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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sophie75;815787 wrote: Hi Chook, how about you get a new hotmail or yahoo email account to use as your contact so you can keep your MWO messages private?
    Thinking of you xx
    Hi Chook,

    I agree with what Sophie is saying. I have a hotmail account and I use it for things like this and for anyone that may bombarde me with junk. It's not even in my real name.

    They do ask for an alternative e-mail address but I made one up as I didn't want any links between Hotmail and my real life. (I think I just used a silly thing like "sausage" for the alternative and it was never queried.)

    Also, there are ways to delete history, not record history and I have just come across "in private browsing."

    If you need any help, shout!

    Now I am beginning to wonder if you are MD of an IT company and I am telling you things you already know. :H

    Spam xx


      Newbies Nest

      Hey, I am back!

      It has been quite awhile since I visited or posted, but now I am back. I had stopped for a long time, then went through a bad spell that ended up with a bad fall, smashed up face and head and stitches. I scared the crap out of my daughters and husband, and I was ashamed and humiliated. Definitely a wake-up call. It has been 123 days since then, and there was only one day (to "celebrate my 90 days, how dumb) that I drank. So I am keeping score as 122 out of 123, not starting over at one, because those 122 days count for something!

      While things are still shitty in some areas of life, I am enjoying sobriety and working hard to stay that way. God knows it is not easy.

      So, hello again to all who have been here for some time, and hello to the new people I have not yet met. I am looking forward to sharing our struggles and our successes.

      Thanks for making room on the nest for me.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi everyone,
        and welcome back upnorthgirl! congrats on all those days AF.. and I like the way you just subtracted that day! I have been Af now for 20 days out of 21.. and feeling pretty good.. though I was tempted to get some wine earlier.. I was feeling a bit down as I thought a friend of mine had fallen out with me.. of course this was my negative thinking and low self-esteem talking again.. I called her and it turns out she has a lot of stresses going on, and the reason she's been distant has been b/c of this, nothing to do with me at all! i'm so fed up of thinking the worse and always expecting people to "write" me off.. oh well, i think il be in therapy for a while yet to come!
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Newbies Nest

          Good evening all Nesters,

          So many here today - that's great!!
          Everyone seems strong & moving forward - exactly what we want

          upnorthgirl, welcome back! Congrats on your AF time, terrific! Sorry you were injured so badly but glad to hear that you are dedicated to living a sober life!

          Chook, could you possibly use a neighbor's computer or one at a public library for a while?
          I swear - you married my husband's twin brother! No woman wants, needs or deserves to be bullied! I completely understand your feelings. You try to find a way to email me, OK? Until then, hang in there & know you have the love & support of a whole lot of people here

          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest.
          Leaving the night light on for Tranq & anyone else who wants to drop in!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hello everyone! How is the nest tonight?

            I agree with Hippy - thank you RENEWAL!!! This is a wonderful nest to be able to fly to.

            Glad to see everyone here. I had a wavering day but held on. And, that was thanks to all of you here. :thanks: I appreciate so much all of the support.

            Well, I am going to tuck myself into the nest for the night. I'll be back in the morning bright & early. Take care everyone.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Nora, Lavande, great to see some of the ole group still around gals are the best! And Nora and are welcome!!!!
              For old times sake................ Goodnight sweet cherubs!
              Pops & G


                Newbies Nest

                Renewal - Hi. Nice of you to stop by. Thanks for starting this thread. It has really been a great place - it saved me! Take care.

                FunnyGirl - doing business at a business event huh. What a concept. Good go on the capucino!

                NoraC - welcome back. Sleep tight.

                Seeking Calm - Welcome. There are lots of people on this site who've been where you are. Nobody judges - everybody helps. Keep hanging out, reading old threads and asking questions. You'll be fine!

                Hi SpuddleD.

                Chooks - love your hair. The disguise did work - I didn't recognize you. It sucks that your hands are tied for getting the help you want. Can you get to a nearby town? I've heard of online therapy, but don't know enough about it to recommend. Anyway, my point is - don't give up -- and think outside the box. I like Lav's library idea. Drinking doesn't help anyone anywhere in this world - it's not gonna help you either dear. Wish me and Lav and Sunni could swoop-in on a rescue mission. Luv ya! xxxo

                Hi UNG! Way to go, and welcome back!

                Take good care everyone!
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Gosh! It's quiet in the Nest today. There seem to be a lot of new people hovering. I have already invited one in.

                  Perhaps we need to go and round them up and hand out some twigs.

                  How is everyone?

                  Spam xx


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi all,
                    Hey Spam.. hope you are doing well,
                    I'm doing quite good.. still battling my negativity demons.. but I recognise them for what they are now which is a start!
                    On day 8 AF, going on to 9 tomorrow.. i must say doing all these evening shifts is definately lowering the risk of me drinking.. my main days of drinking were thursdays and sunday arvo's when I had the days off. but not anymore!
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters,

                      I'm seeing sun outside my windows today - very nice

                      Spam, feel free to go recruiting Newbies for the Nest!!

                      KatieB, glad to hear you are making such great progress! You can unlearn the negative thinking - I did Being positive & moving forward is what it's all about!

                      Wishing everyone a safe & AF day in the Nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just a quick cheep....late for work. Hope everyone is doing well. I am up up and at em and will check back here when I can. Going to leave some coffee and some Diet Coke for anybody just coming by. :H
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Adding on...

                          We may need to add another wing to the nest! Bahaha...
                          For privacy issues, I bought one of these little netbooks, about $300, and all I do on this is email/facebook and this. I feel perfectly private so if you are sharing a computer with anyone else, maybe something to consider....
                          BTW my post op hand (carpal tunnel 2/24) still hurts like a big dog...but manageable. Thanks everyone for holding us all up. Another wicked weekend coming up...buckle up!
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello! May I join you? I just started yesterday - Day One out of the way! I'd like to be part of a group - this is a lonely business...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Coco - Glad to have you here. This is a wonderful nest to land in. You are going to get to know a lot of wonderful birds here. :H Just be sure to come around & keep posting. It does help. I try to post thru my cravings. I think I am going to be posting a lot today. I am having one of those days. So expect to see me everywhere. :H Nice to meet you and make yourself at home.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Newbies Nest

                                Afternoon Nesters!

                                Byrdlady - we can makes this Nest as big as necessary
                                I love the little Netbooks. My DIL has one & carries it everywhere, my laptop is kinda large & clunky, I'm thinking about a trade-in myself.

                                Hi Coco-nut, welcome to the Nest! You are definitely not alone now. Please find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in with us. I was very alone on my own journey this time last year but found a lot of support, comfort & friends right here on MWO - you will too

                                NoraC - post away today if it helps! You have had an excellent couple of weeks, do whatever you need to do to keep it going

                                OK, back to work for a while!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

