Hi everyone,
I'm still here, finished day 7, had the most amazing homemade Thai chicken salad for dinner that always makes me feel fresh, healthy and motivated. Partner still bought wine tonight, but I am continuing with the plan to focus on me. He and I are getting on well as normal, and we are talking about it openly and I am not pushing him. He is being so supportive of me I feel I can't let him down as well as myself, which is kind of weird since he is still drinking! But I'm not knocking the streak of motivation!
DD: I am so, so sorry to hear what you are going through. That is terrible to hear. I don't have much advice other than do what you can to look after yourself and if that means asking for more help than you already plan to, do it. You need all your strength to get through this.
Petrelhead: I am completely impressed, not just by your completion but by your time! I don't know a lot about this stuff but I do know that time is not that of an amateur runner. Well done! You are truly an inspiration. I never thought I would run but have become tempted in recent years - at the moment knee issues rule it out. You are a legend!
Icanwithoutacan: better to be back here than out there alone. Good luck for your new journey. You can't change the past, only the future, so don't bother dwelling on it except to learn from it

I know there are others here too - I hope you are all well.
Have a good MAE everyone (I am in Australia so for me it is evening).
TTBH xoxo