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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    And Byrdie, that post of yours is in my personal toolbox - I read it over and over in the early days. Thanks for all you do...

    Lav- That was a brilliant list you posted.

    Ava - Those small victories add up to one big WAHOO. xo


      Newbies Nest

      Time for bed! Home from practice, dropped the friends of my kids off, got a pizza and now we are home... no AL in the house, watching rest of ravens game with kids , then off to bed! i am quite uptight as kids argue incessantly! i did turn my head as we drove by the liquor store, im pretty sure they were still open briefly considered drinking the water out of the recycling bin GROSS! and GAG i thought better of it Thank God!.. Happy AF day 1! Thanks for all your support!!

      I can- How are you doing? You asked earlier about the pony bottles.. they are 4 packs of wine (i preferred Chardonnay) 1 4 pk is the equivalent of 1 bottle of wine.. so 2 4 pks is 2 bottles of wine and i had been drinking 8 pony bottles a night and smoking a pck of cigs. i have had some cigs tonight but able to stay away from AL.. Good night all , Hugs! and THANK YOU!


        Newbies Nest

        Congratulations!!!! WWM....I'm also heading to bed....sober for the first time in weeks. Hope to sleep as I toss incessantly when drinking. Hugs


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters & welcome back to the returnees!

          Please stick around everyone, at least long enough to reach your goals. You will never be sorry
          I have had a wonderful week with my daughter & granddaughter visiting even though I'm limping around on a sore foot! Look at all I would be missing if I was still hugging a wine bottle!

          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            WMM and Ican- I can so relate to both of you! BTW- I wish there was a 'like' button so many wonderful posts over the last 2 days. ESp Byrdie, Lav, Ava, Pat!!

            WMM and Ican- I'm with ya! (I HOPE!) A day behind you cause I some AL tonight, but I hope I can accomplish another Day 1 and string together at least 7 days, BUT as Byrdie always says...just ONE day at a time. I totally need to just think that way. It's not easy, esp with football, and other life events going on, but I'm going to try.

            I should stop saying "hope" but "I WILL"....I have alot of brain re-conditioning to do!!

            Love you all,



              Newbies Nest

              Sarah42;1691014 wrote:

              I should stop saying "hope" but "I WILL"

              - As I was reading your post, I was thinking this same thing - SO glad to see you say it yourself! For me, this was really a huge key to getting AF days under my belt. I just mentally made AL non-negotiable. Then, when something came along that triggered me, I would think "Crap - I used to drink when this happened, but since I don't drink now, I guess I'm going to have to deal with it, cope differently, etc - I don't drink, so that isn't even an option."

              It isn't easy to do this - in fact, it's really hard, especially in the early days - but it does get easier as those coping skills develop and get stronger. Every time I coped with something without drinking, I would be (and still am) so freakin' PROUD of myself for choosing differently. It's such a great feeling.

              You CAN do this, just like Ican and WMM can too. :l to you all.
              Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters & TGIF

                What does everyone have planned for this weekend?
                Let's all be sure to plan to succeed

                Wishing everyone a great AF Friday.

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning everyone! My hubby had a few days off so we filled it with unpacking, painting the house and taking the kids out swimming and shopping. Fun and exhausting! Have to tire out this two year old, she is the cutest little firecracker. I love the new word for bad these days, its *busy*...hah. Whatever you want to call it, were exhausted at the end of the day.

                  The last couple days I have had some really heavy thoughts of drinking and it was hard, it was hard not to go get a bottle to relax and unwind. I had to talk to my husband about it, the urges were really strong and I was starting to glamorize it again. Nice dreamy pictures of me in the tub with a glass of red, and if I could just stop at that it would be just that vision but I cant. I would drink it till its gone. I had moments getting mad at myself that I couldn't even drink normally, and that I couldn't drink again. It was a good but a turmoil few days.


                    Newbies Nest

                    I never had any glamorous thoughts of me being a drunk. I always remember the falling over, the blacking out, the anxiety, depression, guilt, remorse and shame. that keeps me away from drinking Mom. Turn those thoughts around to what you were really like. I remember the photos taken of me drunk with my eyes nearly always closed and a stupid look on my face or i look at those photos and cringe. Luckily that is not us anymore.

                    Remember Mom al does not relax us or unwind us, you only think it does. I am much more relaxed drinking a cup of tea than i ever was drinking, it just took me awhile to get to that stage.

                    Enjoy your children, make the most of every minute being sober with them, i was not as bad as i got to in their early years thank god but they remember me very well as a drunk in their teenage years.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      Great job, everyone!
                      Momo3, I'm like Ava, a nice glass of wine sitting by my bubblebath with candles isn't how I drank. I bet it isn't how you drank either. See that little mermaid on the right in your avatar? Imagine that's me in my closet turning up a hidden bottle of wine and drinking in gulps. THAT'S how I drank. There is nothing romantic about the drunk I was.

                      Sturdy up for plans for the weekend! Friday is just another day, not an excuse to drink. You don't reward an alkie with a drink! Keep it going, STARVE the BEAST or he will eat you up! Hang in! No matter what! You CAN outfox a craving! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        I'm in a rented condo and last night opened the utility closet for the first time this week and what did I find but a previous tenant's empty vodka bottle. That is how most of us really drank - hanging out with the vacuum and cleaning supplies. Not very romantic at all.


                          Newbies Nest

                          I know, it always starts off nice then turns into blackouts, tears, what not and self loathing in the morning and for a couple days after that. Theyre just thoughts, and I know I don't have to act out on them. I can control going and buying alcohol, it is within my power. I just hate the mental part of it. Im not getting and physical withdraws its all in my head.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I know what you mean....I wished I could take my brain out, rinse it off good and put it back in. It IS all a mind game, but YOU can win it. You just have to let it know who's boss. You are NOT listening to the crap are LARGE and in CHARGE! B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              The mental withdrawals are the hardest to deal with, they hit at any time and will try and get you to waiver in your resolve to drink. Its like trying to slay a dragon as far as those mental cravings go and it takes pure determination and perseverance to keep saying no to them. They do eventually settle down to return at any time, some small thing can set them off and its up to us to fight them with all we have. I sometimes thought if i just gave in life would be so much better and easier but i didnt and i am forever grateful for coming on here so i could get help.

                              Well NS a previous alky in your room, im glad it was not you hiding the vodka bottle. We are a cunning bunch though us alkies.

                              I never had a bubble bath Byrd always afraid i would drown as i was drunk or fall out of the bath and break a bone. Nothing glamorous about me having a bath and i always had to call on one of the kids to help me out. Oh dear!
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                They really are, you can have the fight going on in your head for hours. Justifying why you should have a drink, fighting against it as to why you shouldn't. Its exhausting! Im happy I didn't pick up the drink, I know I wont go get any today because I have made other plans that I intend to follow through on and they involve the kids. Thanks everyone, I really needed to hear those words and read them over again and let them sink in. Im glad I checked in.

