Still going strong...
6 days done and feeling good. I start a new teaching job tomorrow, and I am feeling much more calm than I normally would. I am prepared, but also just feel more calm because I feel more in control, I guess?
Thanks everyone for your replies, kind words and advice. It is very much appreciated. I was very surprised to see the volume of replies, and very touched :l
Just a few quick replies to points raised in relation to my post, arranged around theme:
Abstinence versus moderation:
A few people understandably commented on this - I deliberately haven't prescribed what my plan will be after a month. I know it is meant to be day by day but it also helps to tell myself it is just a month. It doesn't mean it won't be more - just gives me time to put off the decision in the here and now. I don't have a party planned for the first of August. The first thing I need to do is retrain my habituated brain that AL is the response at 5pm or to stress or celebration (yes, we are great at inventing reasons aren't we?).
Pavati and others - I agree that AL controls us, and Justin Vale's book really hammered that home for me - the notion that there aren't really normal drinkers. All drinkers exert some kind of control over how far they are going to go and while some have considerably more success with that than others, it still is on a moderate drinker's mind (can I still drive, will I be okay for work tomorrow, etc.). Allan Carr's book, which I am currently reading (great suggestions everyone, thanks!) also talks about it more as a spectrum. I think this would be more useful for those of us that for many years agonised over whether we had a problem, and took all those quizzes, asked ourselves all those questions. There's no magic place or volume where it is a problem - it is a problem for you if it is a problem for you. You just have to be willing and able to critically examine yourself and your relationship with alcohol to work that out.
My partner's drinking:
My partner and I are both drinkers - he is my height but skinnier than me and can drink less (but as I can drink a lot, that is not saying much!). He smokes heavily (I never have). For him they go hand in hand. For years, we have tried to cut down together. We did have that month free together in 2005 after having a big drunken argument that turned physical - neither of us was seriously hurt but it scared us enough to take a month off drinking. The physical fighting has not happened again, and we are both much better with our anger. The problem with stopping drinking is while we have had the odd night or two sober together, we tend to make a deal, shake on it, then one of us will slip and suggest a wine, and the other (not always but most of the time) will agree (if it's okay for him/her it's okay for me - let's start again tomorrow) and there we go again. What is worse for him is that it goes with smoking. I keep telling him not to be so hard on himself but he keeps trying to quit both at once, then when he cracks on smoking, he cracks on alcohol (I do not envy anyone who smokes). In other words, we enable each other. I have thought for some time if I could just do this myself, it might help encourage him. He is already saying he is inspired and ready to make a change, and just told me he is going to try not to drink tomorrow. In the meantime, I am doing my best not to nag him.
Cherokeer - your husband situation is not unfamiliar - I'm sure to many here. I am currently doing my best to contain my frustration and gently remind my partner "remember you are drinking and I'm not, so I don't find that funny/that is irritating", which he seems to respond to - perhaps he has not been as drunk this week as your husband was the other night night. I am actively trying not to make a big deal about his drinking because I am hoping if I give it time and set an example he will get here himself. There will be a limit to my patience though!
J-vo - you make excellent suggestions. I have been doing this but will keep doing so. You're right, they help a lot.
Ginger and Wagmore - volunteering is meant to be great as an antidote for depression. I am meeting someone at my local mission to set this up soon.
LIS: I smelled my partner's wine tonight (cheap, not a favourite but I'm not that discerning on a budget) and was not tempted - all it did was remind me of when I was a teenager and wondered what all the grownups saw in the stuff. Well done on your weekend!
To My Health - so good to hear from you, and glad you are here too. Interesting we have such similar ways of putting things! And yes, off to the Roll Call, for those who suggested it!
I know I haven't named everyone, but have read all your messages and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your honesty. That is why I am here.
:thanks: again!
Will post soon. TTBH xoxo