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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sleep well, Pav!:h
    I love that blog, by the way! She is a great writer and her posts are spot on-- I'm going back and reading them all!!


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning from Germany. I'm off to yoga this morning... getting in a good and sober start for the weekend. I'm feeling very grateful for my sobriety this morning. Although, I had an unfortunate accident with my golf bag last night so I have a slight black eye... doh. Can you believe I practiced ballet for 23 years, and now I'm more clumsy than ever??!! At least it was a sober accident.

      Tonight we are going to a 30th birthday party for my husband's cousin. I'm actually not worried about this party because my husband's family are not big drinkers, so it's perfectly acceptable to drink water, apfelschorle (apple juice and sparkling water), Coca Cola or alcohol-free bier. Now it's only the morning and my anxiety may increase as the day goes on, but I'm very surprised at myself that the anxiety has not started yet.

      Again, so grateful for sobriety and for all of YOU this morning. Reading all of the suggested blogs yesterday definitely helped, even so that is ALL I did yesterday. Eventually I do need to get off the couch and start exercising again (other than golf). But I figure it's worth it to be lazy if it keeps me sober.

      Much love and strength to you all this morning.
      Would you like you, if you met you?


        Newbies Nest

        not trying to bring down the party... but not one word from my mom about the Dr. appt. not one. And I know she gets them on her cell phone. Either she is too busy for me, finds it unimportant, or just doesn't give a chit. IDK...


          Newbies Nest

          I suppose only ppl who understand me know how important that is, and yes I want a wine or beer. And sorry to say I will prolly have one.




            Newbies Nest

            Happy to be checking in on day 60! I really did not think on day 1 that I was in a position to move forward AF.......was so stuck and in a bad so grateful for the straight, no-nonsense talking-to I got that day. We do bullshit ourselves and sometimes need someone to point out where we are going wrong.
            In 2 months I have calmed down, am more reasonable, more optomistic (not always, but I work it), brighter eyes, clearer skin, lost weight.......
            I exercise harder than before, a great help both with weight and moods.....
            People have noticed and that feels good....
            After a few quits, longest 67 and 82 (my 2 personal goals), this has been a toughish quit.....makes me appreciate it more because I am consciously working at it.
            For any of you doing well, try to stick with it.......
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              Daisy - great work on your 60 AF days!!!
              Stay BS free & keep going

              Sarah, everything you do you do by choice. If you want to move forward then you have to stop drinking AL. If you prefer to remain stuck in the same old rut then just keep drinking. Delaying your quit over & over get you nowhere. We all had a day 1 & survived to have a day 2, 3 & so on. You have nothing to fear - just have a little faith & give it a try. You already know your mother is not responsive to you, move on from those expectations too. I know it hurts but you have to help yourself along!

              Greetings to everyone. Sending wishes for a great AF Friday for everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone, back on the wagon and could use some pep talks to keep me going. Its been a hard go the last little bit, so many huge changes, trying to deal with family issues and keep my head about me has been harder then I thought. We have moved and were in our new home, Im away now from my main trigger but the stress over the last years have really taken their toll. I feel so fragile right now, Im just thankful I have a wonderful husband who is supportive. Anyway, Im back and plan to come here daily for support and in hopes maybe support you as well.


                  Newbies Nest

                  momofthree;1681376 wrote: Hi everyone, back on the wagon and could use some pep talks to keep me going.
                  Hi, Mom, I saw that you posted your Day One on the NN roll call. That's a great start. It gives you a goal - don't drink today so you can post tomorrow, and then make it a habit. I'm only on day 7, and my longest quit is just over 30 days. I feel like every quit before has brought me to this place where I will never drink again. I wanted to tell you that because only a week ago I was feeling hopeless. Just a few days of not drinking does wonders for your frame of mind. You just have to keep your head down and ride through any uncomfortable feelings. I know you've wanted this for a while. Make this your time! Let's do it together.
                  You had the power all along, my dear.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Kailey;1681393 wrote: Hi, Mom, I saw that you posted your Day One on the NN roll call. That's a great start. It gives you a goal - don't drink today so you can post tomorrow, and then make it a habit. I'm only on day 7, and my longest quit is just over 30 days. I feel like every quit before has brought me to this place where I will never drink again. I wanted to tell you that because only a week ago I was feeling hopeless. Just a few days of not drinking does wonders for your frame of mind. You just have to keep your head down and ride through any uncomfortable feelings. I know you've wanted this for a while. Make this your time! Let's do it together.
                    Thank you, I have wanted it for a very long time. Im tired of being a slave to alcohol. No one in my family deserves this, last thing I want is my children to have memories of a mother who drinks all the time. I wanted to be able to be counted on. The longest time Ive ever not drank is when I was pregnant, time to buckle down and get some days under my belt.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey MoT.

                      Stay strong. The first few days are tough. I know your body probably doesn't want it right now, but the best thing you can give it is sleep, regenerative exercise and quality nutrition.

                      Ask yourself what that drink is giving you in the long term when the thought pops into your head? What is it promising and what is it actually giving?

                      You can do this.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Londoner;1681406 wrote: Hey MoT.

                        Stay strong. The first few days are tough. I know your body probably doesn't want it right now, but the best thing you can give it is sleep, regenerative exercise and quality nutrition.

                        Ask yourself what that drink is giving you in the long term when the thought pops into your head? What is it promising and what is it actually giving?

                        You can do this.
                        I wish I could sleep whenever I wanted, and my children don't sleep through the night yet which makes it very difficult as well. Im going to start juicing again I think, there is lots of nutrition in there. Ive been trying as well to cut out Pepsi or anything other drink like that, I don't think I can give up my coffee, not with kids. Its a like a lifeline some mornings. And thank you for your kind words.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Juicing I'd definitely recommend. Easy way to get some nutrients in the body that are ready to be absorbed. Try some super shakes - some protein powder, fruit/veg, nuts and coconut water all blended up.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I love coconut water and drink it quite regularly, great stuff and much better for you then the Powerades and Gatorades out there. I do have some protein shakes, Shakeology, Ill start using that again as well and maybe get out and put the kids in the stroller and start walking and exercising again. A life style change is a must. Honestly, I don't know how I could do this if my husband wasn't so supportive, I told him this morning my plans and that Im using alcohol too much, even though he is no fool and knew already it felt good to communicate this to him.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good to see you Momma!

                              This juicing site may be of interest. I think it's a bit weight loss focused which may or may not be what you're after, but plenty of juicing recipes and info.


                              Best wishes on your journey. Have a gr8 weekend friend.

                              G bloke.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Newbies Nest

                                Wow, it's a big day around here!
                                Kailey, congratulations on your 7 days! Nesters, will you join me in a collective MOON?
                                This is for conquering every single day a week can throw at you! It's for kicking AL's arse for a full week! We are standing cheek to cheek on this path! GREAT JOB!!!

                                Daisy, Daisy, Daisy!!! It is with GREAT pride that I can award you this:
                                Great job on racking up this pair....of MONTHS! You have measured up in every way! You strapped yourself in to the nest and bounced around a little but hung in there like a real trouper! We are so proud of you and look forward to you busting your old records! Thank you for all you do here and all over the boards! We are so proud of you!

                                Mom, welcome back. We are so happy to have you here.

                                Life does get overwhelming at times, but I try to employ the very same principles that I did to get sober....take it a day at a time and make the best decisions as you go along. That's all we can do. Getting AL out of your life will 'miraculously' cure a lot of other things we thought were unrelated. Be sure to look outside of yourself on all that I mean try not to make today all about NOT drinking. Find other things to do that take your mind off what you can't do. Put the power of your mind to all that you CAN do. It makes a huge difference between struggling and thriving. Trust me on this one...I did it both ways, and turning it around is 1000 times easier. If you must walk uphill, know that you are doing it with friends right by your side, who understand and can joke and laugh with you all the way.

                                BTW, they are 34 LONGS! Have a great day everyone! Just because it's Friday don't mean nuthin. It's just another AF day! XO, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

