Thanks for the warm and welcoming posts. I am going to stay close.. Question? How do i pick a date? I have to travel to FL for work next week for 3 nights and i really like to have some wine and the being alone in a hotel room makes it so easy, and possible withdrawals really scares me ( ok, so that thought just popped in my head while i was typing

Peppersnow-yes to AA scenes , always smoking and drinking coffee.. Smoking goes hand and hand for me with wine.. i dont do one without the other.. I ran out for a 4 pack of pony chardonnnay about 5 pm, backed up with some beers while putting my daughters training wheels on her bike (the old ones rusted and broke) went for a walk, while kids road their bikes played with the dog and kids. Woke up, feel okay, remember everything from last night, i even had some dreams, weird ones but still...
Jvo the embarrassment of my behavior and seeing my sons face in the morning, the cringe i feel when i know he is going to say. mom, you were um a little crazy last night, and then i apologize and hug him and tell him its not his fault not at all. mommy is sick and i have to fix it and i do... and i feel good about last night.. just gave him a hug good morning and wasnt afraid he would say. mom, you were um a little crazy last night
