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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks for the warm and welcoming posts. I am going to stay close.. Question? How do i pick a date? I have to travel to FL for work next week for 3 nights and i really like to have some wine and the being alone in a hotel room makes it so easy, and possible withdrawals really scares me ( ok, so that thought just popped in my head while i was typing I was thinking the 3 nights im away could be the best time to try and stop and then that insidious thought just came to mind..) I could work out and swim in the pool i mean its Miami

    Peppersnow-yes to AA scenes , always smoking and drinking coffee.. Smoking goes hand and hand for me with wine.. i dont do one without the other.. I ran out for a 4 pack of pony chardonnnay about 5 pm, backed up with some beers while putting my daughters training wheels on her bike (the old ones rusted and broke) went for a walk, while kids road their bikes played with the dog and kids. Woke up, feel okay, remember everything from last night, i even had some dreams, weird ones but still...

    Jvo the embarrassment of my behavior and seeing my sons face in the morning, the cringe i feel when i know he is going to say. mom, you were um a little crazy last night, and then i apologize and hug him and tell him its not his fault not at all. mommy is sick and i have to fix it and i do... and i feel good about last night.. just gave him a hug good morning and wasnt afraid he would say. mom, you were um a little crazy last night let me bottle that up! and drink in that good feeling when i want to drink wine..)


      Newbies Nest

      KENSHO;1685497 wrote: The site was unavailable for most of yesterday, for about 10 hours. Seems to bet getting worse. I do wonder some days if I will log in and see a screen saying it is shut down? This is support I would miss!
      Maybe if everyone records problems with logging in, freezing, etc. in one place, we could make them clear to the administrators: I don't think they read the threads so don't know how pervasive this is.

      whitemarshmom;1685500 wrote:
      I was thinking the 3 nights im away could be the best time to try and stop and then that insidious thought just came to mind..)
      Today would be even better - just get it over with. But if you won't do that, then the time away might work - you'll be out of your normal environment, you won't be responsible for anyone other than yourself, you can go to bed as early as you want, take long walks -- whatever gets you through.


        Newbies Nest

        whitemarshmom;1685500 wrote: Thanks for the warm and welcoming posts. I am going to stay close.. Question? How do i pick a date? I have to travel to FL for work next week for 3 nights and i really like to have some wine and the being alone in a hotel room makes it so easy, and possible withdrawals really scares me ( ok, so that thought just popped in my head while i was typing I was thinking the 3 nights im away could be the best time to try and stop and then that insidious thought just came to mind..) I could work out and swim in the pool i mean its Miami
        WMM - I asked the same question last week. When do I quit, when is a good date to start. I thought - I have a lunch date with a friend, it's my birthday, I have a work function in a couple of days. Then I started to think further ahead, we have a big family party coming up next month and I have a ?250 jeroboam of Moet which has been sitting in the cupboard for over a year waiting to celebrate. I am travelling business class to the US in September (work is paying!) and I was really looking forward to free champagne on my trip etc etc etc.

        Then I realised that thinking this way and looking at all of the 'obstacles' I would never find the perfect quit day. The most important thing for me was to make a good plan (which I think I have achieved!) I am on Day 3 today - today is my birthday and my gift to myself is finally my commitment to sobriety. I suggest you spend a couple of days working out a plan for yourself and then just do it. Maybe next week away from home - in a different environment with pools and a fitness centre to enjoy is the perfect time to start. Good luck and stay with us all here :h
        Finally planning for success


          Newbies Nest

          Wearywino;1685503 wrote: Then I realised that thinking this way and looking at all of the 'obstacles' I would never find the perfect quit day.
          I think you're right, Weary:

          Happy Birthday! On my first sober birthday, which was at ~ 6 mo AF, I was so happy not to be once again saying, "I swear I'm going to have stopped drinking by age XX". I had done that for years and finally it was true!


            Newbies Nest

            Morning, Nesters!
            WhiteMM, I have heard others say that starting on a vacation or some other outing different from your regular routine is a very good time to start because you are out of whack anyway. Please don't let the 'withdrawal' thing scare many of us don't have any of those other than feeling tired and run down. I like what NS said...there is NO day like today. I started on a Tuesday, it was a great time to begin a new life. There will always be excuses to put it off...a birthday, a wedding shower, a family gathering...THE HOLIDAYS, so just do it, get Day 1 knocked out and you will be glad you did! Those holidays are just around the corner so you want all the sober time in you can get before those hit! You will be getting your 100 day prize right around Thanksgiving!!! DO IT! You will never be sorry!

            Hitting the road today for my friend's memorial service tonight. If this had been 4 years ago, there is no way I would be out driving tonight...somehow I would have had to try and connive someone else into driving for me. Gosh, all that planning and sneaking is just exhausting....her service is at 7:30, and by that time of night I would have already been toast. UGG. I am SO GLAD I'M SOBER!!! Don't' waste one more day of your precious life on this crap!!! This addiction sucks and the only way to get out of it is to break the cycle. Just DO IT!!! No matter what! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              NoSugar;1685504 wrote: I think you're right, Weary:

              Happy Birthday! On my first sober birthday, which was at ~ 6 mo AF, I was so happy not to be once again saying, "I swear I'm going to have stopped drinking by age XX". I had done that for years and finally it was true!
              I just read your post NoSugar and wish I had seen that before when I was having my wonderings and doubts - or maybe it's good that I finally worked it out for myself. Thank you for the birthday wishes!! :l
              Finally planning for success


                Newbies Nest

                Happy Birthday !!! and Congratulations on day 3 WearyWino! - I just read your post about passing out in the kitchen while making dinner , and your daughter sitting next to you for hours.. CHILLS are running thru my body and not just once but repeatedly. How Terrifying for you and and your children..
                Many of your posts say you wish you could turn back the clock and stop drinking when your children were as young as mine, i must take that advice and stop now and become the mom that i know my children deserve! I am going to set my date for MONDAY JULY 28... it will be my 1st night away from home. Thank you all! I am going to read thru the rest of the posts and respond.. so many wonderful loving :hhelpful people here


                  Newbies Nest

                  That's how strong addiction is. No matter how much we love our kids and would do anything for them, addiction always wins. It's sad but true. We have to break that addiction before we can be the people we really are.

                  WMM, happy birthday, and that would be the best gift your could give yourself - a commitment to sobriety. You'll feel this gift daily forever.

                  Byrdie, have a safe trip and thoughts with you today.

                  Pav, I'm glad you had a good night with gf! Was thinking about that as i had dinner with a few HS friends. It went well. They're not big drinkers - isn't it funny how so many people aren't big drinkers, but those that are, we can spot them from miles away!

                  Have a good day.
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrd Lady

                    I am sorry to hear about your friend... I get what you mean about getting someone else to drive for you, Been there done that soooo many times. One time when i was travelling to FL for work, last year, i got so drunk on the plane, i knew i couldnt drive my rental car , so i grabbed a cab to the hotel and had to have someone from the office come and pick me up at my hotel and then drive me to the airport later to pick up my rental. How Embarrassing!


                      Newbies Nest

                      I love the idea of Thanksgiving ish being 100 days.. if i start now..
                      Its Wearys Birthday. Happy Birthday!

                      have you all been able to quit just using MWO? or have you been to AA? outpatient?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just a thought..... Last night (my time) I posted day 80 for myself. I remember 75 days ago looking at the roll call and thinking my number was so small and that I'd never rack up double digit days. BUT.... Here I am 80 days sober and my life has changed so much because of it. If you are new at this and looking at your first days, stay strong, stick to your plan, if you don't have one, make one now, read and post at the very least daily. I've been on 5 trips since my quit date (some with connectivity, some without) and things have been shaky here and there but I always knew you guys were out there and you had my back.

                        For all you newbies - WE HAVE YOUR BACK! We can do this together. We deserve a healthy AL free life. Our families deserve it too. Stay close and take back your life! Love you guys.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Wearywino - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :bday3: :notes:

                          - That's so great that you had such a good and different time with your friend. Everything sounds like it was wonderful! Great job changing that time together to include some new and healthy activities.
                          Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy Birthday, Weary!!

                            WhiteMM, at a company convention, I fell into a ditch of water in my cocktail dress. I had tiny blades of grass all over me and had to go to the bathroom and try to dry off under those hand dryers. I could have died of embarrassment (but it STILL didn't stop me). UGG. B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              100 days at Thanksgiving, wouldn't that feel wonderful!

                              AL with children - the thing I regret most. My kids (8 & 4) regularly play games where they make me food, and they always ask me what I want to drink: IPA, wine or margaritas. They learn so fast... Has anyone discussed the drinking topic with their kids, or have you just let your actions show them what place AL should have in life?

                              Also, I need to start thinking about this. My husband and I, along with three friends do an annual bike-n-brew tour near our house. We live in an area rich in microbreweries. We bike 16 miles in one day, stopping at breweries, and ending at a reservoir near home to go for a late night swim. It's been on the calendar for most of the summer now - two weeks away (NOTE: I DID NOT PLAN MY QUIT AROUND THIS). I feel very positive about not drinking while at home and during most normal activities, but this one centers around beer. The biking and socializing is very fun - but I'm trying to figure out how to be the one NOT drinking ALL DAY. I know I'll miss it some, but I worry most about "being the ONE not drinking"... I worry about how others will feel. Someday I will have no problem just saying "I don't drink", and others will just know this about me. But this is new and none of them will expect it. Hmmmmm.....This is the part I feel the most uncomfortable with: how to ease back into social culture with this change.

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Newbies Nest

                                :bday1: Happy Birthday, Weary :l

                                WMM, I think the first day of your out of town meeting sounds PERFECT, if you don't want to do it before-hand. I have always found it helpful to start a good quit on a day when I don't have all the usual challenges. Pamper yourself and enjoy being able to eat out and have some time just for yourself. Maybe you will have some time at night to do some inspirational reading. Get really motivated about this, WMM. You can do it!

                                Ken, please don't worry about what others think, or what kind of excuses you will have. They may not even notice, and if they do, they shouldn't even care. It's your business. If you must come up with an excuse, use the old standby about being on medication. I have used "hot flashes" as an excuse, but with kids as young as yours, that one may not fly for you! Believe me, a sober bike a thon will be a lot more fun and you will feel so much better the next day!

                                Hope everyone is having a great day. Mine is better today.



                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

