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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Byrdie, surely there's a special hat for 1,300 days! Wonder what it looks like?



      Newbies Nest

      Congrats Byrdie- 1300 is an incredible and motivational #. Great Job!
      “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



        Newbies Nest

        Congratulations, Byrdie! I bet there are 1300 people who are thankful for YOU!


          Newbies Nest

          :goodtime:CONGRATS BIRDIE!! :threesome:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning! I am more tired than I feel I should be, but it's so nice NOT waking up with a hangover!

            I have a reward to myself this Friday for 10 days, and am looking forward to that. I also find myself looking forward to my cleanse coming up - this time without AL. It's so amazing that I would spend money, time and discomfort to "cleanse" my system, and drink all the way through it.

            Hang in there RAHUL & Everyone. I've noticed that folks that have stuck this out go through challenging points, but the challenge always passes, and those who don't drink always feel one million times better than those who do. AL is just not a solution for anything - at all. Just tell that voice to shut up!

            I will not drink today, no matter what. I am grateful to be sober. Just today. :h

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Newbies Nest

              Morning everyone,
              Woke up with a bit of anxiety, I know I have to push through this as it is only Day 3. I am practicing gratitude and plan on starting a new thread where everyone can share 3 things they are grateful for each day. Because as they say, a grateful heart will never drink. So despite the knots in my stomach, light headache and fatigue this AM, I will say, today I am grateful for:
              1. My new job and the wonderful people I get to work with each day
              2. MWO, the incredible support system and community here
              3. I am most grateful for my decision to get sober


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdie congrats on your 1300 days!!!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  also great job Kensho and Lostsoul...
                  “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                    Newbies Nest

                    What is the reason for being so tired in early sobriety?

                    Also, does the recovery process really start completely over after one drink? Is day-1 the same for someone who has drank the past 30 days straight, vs. someone who had 27 of those 30 days sober, but drank 3 different days during that time (no, not a math problem...)??

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Kensho,

                      I think the body and brain go into repair mode after we quit and that is part of the reason for feeling tired. I read on here just to treat as you would a minor cold: hydrate, plenty of sleep, nutritious food, vitamins if you choose and generally take it easy. Light excercise or stretching if you are inclined.

                      On your second question you will not find any hard and fast rule. Personally, I count consecutive AF days for myself. Many do. For a person who was previously drinking daily to do 27 out of 30 days AF is a great thing! I like to put my chips on the table. Al might be a tough opponent but I'm not bluffing.
                      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                      AF 11/12/11


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thank you Pinecone. I am just impatient. I will appreciate the gains so far and let the bod heal. I'm definitely counting consecutive, but was hoping the previous strings of AF would lessen the tired. Patience has never been something I'm good at.

                        I'm feeling my conviction waver a bit today. Day 6 has been my hard one. AL voice gets sneaky, always finding SOME way to weasel into my sub-conscious. Really, if there's a devil, this is how he'd manipulate. Today it's "you were never a two-bottle-a-night gal, you didn't really have a problem". SO, I'm going to make this list yet again, OUT LOUD. I had a problem with AL even though I didn't drink two bottles a night:

                        The reasons I was a problem drinker:
                        1. I thought about it ALL the time
                        2. I wanted it EVERY night, and started drinking at 2 in the afternoon - and drank for ANY reason (stress, reward, anger, boredom, celebration, blue sky, headache...)
                        3. I woke up every night at 3:00, feeling terrible
                        4. I woke every morning sluggish and tired
                        5. One drink was disappointing, two was not enough and by 3-4 I felt like shit (I would grab shots right before getting in bed - what a stupid thing to do!)
                        6. I had a terrible memory
                        7. I was grumpy and distanced myself from others so me & AL could be by ourselves
                        8. I was setting myself up for health consequences
                        9. I hid bottles and sneaked drinks - and sometimes chugged right from the bottle in front of my kids
                        10. I was worried about AL breath
                        11. I was not clean and clear and felt imprisioned by this lifestyle
                        12. I looked forward to my evening drinks more than the birds singing, the warm sun on my face, my book, reading to my kids or talking to my hubs. It was the most important thing in my day (what a shitty companion)
                        13. I wanted to cut down for years and couldn't
                        14. I saw two different AL counselors to help me quit (they both were terrible and in months, offered a fraction of what I learned here in one day)
                        15. I felt guilty and out of control, as I couldn't stop
                        16. My husband finally said I had a problem - and he didn't know how much I REALLY drank
                        17. I was getting worse and would have become a two-bottle-a-night gal.
                        18. I am finding relief without it.
                        19. Can't forget my "aha" moment: ladies talking about a particular (and tasty sounding) drink recipe and I suddenly realized I would not drink it like them - I would gulp it and get another and then sneak more AL at home, and not even remember what it tasted like. And then I would have repeated it the next night. And the next. And the next. THAT's not how normal people drink.

                        I will not drink today, no matter what. I am grateful to be sober. F'off AL. I will not lose this day to you.

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Lost just ride those thoughts out. I was very anxious also but nothing compared to what i was when i was drinking. i took xanax for anxiety when i was drinking and was finding that i was taking it daily as my drinking was out of control although i would never have blamed my anxiety on drinking. God forbid i had every excuse and none of it revolved around al. This will pass, i have very little anxiety now and those pills sit in my bag where they belong. Life is so much better on the sober side.

                          Off to work i go, sober and happy at 6.45am. Nothing is worth a hangover, no amount of discomfort from withdrawal is worth drinking, i know that now.

                          Oh Byrd, that would be me if i drank, the world would not end and i would be back to day 1. ha ha
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Newbies Nest

                            SF- Nicely done on 30 days...that is certainly nothing to sneeze at...congrats
                            “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrdlady;1692109 wrote:

                              However if I knew the world was going to end in 12 hours and blew my quit, with my luck it wouldn't end and there I'd be! :H:H:H
                              You are funny!!! xo
                              AF since 1st Sep 2012
                              NF since 1st Sep 2012

                              If you want to feel better visit


                                Newbies Nest

                                Soft Focus, 30 days is an outstanding milestone in our world!!! GREAT JOB!!!
                                Here's your hat!

                                Of all the head gear we accumulate in life, I hope this one stays in your closet for eternity....each stitch was put in place by you. Every moment of its assembly were done by making your thoughts of NOT drinking, stronger than your ones to cave in. We are so proud of you! Now onwards to that flying underwear at 150 days!! BTW, my date would be a whole year sooner if I'd gotten my head out of my arse. So don't feel bad, you are on board now and that's all that matters!!! Well done!

                                Kensho, Let me go back and find my Day 6 post....hang on.

                                Here it is!! (from 1/26/11)

                                Well, I'm not a cussing woman, but I have 2 things to say: Day 6 was a Bit__! I kept making deals with myself. Then I heard Jolie..."Besides, what's 1 glass of wine going to do for me?" Thank God for those words. I finally had to tell my brain to shut the ____ up!

                                NewO, Jolie and I started a year ago almost to the day....trying to moderate and moving right back to the wrong place and worse on top. I could have a date at the bottom of my postings saying AF 1/31/10 but I WASTED a year making those deals with myself that I could moderate. I've had it with me. This time, my date is going to stick! 1/20/11.

                                Up to here with AL!
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

