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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    CoCo-Nut :welcome: I agree with you this can be a lonley journey but you have arrived at a great destination! Do as much reading as you can around the site and if you get lonely or have questions just post and sit back and just see what happens,its amazing! :illbeback:runningwind
    The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


      Newbies Nest

      Thank you all!

      I'll start gathering twigs and bits of string... Hopefully it will take my mind off "things!" :thanks:


        Newbies Nest

        CoCo-Nut, if you still have something on your mind, don't be alone in your thoughts . You should post,post, post. runningwind
        The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all! I am new here. I am on day 5 AF. Spent the last 25 years thinking about when I was going to have my next drink, or drinking... wasted alot of precious time, energy, love and money. Chose all my friends and boyfriends and husband based on their drinking habits....
          Hoping to learn to enjoy life a little bit more. Cherish my kids more instead of push them away so I could sneak another drink... you know the story.
          I am an emotional roller coaster. Elated that I am doing this. Excited about the possibilities, full of energy doing projects I have put off forever, then so depressed and just wanting to cry and full of despair. Not knowing which way to turn. Scared it will be to the bottle.


            Newbies Nest

            Violet, anywhere but the bottle, of course your body and mind are all over the place. 25 years of drinking doesn't go away in five days but it does get better every single day you stay sober and easier and easier until it isn't even an issue. I can honestly say I didn't once think of booze today until I came on this site after work (this is my remedial care!) and I'm not long AF. Let the urge pass and accept it if you feel like crying, it will pass
            Molly x
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Newbies Nest

              Morning All,

              How's life treating everyone?

              It's been a strange start to the day for me. I work up at 4 am with one of those "give me chocolate now or I shall kill someone" feelings. And I don't even like chocolate.

              I am back from the very early school run and feeling peaceful. I have found excercise to be the biggest help in my battle against AL. Although it's early days, I don't seem to get cravings on my excercise days. It's raining here but I am still going to go out for a 5 km walk / run. Getting wet is better than getting drunk.

              This weekend could go either way. Hubby is away, so we won't be going out to eat or having drinks in the evening with dinner. However, there have been times when I have got completely pissed on my own because I don't have to "report" to anyone.

              ODAT - I won't drink today - Friday. I will deal with tomorrow when tomorrow gets here.



                Newbies Nest

                Hello Fellow Nesters

                The nest seems to have been pretty busy since I was here last. Settled in the a coffee that NoraC left for us (thanks - just how I like it) to read thru the pages I've missed. I think I was only here yesterday morning!!!!

                Welcome to you Coco and Violet and Running Wind - don't think I've said hello before. The nest just seems to expand to fit us all in. Everyone just moves over. Thanks.

                Lav did I see somewhere you mentioned the sun was peeping through your windows? In my total snow innocence - does this now mean that you will have lots of slush, drips, puddles, mud and then lots of green shoots everywhere?

                KatieB - great going. Keep it up. Its so good. is this day 9 for you?

                Hip - Us Qlders voted against the daylight saving as well as we figured it would fade our curtains.

                Byrdlady, UpNorthGirl Sophie 76 Chook Mama Renewal and others - I appreciate you very much. My best wishes to you all.

                I actually have today orff work. Once this would have meant getting in my splies ready for the long weekend. What a waste it now seems. Instead I am going to have coffee with two of my sisters just for starters. How good is that? I am very lucky and very grateful.

                Have a good af day/night all
                Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                  Newbies Nest

                  Mazzie;816346 wrote:
                  Hip - Us Qlders voted against the daylight saving as well as we figured it would fade our curtains.

                  Don't get me started on this one. :H

                  Is it still raining up there?

                  Spam xx


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey Spam we posted at the same time

                    That was me last weekend. My hub was away, here by myself and did really want so much to be a grown up and stay af but no the temptation to drown myself in my fav poison with 'no one' knowing got the better of me. I hope never ever ever to do that to myself ever ever again. Last Sat night I drank more than I have in a long time. I am still feeling the effects of that. I think that is why this week has been fairly easy for me. I shudder every time I think of those wine bottles!!! And now I have to get rid of them out of the house as we don't have a rubbish collection. I am just tired of feeling unwell and doing this sort of stuff.

                    Have a good day today Spam. Do I need to lend my flippers? Being peaceful is so good. Make some af plans for tomorrow. Do something different with your kids that builds good memories for them. Do something really nice for yourself too. al is not nice! Sending you my best wishes.
                    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                      Newbies Nest

                      Patchy rain Spam. Overcast and muggy so will prob get some more before long. Lucky I love it!!!
                      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just deleting a post a comp put it in twice. Saved you guys from having to read all that again!
                        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning everyone.

                          Running, Coco and Violet - welcome. You are with friends now. No need to feel lonely or shameful. We have ALL been where you are now and believe me, it does get better. A bit of hard work and finding strength you never knew you had, but it is SO worth it. Keep visiting us as often as you need to.:welcome:

                          Mollyka - love your new avatar.

                          Mazzie - we voted against daylight saving because we have a lot of diary farms down south and those poor cows wouldnt know what time to come to get milked....... (yeah I know - ridiculous) I can see by Spam's and your response, it is still a controversial subject. We are having the "should we have ANOTHER referendum about late night shopping" battle again. Not a wonder we are called Wait Awhile!!!!! Think I might move over east....

                          Well another weekend is upon us. These are the hard few days for most, so just remember what Monday morning felt like this week. Whether you felt fantastic because you got thru the weekend AF or felt like s*#t because you drank.

                          I was going to write my usual Friday post and say about how Friday is my horrible day with my long shift at work, how I get bored doing it and very tempted to drink. But then I wondered what would happen if I just change my thinking to "I love Fridays, I never get bored at work, and I love working those extra hours". So I am going to do that today and see what happens. Whenever I have a negative thought I will replace it with something positive. I'll let you know how it goes. (Lav - maybe the Amoryn has kicked in!!??)

                          Have a good one and stay strong. You know can do it!

                          Hip. x
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Mazzie;816355 wrote:
                            Make some af plans for tomorrow. Do something different with your kids that builds good memories for them. Do something really nice for yourself too. al is not nice! Sending you my best wishes.
                            Thanks Mazzie,

                            You got me thinking when I was out on my walk.

                            Some parts of the weekend are covered. Son is meant to be playing cricket in the morning but that's looking doubtful. We have a party on Sunday but as the host is 6 years old the hardest drink on the menu will be red cordial!

                            We're so lucky were we live as there is so much to do. Already thinking about ice-skating or bowling; maybe the movies. What I really want to do is make something with papier mache. I can feel the glue on my hands already!



                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening Nesters,

                              Running wind & Violet, welcome to the Nest. Please find a nice twig, make yourselves comfortable
                              We're a pretty good group here & we'll be glad to help you out! The first days are tough but hang in there - you won't be sorry!

                              Greetings Molly & Spam! You will get used to filling in your weekends without AL & actually learn to enjoy them - takes a little time

                              Mazzie - Yes, melting snow = tons of mud!!! Thankfully the winds of March help dry up the mud before the April showers get here Anyway, the result of all this is May flowers

                              HC, if the Amoryn is helping replace negative thinking with positive thinking - then great!!!!
                              Enjoy those happy thoughts, make the most of them

                              Wishing everyone here a safe & cozy night in the Nest - the night light is on.......
                              Hi Tranq!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Ok so the triggers for craving totally suck. Starting dinner, finishing dinner, getting the kids in bed....all depending on how far I would make it until I cracked. Just focusing on the kids and the moment and how wonderful it is that they are not seeing me drink but then totally blew up at my six year old when she started mimicking step at a time.
                                Thank you all for the warm welcome. It is wonderful to have a place to come and open up and know that people "get it." Tomorrow is day 6! I never thought I could get this far! Husband still has beer in the gargage (not my type...) and I really do not want it. Hoping he follows through on his promises...

