favs about sobriety.

      Mind eraser, I was a hermit also, and still am careful with what places i frequent. I'm protecting as you are and that's ok. It's even ok to tell little white lies here and there.

      Cherokeer, I pray for strength daily. And for you guys.

      Rahul, another great post with affirmations of the rewards of sobriety.

      Maria, congrats on 10! And sober + dancing!!! Great combo! I'm working on what Pav said - pairing things together with sober. Things we normally wouldn't have done sober. And dancing is one I probably would not have done sober, but it sounds like you had a fantastic time.

      Night Nesters.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Newbies Nest

        J-vo, I feel your pain. I gained 30 pounds myself and that's kind of depressing in itself. I haven't had a sober summer in probably 7 years myself. Everyone wants to kayak this weekend and to be honest I had a moment of panic. Everyone drinks on the kayak trips but I thought I can handle this, it's physical and I can be busy navigating. It has to happen sooner or later so I will be testing my AF muscles. I will be praying to God for his grace and guidance before we go. Keep your chin up. Change feels weird even if it's a good change.


          Newbies Nest

          J-vo, I feel your pain. I gained 30 pounds myself and that's kind of depressing in itself. I haven't had a sober summer in probably 7 years myself. Everyone wants to kayak this weekend and to be honest I had a moment of panic. Everyone drinks on the kayak trips but I thought I can handle this, it's physical and I can be busy navigating. It has to happen sooner or later so I will be testing my AF muscles. I will be praying to God for his grace and guidance before we go. Keep your chin up. Change feels weird even if it's a good change.


            Newbies Nest

            My computer is having a brain fart tonight.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi all, thanks for the welcome. I think I need to go back a month or so to read old posts so I get a better sense of who's who here in the nest

              I can relate to what several have said. I gained weight from drinking (and eating crap along with it), and I'm disgusted with myself. I've actually been working out pretty consistently for the past few years, but have been way more focused and getting better results since I stopped drinking.

              I also struggle with social situations where people are drinking, although I did a lot of my drinking alone. Not quite ready to be at parties etc yet, but one of my biggest triggers is loneliness. It's a hard balance, but I'm determined to do this.

              Day 33 AF, and feeling so happy to say that.

              Hugs to you all
              Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi, Nest:

                Sorry I've been AWOL - very busy couple of weeks (I work at a school, too). J-Vo - we'll be summer-stay-sober buddies. It is harder for me, too, with all of the unstructured time. I vow to myself to create some structure (including structured relaxation time, mind you).

                Yes, Maria - out with the wine. Glad you had fun tonight.

                I lost 10 pounds when I quit drinking - I started exercising a little more and just avoiding the candy bowl at work. I am a work in progress, but aren't we all. I'm learning to love myself at any size (and there are many over the year!)

                Wag - I hear you about socializing. I like getting out of the house and was both a social and a lonely drinker. I have to make extra effort to go out now, but usually end up having a great time. I leave earlier than I used to (what, there's more booze - I can't go home now...), and I make sure I have an exit strategy. Glad to have you here.

                Good night, all. Stay strong, stay sober!



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey all! Thanks so much to all of you who responded to me was of great help!

                  Friend of mine is sending a copy of Alan Carr's book and it should be here soon.

                  Dila, Juva - we can do this.

                  I need sleep as I have roofers coming early ...

                  Gn Nesters...will check in tomr

                  Love, Sarah


                    Newbies Nest

                    another great quote from FB...

                    "I've come to learn that confidence in the future resides in our decision to make ourselves believe in what can be done rather than what can't be done. We need to learn to own our present reality, before we can blaze the future trail. Don't leave yourself behind just simply because of what you perceive as a bad thing. In due course, life unfolds to show you its many blessings in disguise. Press on, be your best."

                    Gonna try again today. It'll be crazy around here with roofers and such..but still gonna try.




                      Newbies Nest

                      Cherokeer;1667932 wrote:
                      Mind, Yeah!!!! For you 7 days!!! Awesome.
                      And today it's your turn!! :goodjob:

                      Well done!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters & Happy Hump day

                        Not totally awake yet but wanted to wish everyone a wonderful AF day!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well, whaddaya know...sleep is great without AL, as is waking up. I knew that. I feel much better today--not as depressed, and more optimistic.

                          Sarah and Dila, we can do this.

                          j-vo, I am sorry you're feeling fragile. I'm curious, what is it about summer that makes staying away from AL harder? Extra time on your hands? Goodness, summer always seems busier than winter, to me, but then I don't know your situation. (I don't know everyone that well yet.) Also, could you be revisiting summers past, and that is making you blue? Know I'm thinking about you, and admire you. You'll figure it out.

                          Hello to all my lovelies. Need to get ready for work....
                          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                            Newbies Nest

                            Sarah - do you have a plan in place - what will you do when you get that craving? It helps to write it down. Be accountable. Do it!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Heading out the door....I will be on the road tonight! Used to be an AL free-for-all, but no more!!! Whew! THAT was exhausting!
                              Hope everyone has an easy day! XXOO, Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Be careful Byrdie!

                                Juja, I'm a teacher, and I have the summers off. Yes, I know I should be crazy happy. But i get crazy anxious at times. Just the unstructured time. Not good for me. But as Pav said, we're going to keep it structured and I'm gonna have the best summer...a summer I will remember.

                                Have a great AF day all!
                                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

