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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sorry that posted three times, and now it won't delete!


      Newbies Nest

      Hell all...still here too reading almost everyday. I haven;t posted in awhile simply cause so much was going on around the house and I've also been reading Carr's book my friend sent me. I still need to read back a bit, but welcome to Lost, wb Nursie and BND and others..

      I do want to offer my experience with some memory loss (when I was sober) seemed to happen after post- menopause. I realize I damaged my brain anyway, to some degree, but I did notice I was forgetting simple things. I really do 'think' that our body and mind changes when drinking AL, but also with PM.

      Just my 2 cents anyway, but wanted to say I am here, (reading every day) and wishing everyone so much success (including myself). I have an early appt tomr with my periodontist (help!!- scared to death of what he'll say).

      My anxiety since St JOhn's has tapered some, but I quit taking it 2 days cause I was getting these blotches on my legs (not hives) but that was a mistake. When I stopped the SJW my anxiety was thru the roof! So, tomr I will take one before the appt and I will deal with the 'blotches' after the perio appt then.

      Ya'll hang in there and plz know I'm routing for all of us.

      Byrdie, Ava, NS, Jane, petrel, etc...thanks for all you contribute to help us.

      Talk soon and much love,



        Newbies Nest

        LearningOne;1673015 wrote: I made it through. Today IS Day One.
        :goodjob: I'm looking to have another day 1 soon....very proud of you!! :h


          Newbies Nest

          Pav, thanks. Yes training is going well. Only 2 and a half weeks to go. I'll just keep training, but cutting back on distance.

          I've just strapped my iPad to my treadmill. Will watch World Cup and run in the morning. Best of both worlds!

          Go Australia!!!!!!!!


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks Pav and Petrel for the 200 day congratulations. I said on the Loamers before that 200 days = 400 bottles of wine that i have not drank and probably add a few more to that also. When i thought of it that way i was stunned to say the least and sad that that was what my life USED to be like. Now i am HAPPY that it is not like that anymore. I wont count the money that i have saved, which i havent saved but now i can pay bills without borrowing from Peter to pay Paul so that i could have my bottles of wine every night of the week.

            Hi learning and welcome, keep on here post and read, its taken me 3 years and thats 3 years that i regret by drinking and not making a concerted effort to get rid of the poison that i was drinking. My advice is dont procrastinate and give into those al thoughts, just bite the bullet and do it. Al cannot be a part of our lives, we are alcoholics, plain and simple.

            I apologised to my daughter today for my drinking and she told me that it didnt matter anymore as she had me back and i have proved to her that i will never ever drink again. How much better can life get and just by getting rid of a bottle that can destroy our lives.

            Its not been easy to get to where i am at all, its been really hard some days, harder than i ever thought imagineable. i have thought of giving in but then when i think of what i very nearly lost, my children and me then not drinking far outweighs any urges or cravings for al. How hard is it to say two letters "N O" and form them into a word?
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters & Happy Hump day

              CONGRATS on your 200 AF days Ava :wd:
              Stay as proud as you are today & continue your AF lifestyle forever!

              Sarah, St John's Wort will make you & your skin sensitive sunlight. I know this from personal experience. The benefits outweigh the risks though in my estimation. Do you possibly have a real allergy to the herb?

              Greetings Pav, Petrel & everyone!
              Have a great AF day!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning nest!
                I will definitely check out that podcast. Do I need to download a podcast thingy for my phone?
                It's a beautiful day and the birds are chirping away!
                Happy Wednesday everyone!
                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                One day at a time.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks for the welcome. I feel very good about last night. I was able to get along just fine. It's that first "no thanks" that takes some will power and thought. The rest of the night I was just so thankful for the grace to make a start.

                  So today I plan on Day Two. I never used to like counting but now I realize it's so helpful. And keeping in mind the joy one feels when one has an AF day can carry this forward. But it is ODAT.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Cherokeer, Juja, Lav, Sarah42 - thanks for your additional comments re: memory and forgetfulness. I hadn't thought of hormones. I haven't hit menopause yet but am old enough that I've sorta started watching for hormonal changes. I guess I'll just relax and not worry about it unless it gets a lot worse.
                    Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                      Newbies Nest

                      LearningOne;1673160 wrote: Thanks for the welcome. I feel very good about last night. I was able to get along just fine. It's that first "no thanks" that takes some will power and thought. The rest of the night I was just so thankful for the grace to make a start.

                      So today I plan on Day Two. I never used to like counting but now I realize it's so helpful. And keeping in mind the joy one feels when one has an AF day can carry this forward. But it is ODAT.
                      :welcome: - that's great news about yesterday and last night! Personally, I have found counting days to be helpful because it's one more thing I think about losing every time I'm tempted to drink. The day numbers are probably more motivating for some people, less for others. If it helps you even a bit, do it!
                      Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I think I'm beginning the hormonal changes, and yes, I too, am forgetful. I even forget stupid words - like i have a mental block for "cooler" or "remote" or whatever it is I need at the time. I'll just blankly stare and try hard to think of what word it is by envisioning it but to no avail. It's frustrating, but I know my mom is the same, so I guess that's ok.

                        Daisy, stay close, friend!

                        Learning, glad you're getting a plan together and made it to day 2. That's huge! Stay close to the nest and post lots and lots. Google youtube videos on alcohol and listen to what others have done to stop the insanity. Immerse yourself into recovery and getting better. And ask for help when you need it!

                        Ava, so proud of you dear! Happy 200!

                        Have a great AF Hump Day!!!
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi guys, i'm new to this forum, i'm only on day 3 so far but already feeling a lot better! I'm enjoying reading all of the forums!

                          Are there any meds that you would recommend? I've read about St John's Wart for anxiety and Baclofen to stop craving, does anyone know where to get them from in the UK or would you recommend anything else?

                          Thanks in advance!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Ava, congrats on your 200 days, gosh, that is really amazing! I'm so stinking proud of you! Keep up the great work!

                            Long day....
                            My friend had her procedure, I guess it was to determine if the thyroid cancer had penetrated her esophagus and airway. One of her vocal cords is virtually destroyed already, whatever this cancer is, it is VERY aggressive. The doctor said it didn't look as if the cancer had gone thru the lining. We were hoping he would go on to tell us that this should make it easier to do the other treatments, but he didn't say that...instead he started talking about 'quality of life' and such. Making her 'more comfortable'. Her 15 year old son was there (slightly autistic) so I feel as if he was keeping his young ears protected somewhat in what he said, he kept repeating that this was a VERY COMPLICATED case. He was going to confer with 3 other doctors and devise a treatment plan. I've had dozens of colonoscopies, various other procedures, been back in that little post op room with countless other friends and family....this is the first time the doctor wasn't optimistic or able to provide any ray of hope. We all sat there not knowing what to think or ask. So I guess we will wait until the next step which will be the surgery. They are going to call with that info. She is 56. I sat there thinking that her life is as good today as it is ever going to be. Before it's all over, she may lose her voice (tracheotomy) and have to try and talk thru the microphone thing. That just sucks.

                            I tell you, this alcohol thing we all share....if I can offer one bit of what I have learned.....GET QUIT AND STAY QUIT. Life is far too precious to waste another ounce of headspace or your relationships or your liver or anything else! There is NO good in AL, no matter how much it calls out to you tonight, resist it with all you've got. Let's not let AL claim any more of our lives! Start today! GET IT OUT! I can guarantee you, it will be the best decision you've ever made. It sure has been a game changer for me. Life slips away talking about doing it 'soon' or maybe tomorrow....the next thing you know another month has passed and we are just exactly where we were....stuck in addiction. Just do it. Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Words to live by Byrdie, thank you. So sorry about your friend.

                              albinomonkey - good to see you here! I don't know much about meds...some here do - but there a thread dedicated to the topic: it is called "Topamax, Campral, Baclofen and Other Medications" and it's about the 5th thread down under "Introduction and General Discussion" - there should be a lot of helpful information there I would think!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Sorry about your friend Byrdie,thanks for the post,yes life is too precious for us to waste on something so stupid
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

