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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Great idea Wag!!!!
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Nesters,

      Ava , greats and I agree it should be in toolbox.

      Byrdlady, I laughed when I read about your crazy dream ! But its great that your sub conscious has realized that you are allergic to AL so even in dream you were feeling guilty. I wonder I have a AL dream what it would be like! I was watching this talk about Al and the discussion about how brain works for addicts (link shared by no sugar) I saw they mentioned about how we alcoholics have these dreams. Some can be refreshing, some nightmares and some so intense that it may lead to replapse. Hmmm ..

      Take care
      Rewiring my brain ... done ...
      Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
      Rebooting ... done ...
      Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks for all the "welcome backs". Its great to be back here amongst like minded people and the strength and support is really going come in handy. Londoner, lets try and get to 90 days together then. That would be awesome and I feel if I got that far I really might have got over the desire to go back.

        Lost - thanks for the comments and good luck to you also.

        Day 3 today!
        I can beat this.
        Today is the day I start.
        1st September 2015.


          Newbies Nest

          Gee thanks Byrd that means a lot you saying that. Sometimes you just dont know if you are saying the right things but i always think the truth is the best option on this journey. If we cant be truthful here where can we be. Us alkies have lived a life of lies with regards to our addiction and being free of al makes life so much easier. So thank you. Wow Byrd you will use any excuse for a drink wont you, dogs, now that is different. Thankfully i have not had a drinking dream for months though as Lav says they serve a purpose of where we dont ever want to be again. So if you are ever in a bar and a bunch of dogs run everywhere your plan will be in place ha ha.

          Lost i have been watching your progress and congratulations on your tapering. I will be waiting for your day 1, proudly standing beside you.

          Thanks Nar, isnt it just great to wake everyday sober. Its funny but to me now, its normal and god i love being normal. I have had a couple of stressful days and at no stage did i think of having a wine to get me through and this makes my af journey so worthwhile, even my emotions are settling down.

          Today i went to my local shop on the way home and there had been a car accident so my drive turned into an hour and a half. One of my sons friends who works there said oh you so deserve a wine and in front of all the customers i said to him "i gave up drinking 7 months ago" and he said congratulations and a few other people said "well done". How good did that make me feel that i could honestly say in front of complete strangers that I did not drink. No shame, no embarrassment, just the truth.

          Daisy i had so many toilet moments, thinking how am i going to get out of here, cant i go straight to bed, wishing i was a bit more soberer. Sitting outside having drinks and the boys were getting me wines so i was getting really pissed and not moving so when i did get up i would fall over. Oh how classy was that. Luckily i still remember some parts of being drunk if i had not blacked out and luckily the children still quite happily remind me of awful drunken moments.

          Wag that is a great idea and sounds like fun also. My dogs hate fireworks too so i tend never to go out when an event is on. Mind you i was too happy sitting home drinking anyways! My maddy is doing ok, change routine with her tablets for her epilepsy and a visit to hospital next month for tests and teeth extraction. She is worth it as you know.

          Rahul, loving your posts and you sound so good. You have come a long way from when you first started on this journey.

          FF no "lets try", lets do, sounds so much more positive and keep it up. Im barracking for you two.

          Chero its good to remember the bad bits of al when you get an urge to drink. I remember what made this quit stick and what my life was becoming and there is no way in this world i ever want to be back there again. I always try and visualise what i was like drunk and its not a pretty visualisation.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Newbies Nest

            Gee thanks Byrd that means a lot you saying that. Sometimes you just dont know if you are saying the right things but i always think the truth is the best option on this journey. If we cant be truthful here where can we be. Us alkies have lived a life of lies with regards to our addiction and being free of al makes life so much easier. So thank you. Wow Byrd you will use any excuse for a drink wont you, dogs, now that is different. Thankfully i have not had a drinking dream for months though as Lav says they serve a purpose of where we dont ever want to be again. So if you are ever in a bar and a bunch of dogs run everywhere your plan will be in place ha ha.

            Lost i have been watching your progress and congratulations on your tapering. I will be waiting for your day 1, proudly standing beside you.

            Thanks Nar, isnt it just great to wake everyday sober. Its funny but to me now, its normal and god i love being normal. I have had a couple of stressful days and at no stage did i think of having a wine to get me through and this makes my af journey so worthwhile, even my emotions are settling down.

            Today i went to my local shop on the way home and there had been a car accident so my drive turned into an hour and a half. One of my sons friends who works there said oh you so deserve a wine and in front of all the customers i said to him "i gave up drinking 7 months ago" and he said congratulations and a few other people said "well done". How good did that make me feel that i could honestly say in front of complete strangers that I did not drink. No shame, no embarrassment, just the truth.

            Daisy i had so many toilet moments, thinking how am i going to get out of here, cant i go straight to bed, wishing i was a bit more soberer. Sitting outside having drinks and the boys were getting me wines so i was getting really pissed and not moving so when i did get up i would fall over. Oh how classy was that. Luckily i still remember some parts of being drunk if i had not blacked out and luckily the children still quite happily remind me of awful drunken moments.

            Wag that is a great idea and sounds like fun also. My dogs hate fireworks too so i tend never to go out when an event is on. Mind you i was too happy sitting home drinking anyways! My maddy is doing ok, change routine with her tablets for her epilepsy and a visit to hospital next month for tests and teeth extraction. She is worth it as you know.

            Rahul, loving your posts and you sound so good. You have come a long way from when you first started on this journey.

            FF no "lets try", lets do, sounds so much more positive and keep it up. Im barracking for you two.

            Chero its good to remember the bad bits of al when you get an urge to drink. I remember what made this quit stick and what my life was becoming and there is no way in this world i ever want to be back there again. I always try and visualise what i was like drunk and its not a pretty visualisation.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              So, back to day 1 checking in to be accountable on day 45...
              It is funny that I now have to check my days...
              Now to get back to doing everything like I did the first week......heading to the toolbox.....catch ye all laters....
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Newbies Nest

                Did not check in last night, had a bad one. While walking the dog I found out from a friend that another friend of our's 25 year old son committed sucide by shooting himself in the head. The young man grew up with my son. I just can't imagine how he must have been feeling to take his own life. I can't imagine how his parents feel who are the nicest people who did everything for their 2 sons. My heart hurts for the whole family.

                Need to catch up today and read the posts but I see my friend FF is back. Welcome back my friend. I am starting over again as well.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Dila;1675942 wrote: Did not check in last night, had a bad one. While walking the dog I found out from a friend that another friend of our's 25 year old son committed sucide by shooting himself in the head. The young man grew up with my son. I just can't imagine how he must have been feeling to take his own life. I can't imagine how his parents feel who are the nicest people who did everything for their 2 sons. My heart hurts for the whole family.

                  Need to catch up today and read the posts but I see my friend FF is back. Welcome back my friend. I am starting over again as well.
                  Oh Jeez!

                  That's terrible news, sending my prayers for all involved.

                  It's sad that this sort of thing happens regularly with young males. I'm 26 and can relate to this - it seems we feel that we are expected to be strong and cope with everything on our own. What goes on in our head is so different to what we portray for others in 'reality'.

                  We've had a few suicides in the area - one boy was friends with my friends - seemingly a happy boy with a lot going for him. Something needs to be done, as I believe it's one of the biggest killers of young men.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters,

                    It's overcast here this morning after a few thunder storms moved thru overnight.
                    But I slept well & I'm ready for my day. I'll never get tired of hangover-free mornings

                    Dila, sorry to hear about your friend's son. Some people just can't bring themselves to ask for help & that's sad. There's still a lot of misunderstanding & stigma associated with mental health issues.

                    On a lighter note, I wish everyone a great AF Thursday. Make it a good one!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Lavande;1675976 wrote: Good morning Nesters,

                      It's overcast here this morning after a few thunder storms moved thru overnight.
                      But I slept well & I'm ready for my day. I'll never get tired of hangover-free mornings

                      Hangover free is the best way to start the day, Lav!!
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Dila - I'm so sorry to hear about the young man who took his own life. Any loss is hard, but I think it's especially challenging under such circumstances. I went through something similar a few months ago when I long-time friend of mine took his own life. Please feel free to PM me or reach out here if I can be of any extra support at this difficult time.

                        Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of life of your friend's son. Terrible waste.

                          It isn't unlike alcoholism, tho. We KNOW when we drink we are slowly but surely doing the same thing to ourselves. Alcoholic drinking is self destructive in the very same way. I knew every single time I drank what I was doing to myself, but I didn't think I could stop. I found the tools to do that right here in this nest. Alcohol does not improve any situation no matter how sad it is. Hard as it is to believe, it actually makes it worse.

                          Wags, that is a great strategy for the holiday!! Planning ahead!!

                          Daisy, stay engaged here and keep reaching out to new folks as they fly in...helping others is the very best way to help ourselves! Keep that 45 days going! I want to see you busting all previous records. Gosh, to I remember the toilet Bob! (Bobbing on the toilet trying to sober up). It is humiliating. :flush:

                          I hope everyone has an easy day....stay glued in! XXOO, Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Dila, sorry to hear about the new of your neighbor's son. Always a shock to hear stories like that.

                            FF and Londoner, I'm glad you're back and ready to begin this journey again. Never stop tryin, as there will be a quit that sticks. I'm believing this is my sticking time.

                            Same forecast as Lav! Have a great day all.
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Dila, sorry to hear your awful news, but pleased to see you are back. This time we will succeed! Stay close.
                              I can beat this.
                              Today is the day I start.
                              1st September 2015.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Dila, that so sad, for such a young man. I work in a school with boys from 11-18. Such promise and future ahead for them. But I agree, mental health issues are difficult, especially once they are out of the 'safety net' of education/further education where there is a strong support network.

                                On brighter thing, nice day here today. Am in day 10, or 11....was listening to a meditation app last night and fell asleep. Would never have done that with a drink inside me, so things must be slowing up and recovery kicking in a bit.

                                Am going home to watch USA v Germany match later, should be a good one. Take care everyone. X

