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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks Lav and Hip for the encouragement. I do feel like I'm doing good now.

    Jolie so good to see you again. I was wondering how you are. Sounds like you are doing a great job.

    MG when we realise that we are making progress it gives us new incentive to keep going. You are doing so well. I'm so much better than this time last year or even six months ago. Its good.

    NoraC - I had the sugar craves as well earlier on. There are good posts on here about this very thing from others with more experience in it all. But as a little overview it seems that the sugar craves is our body trying to replace the sugar we used to have in the al but are now not getting. It isn't a good thing and we should be tryng not to have sugar. I haven't actually had any sugar craves for about three weeks and really surprise myself as I am not even the slightest bit interested in any sweet things. Normally I would be hoing into the ice cream and choccies, jelly beans at work etc. no sweet thing was safe. But nuh, don't want any of it.
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      Newbies Nest

      Normal drinkers

      Just wanted to add that I went and hung out at the party and brought my coke and I'm glad I got out and spent some time with some nice people-normal drinkers , and non drinkers, didn't feel the least bit pressured to drink by anyone, and didn't. I noticed the owner of the house-nice girl-was showing me all around and her renovations, etc. and she DIDNT BRING HER BEER with her while she was doing all this...just left it on the table.
      This tour took like 15 minutes!! That's what a normal drinker is, and its so not me!

      Haha just thought somebody would like that story.
      I ain't afraid of no ghost....


        Newbies Nest

        Hello everyone,
        The nest is busy tonight!
        Hippychick - thank you, I am proud of how I am doing so far - day 10 now nearly over and done! Well done to you too for not drinking last night.. its great you have friends also that dont drink much.
        Welcome back NoraC!
        MG - I know what you mean about smelling booze on other's breath - my ex turned up to pick up our son this morning, stinking of last night's booze.. its great that the tables have turned and HE now reeks of booze and not me! He has no 'hold' over me anymore! no more picking on me, now its him not restraining himself.. he wasn't drunk though so i let him take our son.. it's also great that you have non-drinking friends MG, as I have too now - a definate positive step in our journey.. we just cannot be friends with people who would encourage us to drink or get drunk around us.. we have to look out and after ourselves in this battle!
        take care all, and have a happy AF Sat night!
        Love K xx
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone and here's to a great weekend

          Katie B am delighted you are free of the hold your ex had on you, and the hold of al too. Well done, this is what it's all about.

          MG, well done; you sound so strong and determined. Love the beer on the table story. Yes I was always a real velcro girl with my drink:H

          Nora if it was possible to go into a sugar coated coma I did it the first week I was AF. I am day 18 now and still get cravings but not as badly. Really had to grit my teeth to cut down. Myself and the lovely Hippy Chick have been posting about this. We could set up a sugar free thread if you like?

          Jolie, you are doing a great job. Take care hon.

          HC, think i know that water you are taliking about. It has really tiny bubbles..must get some in.

          Lav sounds like you got a full workout with the toddler. Hope you got a great sleep..

          Mazzie, wishing you a successful saturday. Think of how great sunday will be when you wake up with victory

          Byrdlady, I know what you mean about the wine glass. I've been putting slimline tonic and ice and lemon in mine..lovely

          Big welcome to Coco-nut and Mrs Poodles. Have to say Coco, I love that word Fladoodle:H

          Hi Mama Bear Hope you are enjoying a happy weekend sis


            Newbies Nest

            Hello again all you lovely nesters. Just "woke up" from the CD's - I always have abit of a doze during them. Hope the message still gets thru!

            I can see it's day time in Australia.... hi KatieB you're sounding really strong. Good onya.
            Jolie - nice to hear from you. I have been wondering about you. I hope your parents are doing OK. You are doing a wonderful job. It must be hard to see your parents like that.
            Soph - I think I am on top of the sugar craving now. I think it is just boredom when I eat it now. How bout you?
            MG29 - glad you got back on the wagon as soon as you could. Like you said the worst thing would have been to go with it and just keep on drinking.
            Hi Maz, Nora, Lav and everyone else just waking up.
            I have to go watch my daughter in the pool so take care and will talk again tomorrow.

            Looking forward to an AF Saturday night - a huge change from a few months ago....
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              mg, funny about the host leaving the drink on the table. i would have first topped it up or maybe got a bigger glass and then probably have popped back to and urgent issue/loo/someone calling me etc etc etc for a top up. definately not a normal drinker
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Newbies Nest

                Hi All,

                Looks like it's all going good here.

                Cricket was cancelled today as it's too wet. Spent the day doing things with son - board games, dvd's and lots of snuggling! The air-con has been on to chill the house which gives us the excuse to have a duvet on us when we were watching the movies.

                No fancies today let alone cravings except for a cup of tea. I waited until son had gone to bed and am now here with my lovely hot cup of tea! Going to read for half an hour before bed.

                Son is away on camp next week and as hubby is still away, I have almost three days to myself. First things first...I am going to have a full body massage. Never had one before. I am feeling a bit fragile from all the training so I think I deserve one.

                Enjoy Sunday everyone xx


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello Everyone,
                  Well done Spam.. i'm pleased you made it through sat and kept yourself busy.. sounds like you had a lovely day with your son
                  I've just finished an 8 hour shift of work.. also about to read a book and go to bed..
                  Nite all, I hope you all have had a lovely and safe saturday.. looking forward to tomorrow and another AF day under the belt,
                  K xx
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning or evening everyone!

                    The Nest has really been hopping, that's great
                    The sun is shining, the air is warming and yes Jolie - I can see the grass in my yard again, Yay!!!!

                    NoraC congrats on your 3 AF weeks - terrific progress! Treat yourself to something nice this weekend!

                    MG, glad to hear there was no major damage done on your BD. Good for you!

                    KatieB, Spam, hope you are having a good night!

                    Hi Sophie & Spud, hope you are enjoying your day.

                    I'm aching to get outside & watch the snow melt
                    Have a great day!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning Nesties.....
                      Good to see you all
                      Have a great weekend....
                      Sorry so short,but just woke up and SLEEPY......
                      will check in later
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        Quick hello Nesters. I'm off to work for a few hours. Got so much to catch up on after my 2 week vacation. I get more done when I go in and I'm the only one there so this will help. Thanks for the sugar info - that explains alot. I thought I was going nuts. :H So, I will start avoiding sugar. Drat.
                        Well, we are babysitting our 9 (soon to be 10) year old, 6 year old great nieces and 4 year old great nephew this weekend. They should be here by the time I get home from work. :jumpin::yougo: We love them and love having them. But, they are moving to Louisiana in June (my Nephew is being stationed there :upset Our other great niece & great nephew are in Italy right now (Dad is stationed there for 18 months) and hopefully they will be spending the summer with us!
                        Ok - enough babbling from me. Great to see so many posting and everyone doing so well. I'll try to be back on later if I can get away from prying little eyes. :H
                        Have a great AF day!!!!!!
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          PS - I didn't know that it was possible to just leave your drink sitting somewhere & get up and walk around. Imagine that. This whole world has opened up. :H
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            Had Enough

                            Hi all, first post. I think I have again had with drinking too much or drinking period. I guess I am looking for some ideas to make me think more positive about not drinking. I do admit sometimes it seems fun, but it definitely has taken it's tole on me. I will go for several days without drinking and think, yeah this is better. Then wham, i am buying another case of beer. Then the next day I usually feel pretty bad, hungover, not always really bad, but maybe just all sluggish and not feeling like doing anything. It seems like if I would just take some time and keep going at it, I might just do it. I have done it before. I had quit for over 3 years and after a while i didn't care about drinking at all. But I started again and its been now about 3 years since I have started. I know today I am feeling kinda bad from drinking last night, and I definitely cannot look at even a beer commercial right now. Well I will keep coming in here, and give this a shot. Joe


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Joe
                              I know that sluggish yucky feeling all too well.
                              Welcome aboard
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Saturday afternoon everyone! Looking at all the post around here, it will be. :question2: Not that I mind but when are you no longer a Nester? Everyone have a good one! runningwind :hug:
                                The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)

