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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Afternoon Nesters,

    Very, very cloudy now but no rain/snow yet
    How about in your location Excuses - anything coming down yet? A big congrats to you on your 14AF days, wonderful! It really feels good, doesn't it?

    Hi Masquerade, welcome to the Nest! Grab a twig & make yourself comfy!!

    Greetings Mama Bear, Funny Girl, NoraC, Sophie & MG! Hope you are having a great day
    MG - a calmer, more grown up birthday celebration would be a great idea...........

    Sophie, my shop is home based (easy commute!!). I have two commercial embroidery machines & all the computers & stuff to run them. People who use home style sewing machines with embroidery attachments wouldn't have a clue what I am doing - it's very different. I do occasionally have a visit from someone thinking of opening their own shop & spend some time showing them how things work. I always have a down time in Jan/Feb following the holidays but the last couple of years have been hard since our national ecomomy tanked!!! I've lost a couple of commercial customers - one of them went out of business entirely, Yikes!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for better days

    Right now I have 4 loaves of Artisan bread rising in the oven - yum!!
    Better go check on them.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi fellow nesters

      Just checking in before heading off to work another day in the office! Still cloudy and rainy here which i just love.

      Lav you are full of surprises - first I found out you're a gal and always have been, now you are doing embroidery and baking your own bread - good on you very clever. I'd love to see some of your handiwork one day. Piccs? Thank you for your encouragement to all us nesters.

      Going into day 4 and feeling strong about no al but very yuk otherwise. So tired. I think I should go and look into it - someone suggested Iron Tabs - could be. I used to be on them once.

      Everone else - hope you all have a great af day/night. Fun filled days and sleep filled nights!
      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


        Newbies Nest

        A better day today

        I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone's well wishes. I am holding on for dear life in the nest...I don't say much, but I read everything! Dam al and the horse it came in on!!
        Happy Birthday MG! Have some extra cake today, you deserve it.
        I may not be where I want to be, but I'm a lot better than where I was!! Thanks to you all. I mays well settle in, huh? XXOO, t
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Morning everyone.

          Byrdlady - it sure is a struggle but just keep at it. It will work out for you as long as you dont give up.

          Mazzie - send some of that rain south west please. We havent seen rain for nearly four months and I am really ready for a big downpour.

          Happy Birthday MG29 - hope this one is abit better than last one!

          Soph - dont worry about the sugar fix. At least it is not mind altering and you will remember everything you do after it, unlike something else I know....

          Hey Excuses - well done on 14 days. You will have to change your name soon to No-Excuses!

          Hi Masquerade - My life was abit of a masquerade for a long time... But not now I am AF.

          Sending my love and thoughts from way down here in Perth. Hope everyone reaches their AF goal for today.

          Take care. Hippy
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            I'm ready to be one of those success stories

            Hi All.

            It was great to wake up fresh. Had a great run this morning and got a lot accomplished.

            I have no worries about AF2 (since the memories of Sunday night's stumbling intoxication is still way too fresh in my mind). :blush:

            I thought today about times when I had a crushing headache or killer stomach ache (not necessarily from alcohol but you know sometimes we all just get sick). Well during these times I would only wish how great it would be not too feel that pain.

            So I thought when I get really big cravings at the witching our (6pm or so) I ask myself "Self are you in physical pain?"

            No. It's a craving that will go away with some food and distraction. I'm not in physical pain just mental cravings that I can beat. We can all beat it.

            Some of you have been AF Heros and abstained for months even years. :wd:

            I sure hope Sunday's fall is a huge lesson for me. I don't want that kind of life. What did I get out of it? Embarrassment, money spent, integrity lost and a chunk of my self esteem, health risks. not to mention a brutal hangover yesterday. No more.

            I'm ready.


              Newbies Nest

              Hippy Chick hope all is well. You give me so much inspiration. I look to your strength. when you say you were in a bad place just 8 weeks ago and then I hear your successes leading up to today, I think wow maybe that can be me. Thanks for your support - you really really give me hope.

              Excuses - I agree with Hippy you are doing great maybe a name change! hee hee

              Happy Birthday MG may this year be a positive change in your life.

              Byrdlady - it is a tough journey but you are here and you will get stronger. I have come along way since even January. I still have some screw ups but I'm getting there. You will too. With the firends on MWO I keep trying where I would have just given up. the key is not to have as many screw ups and hopefully...eventually it will be in the past.

              Mazzie great job on Day 4 AF. Hang in there you are doing great.

              Spam, Jolie, Tranq, Sunshine, Masque, Sophie, Funny Girl, Mamma Bear, Lav and Nora and everyone else - Enjoy another day of sobriety you are all worth it, thank you for helping me to be a better healthier person!


                Newbies Nest

                Good for you Meech...I believe in you!!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening Nesters,

                  After one year of talking with folks in Australia - I just found out that you guys have 3 time zones there.....Duh, I had no idea! Google traches me something new every day

                  Mazzie, I AM full of surprises!!
                  I don't want to violate any forum rules & regs by posting work pictures here. Maybe I'll put some on Photobucket or Piccasa & post a link.........

                  Byrdlady, glad you are here with us - stay close, we'll all move forward together!

                  Meech, hope Day 2 was a good one!

                  HC, you've done so well. Be happy & proud of yourself

                  Now, if we could just find Chook........

                  Greetings Tranq, Sunni & everyone yet to check in.
                  Just heard my DIL & grandson arrived home safely from their New England trip. Now I can put my feet up & relax. My blue fur is always a little ruffled when I know someone is traveling........

                  Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Happy Birthday MG29! Hope your day is great!

                    Sunni - No boot camp? You've got to make your 'me time'!

                    Hi MamaB, Masquerade, FunnyGirl, Norac!

                    Excuses - Great two whole weeks. Nice!

                    Hi Mazzie - day 4 is great. Stick with it a while. When the al clears your body you'll start to better. And it will keep getting better from there.

                    Byrdlady - glad you're doing better. How are you feeling post-op-wise?

                    Meech - somethings are known as 'teaching opportunities'. Sounds like you're taking advantage of a big one to teach yourself! Good job.

                    Lav - the weather is holding steady here. We might get some forties here this weekend, I think a little rain too.

                    Take care all.
                    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                      Newbies Nest


                      Looks like I just missed your 5,000 post......can't tell you how proud I am to see the nest flourishing as it is. So many newcomers here, few of whom know who the heck I am, but that's okay. All of you are wonderful examples of 'people helping people' and have helped to maintain the family environment the nest has always offered. Be proud of all your efforts and contributions...................Goodnight Cherubs.
                      Pops & G (aka....Renewal)


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good night all - I'm finally in for the night. Had a business event tonight - typically involves drinking - I did amazingly well - got by with a cappucino and kept busy talking with everyone. Actually did some business! I'm exhausted . . . .sleep tight all.


                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm finding my twig for the night. Goodnight my fellow nesters. I'm exhausted from trying to get recovered from my vacation.:H I hope that everyone is doing well.
                          I hope to be able to catch up on everyone tomorrow. Peep...peep...peep
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all,
                            FG - well done! you did so well.. and kept a clear head for business! that's great..
                            Hi Nora - I hope you are doing well, and recover soon from your holiday
                            I'm having a pretty good desire to drink; its just great to have no regrets or remorse about anything.. and its a nice feeling knowing I am doing the very best for my son.. I just need to find a jar to put some blessings in! take care all, and i'll be back to fight another day tomorrow..:rays:
                            K xx
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Newbies Nest

                              OK, so my first post. Scared, worried that I can control what is already out of control, and would like some help please


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Seeking Calm and :welcome:

                                You found a good place. Lots of good sensible help here from other newbies and not so newbies. MWO has been the difference for me over the last few months. Read a lot and tell us a bit about yourself when you are ready so we can get to know you.

                                What you're feeling is/was very familiar to all of us so you're not alone in this journey. I really like that those who have been able to be af for weeks months years are willing to be so helpful to those of us just starting out.

                                So stick around, form a plan, ask for help and get to where you want to be. Being free of al can be done and is being done. I am finishing day 4 again today and feel so good about it. In the last 5 months I have had almost 3 of those with no al. My goal is to be totally af. This time I really want it to 'stick'. Having a goal, a plan to get there, making healthier choices and learning and receiving encouragement from others here
                                has been the reason I am feeling much stronger and looking forward to living my goal.
                                Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

