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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Congrats to Jane (150 days) and Frances (100 days)!!! I can't wait to reach those same milestones.

    Daisy - nice job riding out your down days. Isn't it a great feeling to wake up in the morning and know you DIDN'T drink the day/night before? Sooooo much better than waking up to regrets.

    Day 35 in the books for me.
    Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      CONGRATS to Jane & Frances today both hitting big milestones

      Cherokeer, glad you avoided the habitual behavior - that's the way to get the job done.

      Blondie, welcome back. Have you got a plan in place?

      Byrdie, tomorrow is Friday - sounds like you need a break

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Things are looking up again, I see. Congrats to Frances and Jane. I'm impressed.

        Mein, hang in there. Don't give up. I'm not. I'm having a sober evening, and hope you are, too.

        Blondie, good to see you. I remember you from my previous days on MWO. We're in the same place, so let's see if we can't make some progress together.

        Jane, your posts are very helpful. I like comparing AF days to carrying a child, or working toward a degree. I'm going to remember that one. Thanks.

        Good night, all.
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          Newbies Nest

          Cherokeer;1668539 wrote: I had a really bad, stressful day at work. Plus being hormonal, I actually thought as I was walking out of work I need a glass of wine. Then I thought wait, I don't drink anymore. Guess I have to handle my sh&% without the red liquid crutch. So I came home, made dinner, and watched my big fat gypsy wedding and now I am relaxed and good to go. Whew! Shows you how habits kick in automatically.

          Wow, the kayak trip is going to end up with 20 people going. Oh well, I knew it was going to happen soon. I'm ready to kick habit #2 ass.
          :goodjob: - excellent job actually, catching yourself, reminding yourself, and choosing to cope in a different way. I think the "habit" aspects of AL are huge, and developing new habits helps us all stay sober. Thanks for sharing your victory!
          Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks everyone! I'm so glad to be part of this group.

            Jane, I agree with Juja - your posts are always very helpful and I love your comparisons and writing! Somewhere today I saw you comparing AL to the bad guy in a horror movie...just when you think they're dead they come back after you! Loved that comparison, scary though it is!

            Stay strong everyone. Remember why you're here!



              Newbies Nest

              So, I'm a bit concerned about this coming Saturday. Nutshell version: I was in a long-term relationship (15+ years) that ended very painfully about 5 years ago. I finally started dating again last summer, using alcohol as my social lubricant or liquid courage. I've been taking a break from dating for the past few months as I went through withdrawal/detox and have focused on staying sober.

              This Sat I'm supposed to go to a singles picnic. I'm not worried that I'll drink, I'm worried that I will chicken out and not go. I never "dated" like this when I was younger, I just met people thru work and friends. The alcohol made me "brave" last summer, but I am resolved not to drink.

              How have others here faced things sober that they previously did only with liquid courage? Any advice or suggestions?
              Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks Lab and Wag. I can't wait until it is day 30, then 60, then 100. I just want to be free and happy.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Ah, but Cherokeer, you are just that... free and happy. It doesn't need to wait, it appears from reading, you're up and running, rocking and rolling!!!
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Ah, but Cherokeer, you are just that... free and happy. It doesn't need to wait, it appears from reading, you're up and running, rocking and rolling!!!
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Wag, funny you should say that. i am going on a coffee date this afternoon and i have kept to myself for about 5 months now. its scary not having liquid courage but i am of the opinion that i never met a decent man drunk so i have a better chance sober maybe. I like the new sober Linda and if he doesnt then it is his loss. I talk alot so we wont have lack of conversation and it might even be intelligent instead of the "witty" al fueled talk (not that it was witty i can imagine). Be yourself and be proud you are af and can be in a situation that you dont need to drink to enjoy yourself. i do know if this does not work out that i am totally able to drive home. I am not overthinking or i am trying not too as we never know what is going to happen when we go anywhere let alone on a date. Have fun.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks Sam, I feel proud of myself. Eight days ago I had no inkling I would not be drinking. I feel a little lame since it is only eight days to express too much exuberance. I don't want anyone to say its only 8 days don't get too over-excited about yourself. I'm not sprouting the impressive numbers like many here are. But every day I get a little more giddy and a little more of my dignity back. I can't imagine how I will feel at 30 days and so on.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi all.

                          Well, I'm so pissed off and sad that I can hardly type right now. Actually, it's more anger than anything and while I need to go to bed RIGHT now I,m not sure I can. I could explain why but it's gonna sound like such total BS to others' problems that I prefer not to.

                          Congrats to Jane and Frances! thank you for your words as well.

                          I just cried for several minutes to help to release some emotion,but I drank. This was a stupid time to stop. PLZ God can I get at least one week where shit isn't falling down on me? I mean seriously...

                          I fucking hate even posting this cause my problem is no where near what others' are going thru, but I said I would. And, of course, when I get on here the site is down or it takes 15+ minutes for a page to I know I won't get responses until after 3 am my time which is when the site works...and I'll be in bed by then.

                          Not sure I post over the next 2 days...I'll try to.

                          Love to all,



                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Nest. I'm still here, not giving up. Today is my last Day 1. I had an incredible talk with my shrink yesterday. It made me realize that despite my issues with AL, I'm still a good person. Living without AL will hopefully make me an even better person. I'm happy to be here.

                            So... only positive thoughts today! It's going to be in the 80s F this weekend and I'm so excited. I miss the Southern US summers, so despite not having air conditioning, I'm going to live it up. I'm thinking about going to the farmers market in the morning and picking up some fresh veggies and good things to grill for the weekend. But for now, I need to get moving and clean off the back terrace. If I still in front of the computer I'll just sink into my depression.

                            Much love and strength to you all today.
                            Would you like you, if you met you?


                              Newbies Nest

                              thats the ticket mein!

                              do all that you want to do. if sitting in front of this thing sinks you, move.

                              getting things done gives a great sense of achievement, and physically works you too.

                              remember though to keep up with the af drinks, eat and rest when you need to, dont overdo it if youre not used to it.

                              little steps and odaat.

                              pleased you sound positive!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Cherokeer, glad you dealt with your rubbish day in a healthy way, instead of the way we both would've dealt with it less than 2 weeks ago!! I think it shows real strength, AND real progress
                                Mein, glad you are feeling more positive!

                                Day 10 over here, and feeling good. Once I get through the first hour or so of getting in from work, I'm golden. This goes back to what you guys were saying about habit breaking. Glad my days are racking up

