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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    roxane;1685099 wrote: Sarah, you are biting hands and spitting out the offerings. IF that helps you....... You may run out of hands though before it does.
    Am I?

    Or, am I hoping that others see that AL addiction is more than what is perceived here?

    To me, I'm asking nothing but for help. I appreciate all the help I get. However, saying 'I am doing nothing' is hurtful...when I have shared my supposed 'progress' and my emotional situation.

    Surely, most share one or more of what I suffer from, and still had trouble with AL?

    To you it may seem I'm biting off me...I'm trying to save my life.


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters,

      Sarah, there's no point in becoming argumentative here. We have all been where you are - fearful of attempting to quit. If you're not ready, then you're not ready! It has to be your choice!
      Pick a quit date & just quit! You will soon see that your fears were baseless. The things we worry about simply do not happen because we stopped drinking. You will be amazed at how quickly your mind clears & how different your outlook becomes.

      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Tuesday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        You are hoping to eventually try a day af, meanwhile you say you have cut down, that is good. Mods threads would be better for you Sarah, you will be welcomed with open arms.


          Newbies Nest

          available;1685103 wrote: i will happily wait until you have a day 1 sarah, like you i am not going anywhere and each and everyday i am sober is a bonus. I, Sarah have advice to give as i have done the hard yards, so it is not my way, it is the way that mwo works in being accountable, not drinking, being af, posting, reading and not drinking. there are moderating threads for moderators and there are threads for everything really. NN is to help those that are stopping drinking and are wracking up af days.

          You can put me down as much as you like Sarah, i have tried to help you, i have tried to give you advice and every word has really not helped you at all. You can be as aggressive to me as much as you want but i have become af, i have listened to the fellow nesters and i made my plan and i stopped drinking. I have been on here for 3 years and i stopped and started, moderated, you name it i did it and only when i knew i was truly ready to give it my best shot and commit to being honest and stop lying to myself about al then i could truly move forward in being sober and start posting regularly on here.

          I also have a few mwoers that i have the privilege to help on the path of being sober and i dont think they would agree that it is MY WAY in being and keeping sober. I too could give you their emails so you could see how successful in their quest is to being af.

          Actions always speak louder than words.

          I apologise nesters for this banter in advance.

          i was not trying to bash you or put you down. PLEASE understand that. I guess I just need someone to understand ME? Does that make sense?

          I apologize if I hurt your feelings, but plz understand some of what you said hurt mine.

          I have been trying Ava. I have not stopped but I went from roughly 10 drinks a day to I am here, and got L-Glut and devised an initial plan. It's not like I'm avoiding it all. Can we at least agree on that part?

          But someone to say I'm not trying is very hurtful to me...regardless of my success. Make sense?




            Newbies Nest

            It's a step towards success, it is not success in itself.


              Newbies Nest

              Sarah the frustration is here because you have been saying you are doing this and doing that (reading the book, devising your plan, etc) for weeks now. It is not clear when you feel you will be ready - yesterday you said tomorrow you would have the awful drink which will be your last. So that tomorrow is now today! Are you going to do it?


                Newbies Nest

                rox- never claimed it was. Gonna get some sleep if I can...gnight.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Wearywino;1685088 wrote:
                  I have set up my own blog (just made my day two post) and have set up a Twitter account @wearywino and am now in touch with lots of other people on the sobriety path - and of course I am coming here too. This all sounds excessive - it probably is (it certainly takes up a lot of time! time I would otherwise be spending drinking :H) - but I feel really accountable to everyone who is in this with me now. If I fail this time, I'm not only letting myself down - but all of the lovely people who are rooting for me too. I now pray that I never have to eat my hat!! :H
                  Weary, I don't think that is excessive at all. I spent hours on here each day for a few months. I still check in at least twice a day. I figure that I gained at least 4 hours a day of "drinking time". Add to that all the time I no longer spend acquiring wine and disposing of the evidence and all the time I don't have too much of a headache to do much, and that must be another couple of hours. I get frustrated with people who are struggling to quit but don't feel like they have the time to make a commitment to their sobriety. If you're going to use a forum such as this or a blog (or both ), you've got to engage with others by reading and posting. And that does take quite a bit of time, especially at the beginning. It looks like you're doing that really well. This is my favorite blog on Wordpress at the moment:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning, Nesters!
                    Nobody appreciates a good debate more than I do (especially when it involves moderating!). In all honesty, I got mad at Lav many times. She hurt my feelings more than once. Why? Because you can't bullshit a bullshitter...and that's what I was doing. She knew that I was screwing around with this and she called me on it. I called her every name in the book back then...SHE didn't understand ME! MY situation was different! Truth was, if I had listened to her from Day 1, I'd have had a LOT fewer Day 1's. Trust me, you only want 1 Day 1!!! Ava got PO'd at me, and so it goes. SOBER is the goal and it's a lot like being are or you aren't. Around here, the middle ground is quicksand. Having been there, I can tell you it sucks. The sooner you grab a rope and pull yourself out, the EASIER things are going to get. I promise!! AL is what is making us sink! Let it go and you will rise to the top!

                    Wearywino, great job!! Rinse and Repeat!!
                    Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie

                    PS, my opinion of Lav has evolved....she went to 'just not getting it' to SaintHood! I love that woman!! She is on my Life's Top 10 list.
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello All. Like many of you i have been on and off of here for years. i think i joined 2009, when my daughter was just 2 years old, and i realized i was going down a path that i really didnt want to go down.. Well, she is now going on 7 I also have a son, he is going to be 10 this year and in health class last year he starting learning about all the ill effects of drug and alcohol use/addiction. I also smoke cigarettes.. I'm no longer able to hide my abuse, they are with me day and night.. Very unhappily married, staying for kids? not so sure as i used to be that thats a good idea..

                      i see alot of familiar names on the newbies nest, and i have fluttered in and out over the years and fell out of the nest more times than i can count. It seems each of us comes in and out as we hit our new bottoms.. my most recent bottom is the horrible cravings i get earlier and earlier each day.. it used to be 5 or so, nowdays i get buggy around 230 3pm....i can feel the progressive nature of my addiction pulling me in deeper and deeper, i typically drink at least 2 bottles of wine per night. I went a couple days where i fooled myself into thinking i could moderate and then last night wham.. went thru 2 4 packs of Chardonnay ponies, and then dove into the bottle of Irish Rose from the garage, where i knew DH had it stashed, and couple beers... I know when the kids wake up , they are going to say . Mom you were crazy last night.. it happens way too often.. and yesterday afternoon my son said to me , Mom please dont be crazy, and i said i won't and i did anyway without meaning to at all.. Thanks to all new and old for your support.. I was posting last week on the "upteenth quit" thread. Ginger , Lizann, Daevid, Chief, Tipper aka sober soul and Daisy45 were on there, maybe they are on here also....there are alot of threads


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Whitemarshmom,
                        I remember you and I joined in 2009 too, so don't worry there are lots of us who keep trying
                        I'm managing this time by having a really good plan that I am sticking to and listening to all the wise ones here at MWO.
                        After the kids are in bed, spend some time reading and getting together a plan..
                        Take care


                          Newbies Nest

                          whitemarshmom;1685153 wrote: I know when the kids wake up , they are going to say . Mom you were crazy last night.. it happens way too often.. and yesterday afternoon my son said to me , Mom please dont be crazy, and i said i won't and i did anyway without meaning to at all..
                          Whitemarsh :l been there, done that....most of us will be okay, I promise. Please just stick close and like everyone says, just follow the advice of the oldies (Lav, Byrdy, NS)

                          At work right now and gotta go... Back later



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lavande;1685113 wrote:
                            Pick a quit date & just quit! You will soon see that your fears were baseless. The things we worry about simply do not happen because we stopped drinking. You will be amazed at how quickly your mind clears & how different your outlook becomes.

                            Right on, Lav! Pick today, even!!!!

                            I am only on day 4 and feel SO MUCH BETTER already.



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hiya, WMM, There are a lot of threads! At first I got a little overwhelmed because I was trying to follow too many. I still read a lot of different ones (not moderaton though - doesn't work for me) but I only post on a few. It's easier for me that way. This is a great place to settle in. I've been where you are with your kids. I'm so glad that you see the need to quit while they are still so young. Quit for you and it will benefit them. Do this! With MWO's help you can.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Nesters,

                                It rained today. Seoul is a boring place OK ... I found bangkok to be more interesting !

                                In any case heading to Taiwan tomorrow ...
                                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                                Rebooting ... done ...
                                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...

