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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    sarah at the end of the day the only one you are hurting is yourself. Not me, i will keep on doing what i am doing whether you approve of me or not or what you say about me. I have walked the walk and i will keep on walking it. Mind you, i could have used a drink the other night after your tirade. Dont try just do. We on the nest can only do so much for people and if they dont want to help themselves well we will move onto someone who does. If you do stop drinking tomorrow then great but if you then say your day was so stressful you just had to drink then why bother. 1 af day does not cut it every 4 or so months. No one on this site has died from giving up drinking for more than one day.

    Pepper a great post thanks for that. my brother died of liver cirrohsis and it was terrible to see him after he had died. So very yellow. Still didnt stop me from drinking for 4 more years though.

    Kensho i dont think anyone ever said to me i dont drink that much, i knew and was in denial for years. Now i have flashbacks of what i was like and its scary and keeps me on the straight and narrow.

    Well i have made it to mums for 4 days and the weather is fantastic compared to melbourne and she is having a wine and i am having a coke and coffee. no cravings for having a wine and i even got her a wine. how times have changed for the better.

    i look forward to you posting sarah on your day 1 in roll call tomorrow and then hitting the repeat button to continue on with not drinking.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Morning everyone, back on Day 2, but its better then Day 0. Feeling determined again! I've been doing a lot of reading on my mother issues and actually so has my husband and we've found some pretty interesting things and ways to cope with it. It's actually a disorder and there are forums for people living with mothers or fathers like this. It was helpful and actually very therapeutic. The rest of the night was very nice, it's very very nice having someone like I have on your side and only wanting to help as your mental wellbeing is important to them. I feel blessed. Anyway, sorry to ramble. Today I'm going to pick up some vintage furniture pieces and give them new life. I love repurposing old ugly furniture and making them pretty and functional again. Great hobby, and people buy the pieces after I'm done.


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters & Happy Friday

        Getting ready to spend another fun day with my daughter & granddaughter. This is only possible because I choose to break free of addictions nearly 5 1/2 years ago. I am so grateful I made the right choice!

        Choose wisely today everyone
        Have a great AF Friday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          I looked beer right in the face last night (mu hubs abandoned it on the kitchen table), and said no. I am up early working, and feeling so grateful for it! It wasn't the AL I needed, it was sleep. So glad I decided to get some of that instead!! Hindsight is a great thing to remember!

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Newbies Nest

            Byrdlady;1686044 wrote: Darn, I was sure I posted today but I dont see it? Reminds me of the old days! :H

            Glad that funeral is over. It gave us all some good closure. Karen's som and brother want to bring her ashes to the beach and scatter them in the ocean. So I will help with that when the time comes.

            Glad to be home....trying to catch up!!! Hang in there,everyone!
            Ava, statistically speaking, flying after there has been a mishap is the SAFEST time to fly! You will be fine!!!

            Hugs to all! Byrdie
            Ok, so I came back to my regular computer this morning and found the post I thought I wrote...unsent! Holy moly....I need to get my head out of my arse.

            I totally understand the family triggers. I was telling a friend last night that 4 hours of actual time with my family sent me home with an hour's worth of lunch conversation with hubs about them! My family is NUTS!!!

            Sarah, no apologies needed, like Ava said. It is hard to penetrate that barrier that AL provides...I hope you are beginning to 'hear' the hands that are grabbing down to help you out of the rabbit hole! I am so excited for your Day 1 today! We will be around to talk you thru it. Sometime back we had a nester that checked in every hour those first few days, believe me, nobody minds that!! It helps all of us realize the tight chokehold AL has. We are happy to help and that's why we come here! You won't need luck today, so I won't wish you that....luck has nothing to do with it! You WILL get thru this day AF! Take the choice off the table! It really helps!

            Kensho, it is so good to see you sorting thru the mess that is addiction. The seas really do begin to part and the way becomes easier to navigate. Hang in there!!! So proud of you!!

            It's the weekend...remember Friday is JUST anotha day!! What we deserve is to feel great about our lives and ourselves! NOT drinking is the reward!!!! Hugs to all, Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              We're cheering you on, Sarah! No excuses!!!!! Come to the site often today and everyday to stay sober. Like Ava said, just don't drink. Find distractions. Don't have any Al in the house. Do you have other options to pour into your glass? Reread the toolbox today if you can. Keep yourself as busy as a bee. It can be done when we throw out those excuses. You have support here.
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Newbies Nest

                Pepper, Thank you for that informative post! I had no idea! That knowledge is great ammunition to keep me on the straight and narrow!

                Sarah42;1686096 wrote:
                So after reading everyone's posts...I figure this is the best time to try for another day 1...maybe more cause I have something that could be taken away from me if I continue drinking.

                ...just gonna do it.
                So Happy for you Sarah! You will not be sorry!

                Ava, so glad you made it to mums "safe and sound". Enjoy!!:beach:

                Love you guys!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello and Good Morning

                  Wow, lots of posts to catch up on.. I love being part of this nest! Thanks to you all for your support, as i stated yesterday I am excited to begin carrying out my plan on July 28th. I made a quit day since i will be traveling on business and away from the stressors of home, I am packing my workout clothes and will be going from work right back to my hotel, there are a couple restaurants within walking distance, Having this quit day in my mind has given me a free for all attitude though unfortunately.. i am still excited for whats ahead and i know i can do this, Thanksgiving will be 100 days.. I am trying to figure out where i am going to spend Thanksgiving. I really need a plan to get out of this poisonous home life, but after i begin my AF Journey.. One thing at a time

                  Star Thank you! i dont think anyone has ever said to me "im proud of you" Choking back tears as i type I looked up chuff on google, its british for delighted and or quite pleased.
                  I am proud of you! Day 6! what an accomplishment!

                  I am proud of everyone on here for making it day 1 AF and even further !

                  Kensho Your posts are inspiring. ive watched you from day 1 Great Job making it past the cravings and telling the newbies, it really is better on the other side. I am becoming a believer! Thank you. as many others have stated I could have written that list of the reasons i drink too much

                  i feel like we are all holding hands crossing a bridge, some are scared or slower than others, I am feeling something i havent in a long time, Hope and Faith because of all of you :h Your willingness to keep picking people up even when they fall, the world is a better place because of all of you!

                  Daevid AWESOME job on day 4! I am so glad to see you in the nest.. You are DOING IT!

                  Pepper great sobering post about liver functions etc my functions came back high on 2 out of 4 liver tests. I need to schedule an US.. I keep putting it off and or work is too busy, kids are sick yadda yadda. I'l be out of town next week Mon thru Thurs, when i come back football practice will be every night mon thru friday. thats going to help keep me out of the wine bottle and is all part of my plan..! Hugs to All have a wonderful AF day!


                    Newbies Nest

                    It is my distinct honor to show my arse for a very special lady!!
                    Starfish, your moon!

                    7 Full days!! Wootie Hooooooot! Congratulations on this feat, no butts about it!! We are all so happy for you! Keep up the streak! XXOOO, B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      YAY STAR! Love the Moon! :goodjob:


                        Newbies Nest

                        whitemarshmom;1686236 wrote:
                        i feel like we are all holding hands crossing a bridge, some are scared or slower than others, I am feeling something i havent in a long time, Hope and Faith because of all of you :h
                        Hey, WMM, I felt like I was on a bridge, too, but not one that I was walking across. I was standing in the middle, looking over the edge and I saw people in the AF water below. Some of them were flailing around and some were swimming in a very determined way. Many others appeared to be helping those that were struggling. Several were just floating along on comfy rafts, talking and laughing with one another, having a good old time.

                        I wasn't at all sure about what I was getting into and didn't know how to swim in that AF river but I just jumped in. The water was brutally cold and I didn't think I was going to be able to stand it but some of the people helped me, I learned how to swim that way, and now I get to hang out on those rafts sometimes. And the water doesn't seem cold at all anymore - like most things in life, you can get used to it if you give it time.

                        I'm glad you're planning to take that leap, too, but I hope you don't drink like a maniac this weekend in anticipation. For one thing, you'll feel all the worse on Monday and for another, alcohol can kill us at any time. Don't take that chance now that you're on the cusp of beginning your new life.

                        I hope you really jump in, too, Sarah. There are rafts down here for you but we can't help you if you stay up there on the bridge.

                        Well, that's about enough of this metaphor .



                          Newbies Nest

                          Got this quote from a friend yesterday, and I really liked it:

                          Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

                          For me, it feels like this captures a lot of what I'm trying to do in life right now. Just thought I'd share in case it resonates with anyone else.
                          Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I think it is fear that stops us from becoming AF, Wags. Why else would people put up with such an incredible level of misery? And I have not heard one person say it was as bad as they feared. The pain was so much less and the rewards so much greater than I was able to comprehend.

                            If you're debating about whether to go for it, please, please, please believe us that it is not nearly as hard as you think it will be - why would we lie?


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wow, Wags Great post! Everything you want is on the other side of fear resonates with raw emotion Why am i crying everytime i read posts today.?. I don't feel numb today, i feel exposed . Maybe because i am finally being honest with myself, by being so open and honest with all of you, and watching all your success and the kindest words my ears have heard in a very very long time. ( Other than the sweet things my children might occassionally say lol but usually its a request for something) lol. ie Cover me up, get my pillow , im hungry.. and of course i love you

                              No sugar, i really like the metaphor with the bridge and the water and rafts and the water being cold at 1st.... the rafts , people struggling others, helping.. I'll be reading and rereading
                              i wont be drinking like a maniac, just my normal or below normal.. Im nervous about all the liver posts and the fact that my dr asked me to get an US, lots of water today! Getting my hair done tonight for my trip, must whiten teeth , i have no shoes that the dog hasnt gotten ahold this weeeknd


                                Newbies Nest


                                For the moon, Byrdie and P.P

                                :l WMM. Like NS says, just keep your head straight over the weekend and start practicing a new way of thinking. It's all going to be good!



                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

