Kailey 7 days, very proud of you and you are sounding so positive, you are a great member to have on the boards. Dont ever ever run away girl and the days will keep on getting higher and higher.
Daisy wow is all i can say, i remember when you came on here again and it does not seem like that long ago. I am so proud of how far you have come and your positiveness to giving al the arse. Hugs and more hugs.
London i am so glad you are staying in this weekend, i think if you were my son, i would lock you in a cupboard for a few weeks and keep the key in a safe place but you are sounding good, keep on here. You can do this.
Welcome Mom and Pie. Byrd has checked you in so now you need to check in daily, twice daily if necessary. Doing this for me was a huge part of keeping sober, to be accountable on here, to not run away when i felt like a drink and to be honest. We need support and you could not get better support than on here. Those cravings/urges for al will hit you like a brick and out of the blue, al wants to win and al will do anything to get you to drink so please post on here and tell us. Remember there is strength in numbers.