Hello Nesters,
Thanks all for the support today is definitely a better day. Its the funk as well as back log of work which makes me like the way I was. Over the week will do something to feel better.
Today I went to a coffee shop and read a book it brought back some old memories of when I was on karlshrue, Germany. Year 2005 : I came for work. Work up in mor Ing alone in a hotel, did meditation, went to city for work by afternoon I sat at a coffee shop reading book alone with a glass of beer.
Today I was doing same thing in my home town except I was having coffee and chocolate mud cake.
I felt connected to myself as if thru time ... And I imagined how my life is Turing out to be different. At that time I was going feeling was the whole life is ahead, career ahead and never though how drinking alone could turn out to be such a big concern. Today I still have a whole life ahead but then there is also a whole lot of past. 0
Past with whole set of regret.
As I was reading the book "Dry - Augustin Burroughs" on my kindle, my mind was moving away from book and gpingg to the past which has a mixture of success (in professional life) and failures and regrets ( in personal life).
I just wonder just wonder for the sake of discussion if I has stopped drinking at those early years how my life could have been different. How having a cup of coffee at that cafe in karlshure instead of beer could have brought me to a different path in my life.
The cheque came and I came back to present going back to the book where the author too was re learning to live life, experience new emotions. I imagine future how great it woukd be with me being sober, how much I can still do more and better in my life. My health for example, with years offp drinking I have tortured my body, my liver and as I am now on path of recovery one thing that still needs improvement is my diet. Diet which still has lot of junk food and now has sugarry foods. Then excercise how much I can help my body recover.
There is so much to do so much to achieve, so many relationships what needs to be rebuilt. Soriety is the first step towards this big change there is LOT more I need to do. Lot more needs to be done so that I feel more responsible, more honest with myself more proud of myself.
I dont know what I just wrote but this it helps to share and it helps to introspect and plan a way ahead ...
Good night