Evening everyone, On day 17 and counting. I need to get on the roll call. How does one do that? Had another successful outing. Went to see our native American Indian puppy with my daughter and son-in-law and we went to a brewery for lunch. Everyone had beer and I had ice tea. All the way there I kept saying to myself "You can do this, you don't drink". I was worried I would want to drink when I got in there. Nope, I didn't. My daughter tried to get me to try a sip of her Meade and I said no thanks. I'm afraid of even one drop. Maybe that is silly I don't know.
I have had really severe migraines for about 4 or 5 days now. Has anyone experienced something like this after Being AF for 2 1/2 weeks. Yesterday I was debilitated with a migraine. I am considering a liver detox. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Trying to find my way.
