Thanks NS!
I will read the article. You are very kind to find it!
You are quite a night owl! (we're in the same time zone). Everyone laughs at me for how early I go to bed when I can. Have you always had that kind of rhythm? Anyway, I hope you get enough sleep and another thing, I found going to bed a great way to escape from cravings in the early days.
You might be surprised about those tremors if you give yourself enough time without alcohol. Even if it turns out that AL isn't the cause, high doses might greatly exacerbate, not suppress, the symptoms.
I read this article about it: Daily Boozing Can Double Risk Of Involuntary (essential) Tremor In Later Life - Medical News Today and was struck by the concluding paragraph:
Please stick with this, Sarah, even though the first several days will be rough. The sober you will be able to deal with all the other stuff of life so much better.
Congratulations to your son for earning the scholarship - that is a great accomplisment!
All the best, NS