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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi there, I've already got a thread here, detailing last week's foolproof tapering plan which led to a rebound, a seizure, and a course of sedatives.

    I'm now on day 2, with no significant withdrawals, thanks to the Librium. I was very lucky to get it, as I'd been told before my another doctor that there was almost no chance it would be prescribed to somebody with my history of relapses followed by medical attention but God was smiling on me that day.

    I'm fine today, little sleepy, but content. I have an image of my sober self which has been implanted in my head for months. This may sound slightly unrealistic and even a bit arrogant but I see success, smart clothes, the respect from my peers I once had, and the ability to make things right. and maybe a first-class honours degree in Politics and Business, still well within my grasp and almost essential for the future I plan to embark on.

    The sacrifices I am making pale in comparison to the rewards I could receive.

    I don't know if anybody else had this 'syndrome' here, but for a while, when I was quite heavily on the pish, I was put off by recovered alcoholics telling me how great their lives were. As I don't socialise with many people in this situation, I was a little freaked out, thinking about 'drinking the kool-aid' and being 'brainwashed' by groups like AA, but now I know exactly where they're coming from: Life can be great anyway, but when you're losing so much of it to a proper drinking habit then the good times pass you by.

    Sorry to rant, it'd be a bonus if anyone found this interesting but a part of it's written just for myself, as a reminder, almost a log. In my phone I have a list of people I admire: Some are family, some are friends, some are just characters from films and television...may sound strange but as Machiavelli said, the great become great through the deeds of those before them.

    Anyway, thanks.



      Newbies Nest

      Congrats PIE on 30 Days!!! Woohoo!
      WMM, you can do this, you have to really work hard through the thoughts and the cravings, the mental crap of this is really quite horrible. I'm thankful I don't suffer with any physical withdraws, the mental portion is more then enough.
      So far I've gone 17 days now, I have surpassed my last time of 13 days and I'm feeling pretty good about myself this morning. Looking forward to hitting the 30 day mark. I'll have a time the end of this month when my cousin comes to visit and expects me to go out drinking with her like old times. But, they are 'old times' for a reason. She's going though a tough patch in her marriage, I'm very happy in my relationship so not only do I not want to drink but I also don't want to go to the bars and put myself in situations that I really don't even need to be in. So, this will be a No for me. I'm all for eating though! I love good food, a nice table of sushi would be great!
      Today is yard sale today and play basketball with the kids, we just picked up a new ball and we will shoot some hoops. Im going to make a chocolate cake because I really want one...hah.
      I hope everyone has a nice weekend plan and a good plan on keeping away from the booze. Anything you have to do to keep it out of your hands, even go blow all your money on something you've always wanted then buy AL.


        Newbies Nest

        Oh Pie congratulations that is so good to see. I am so damn proud of you and i totally get the "feel like its xmas" feeling. I just shook my head in amazement that it was ME that had achieved those days. From the Pie who started to where you are now is a wonderful achievement. Thank you for making me smile today on your 30 days.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          X post NezzaBoy... I couldn't stand either listening to recovering alcoholics or smokers, I could feel my mind drift off and block them out while they talked. That was when I considered myself a normal drinker. Now, after many years of trying to quit and knowing I'm not any longer, it hits home and I can completely relate to where they're coming from.


            Newbies Nest

            Welcome Nezza and a great plan to start with. I can tell you that being 8 months sober that i would highly recommend it. it has taken hard work and dedication and total committment to become af and the rewards are fantastic. I can look in the mirror and like the person staring back, i can communicate better, i dont have anxiety or depression or guilt or shame. I am living how i should have lived 20 years ago. People tell me how happy i sound and i am happy and i am proud to be sober. you will never ever regret not drinking. Rant away that is what we are here for to help you and i do know if it was not for MWO i would not have had the courage or commitment to be af. This is my AA, this is my home to come to when times are rough as i know no one will judge me.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              Morning, Nest:

              Way to go, Pie! I know that feeling of excitement like Christmas - they keep coming and coming at all of the big milestones. We have a tradition here in the nest of a 30 day speech if you're so inclined. What got you this far, and what are your tips and advice for the new newbies?

              Mom, so happy that you surpassed your former longest. Mothering gets so much better without alcohol in the mix. More patience, more presence. As for the cousin - someone here (Ava? J-Vo?) was expected to be at a night of drinks with an old drinking buddy the first month. I remember anxiety about it and then a decision to not go. It is hard to let down people, but until you get your strength, you need to protect your quit no matter what. Sometimes drinking buddies have a stake in seeing us drink again (I say sometimes because I have plenty of supportive drinking buddies), because they won't have to face their own demons.

              Nezza - Welcome to the nest, a wonderful place to get and stay sober. Hang tight, read, read, read.

              Kensho - glad you told your husband. I have a friend who quit and when someone asks her if it is forever, she says "forever is a long time..." Not that she's hedging her bets, but one day at a time...

              Sarah - Stay close, and good on you for using MWO to keep you sober. You can vacuum all day on day two!

              Happy Sober Saturday! I'm off to meet friends for a walk and brunch - well rested and happily un-hungover.



                Newbies Nest

                Thanks folks, great to receive such a welcome so soon.

                I've detoxed 1000 times over the last year or so, basically since I realised my drinking way a serious issue. I did everything right except the after-care, which is what I plan to achieve this time.

                This forum's a great help, many times I'd leave the odd AA meeting that I deigned to attend and think 'Jaysus I need a drink'. Going to explore the other available options. Till my systems clean, I'm sticking with sedation, hydration, and motivation.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Had 1 day AF , failed miserably yesterday.. back at it today though. i most likely wont be online starting tomorrow and next week we are leaving for camping.. Have a great week all!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Wow, lots going on here!
                    First things first, AWARDS!!
                    Pie, you've got some crust!
                    It's with great pleasure that I present this small token of a huge job!
                    Your hat!

                    I used up all of my geometry analogies on Roll Call (painful, I know) but I'd be obtuse if I didn't mention how acutely we are aware of your presence. You have made such a wonderful addition to MWO and the nest in particular. We are so stinking proud of you we are perpendicular!! As Pav said, it is tradition to ask for a speech to mark the occasion! Well done, Pie....keep rolling out the days!

                    Wagmore, look at you, checking in with 100 days! Here's our One Fingered Salute to mark the occasion: The Bird!
                    Thank you for all you contribute site-wide! Your Wagmore Welcome Wagon to newcomers is amazing! You always greet the new folks coming in! MWO is a better place with you in it!! Well done!!

                    Nezza, sometime back, one of our members did a study about the success rate of those folks who posted vs those who lurked and it was quite a correlation between the ones who posted more than once a day and their successful sobriety! So post! It is good in every way, it gets it out of your head... if you are thinking it, someone else is, too....and it gives you a record of your own progress! It is never selfish to post about what is on your mind as it relates to AL! We are so glad you're here! We have lots of success in this little place!!

                    Sarah, GREAT JOB on gettin' Er Done!!!! Day 1 down and dusted (housecleaning joke). Today's job is to rinse and repeat!! We are so proud of you!!!

                    WMM, Lav told me to do something that I resisted for a long time. In fact, I thought it was ridiculous (of course it is, to an alkie!) She said to make a vow to buy no more AL. What a simple concept. When I got SERIOUS about my quit, I finally listened to this. I know that in many cases, AL is available to us without our buying it, but in MY case, about 80% of the time, I BOUGHT IT. When I vowed to myself to buy NO MORE, it was a game changer. I have not spent one dime on AL since Jan 19, 2011. The AL industry will make 0 dollars on this alkie. I will not contribute to their profits. That last time I quit, I had to make my sobriety my #1 priority...ABOVE ALL ELSE. I HAD to make this quit stick, so I got serious and I started listening to folks who blazed the trial ahead (LAV). I had to stop repeating the same things I had been my heart of hearts, I KNEW what I was doing wrong, after all, I'd been here over a year and had read all the stuff. I just needed to DO it. You have all the tools, just put them into place and make a vow. Take the choice to drink OFF the table. Adopt a ZERO TOLERANCE policy! It will work! We are beside you all the way!

                    Lost Soul, Darkest Diamond, where are you? Hope all is well!!!

                    Pav, thanks for telling us how to download those podcasts, I can't wait to check them out!

                    Have an easy day, everyone! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Brydie, I am here. Back at it again, going to stay sober but for some reason, I am not convinced I can do it. I feel like a fraud, like I am full of sh*t. How many more times do I have to start at Day 1? I drank yesterday, so here I am again, trying to fight the depression and sadness from a relationship that just ended and feeling ever so lonely. I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin-- I want to be sober, I wish I liked myself enough to believe I can do it.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Lost, I am so sorry for your loss....but you are about to take on a brand new, healthy relationship,,,,the one with YOU! I believe you can do it! I KNOW you can do it. All you gotta do is get thru THIS day. :l. B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks for the congrats everyone. I'm super excited about this 100 days, and I totally get Pie's comment about it feeling like a kid on xmas.

                          Pie - CONGRATS to you on your 30 days, especially with it being such a milestone considering the past 30 years. Awesome!!!

                          Lost - Sorry to hear about the end of your relationship - that can be very hard. I understand what you're saying about feeling like a fraud. I felt that way too at the beginning. I was definitely in "fake it til you make it" mode. I'm not well-versed about the Law of Attraction, but there is something about this that says your brain responds accordingly when you "act as if" you already had something or as if something were already true. Hang in there, keep going, and I believe you will feel more and more authentic as you get more AF days and experiences under your belt.

                          Nezza - Welcome! Your awareness of the importance of after-care is spot on and will help you. Develop and plan (check the tool box) and then work the plan. We're here to help you so post often and use MWO for all it's worth.

                          - Congrats on reaching 17 days and surpassing your previous 13-day mark. You SHOULD feel good about yourself!

                          - :l Back in the saddle today - good job. I hope you have a great AF camping trip.
                          Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Feeling like I will drink tonight, but I promised I will check in first so here goes ....
                            Checking in on day 3.... Aggravated by my OCD which is attacking my marriage for some reason (only those with OCD will prob understand that
                            Wish desperately I could wash my brain like Byrdie says
                            Thanks, All!


                              Newbies Nest

                              the amount of times i wanted to take myself off and put it in a cupboard......... metaphorically of course.

                              it is a struggle ican, you know that. well done for coming here to post. delay that thought, write it down and then read it back, its silly isnt it? thats not you, its the al voice whining.


                                Newbies Nest

                                what time is it where you are? can you go to bed with a book? i found that if i was having those thoughts, just moving away from where i was thinking them and did something, anything really helped.

