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    Newbies Nest

    Cherokeer;1692439 wrote: Morning Nesters, Hope everyone has a great AL free day. Had a nasty virus and have been sicker than a dog the last few days. Whew! Glad that is over. Couldn't even read, only post my days. They rack up quickly. Jonesing for that 90 mark.

    Funny how if I don't read my alcoholic brain starts trying to seduce me into thinking AL wasn't so bad. I just shake my head Like a dog shaking off water and tell it too shut the f@#$! up. Are You crazy, you asshole brain? Remember this and remember that because I sure do. Back in your cage, beast.

    The husband wants to start camping with the extended family. I really don't, everyone drinks the whole time. I feel guilty if I say no, because why should my problem ruin everyone else's fun. But I know I will be absolutely miserable
    the whole time. It's late nights of drunken so called fun to anyone who is drinking and a lame-ASS circus show to those that aren't. I'm not sure what I am going to do. Hoping
    the husband forgets about it because I already have enough guilt to start my own religion. I really don't want another brick on the pile.
    This is a great post.
    I hope you won't mind if we dissect diagramming a sentence! I took course once on 'reading between the lines' where someone who broke the law was asked to write out what happened. It is amazing once you start looking at it, what you are able to deduce from their words.

    In your post, I see a number of things that cause me to say something. I can't tell you the number of people I have seen fall because of these dam camping I did a search on our site here and there is page after page of people WITH THE BEST INTENTIONS getting sucked in to drinking on one of these trips....there are 10 posts per page and COUNTLESS pages. I think I have only seen 2 people survive a camping trip like you describe.
    I have bolded a couple things above.
    Being without your support makes Dick Head active. Unless your camping includes free wifi, you will be without your support strength for this outing.
    You say that your husband wants to START this tradition...if it isn't a tradition yet, sit him down and talk to him about this. Men aren't mind readers on a good day (sorry, guys!)...and when it comes to THIS, they are really clueless. It is up to US to tell THEM what they need to do to help us be successful. Remember MY hubs gave me an ultimatum, him or AL, yet he STILL offered me booze after I quit!!!! WHY? They just want us to be fixed. They don't understand what addiction is about....that's where YOU come in. You gotta tell them that you are likely to say that having just ONE glass is ok...but it is not. Tell him it's just like on tv, where the addict gets a fix and one drink will lead you to relapse. I am a salesperson by trade, and I know if I talked long enough to my hubs I could convince him I'd be ok to have one every now and I've told him to NEVER believe those words coming from me. Now when we are out and about, he helps me...he's got my back. When people start pressuring me to have just one, I see the concern in his face. I'm able to fend them off, but he doesn't like seeing that happen to me. We usually leave shortly after. As a sober person, why would I want to immerse myself in a group who is doing something that I cannot safely do? I also would not go rock climbing...I'm afraid of heights! I don't go to an all you can eat buffet if I'm trying to drop a few pounds. I certainly wouldn't go on a camping trip when I knew it was going to be a pressure-filled booze fest. If hubs wants to go camping, maybe you and HE can go?
    Finally, HOPE is not a strategy. Hoping that hubs will forget about is nice and all that, but probably not likely. I found out early on that hoping this would go away just didn't happen. I had to PLAN my way thru all of these things. I am old enough now that I just am not going to participate in things that will derail my quit. I don't hang out in bars. I don't throw wine tastings. I don't hang out with heavy drinkers....I CAN'T! As LiL Beagle so eloquently stated (please put that post in the Tool Box), this quit is my baby....and I've got her back. I will protect it the very best of my ability. I do what I have to do to keep it intact. My quit is my #1 priority.

    Sit down with your husband and explain your situation. Better yet, do a search on this forum like I did and you will see how many times this has played out. Most people get pressured into drinking. ALL of them regret it.

    Hope everyone has an easy day! Kensho, I found that I never had 2 hard days in a row, so hopefully, your day today will be easier! Maybe this will help!

    Congratulations on 7 days!!! GREAT JOB!!! Keep your streak going and shine on! The worst is behind you!!!
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Chero - I agree - follow your instincts and protect your quit. The camping doesn't sound fun at all based on what you described. I think you already know what you want to do - and we definitely support you!

      Petrel - Glad to see you back and to hear you're going AF again - excellent decision!

      - Good job resisting that little voice yesterday. Al is really a trickster. It sometimes make me think of that old Saturday Night Live sketch with Chevy Chase as the Land Shark:

      (From wikipedia):

      The sketch depicted the Land Shark (voiced by Chevy Chase) attacking several people after knocking on their doors, pretending to be repairmen, door-to-door salesmen, and the like. Once the intended victim opens the door, the Land Shark quickly enters and swallows them. The sketch is typified by the following exchange:[4]

      [Scene: Interior. A New York City apartment. There is a knock at the door.]

      Woman: [speaking through closed door] Yes?
      Voice: (mumbling) Mrs. Arlsburgerhhh?
      Woman: Who?
      Voice: (mumbling) Mrs. Johannesburrrr?
      Woman: Who is it?
      Voice: [pause] Flowers.
      Woman: Flowers for whom?
      Voice: [long pause] Plumber, ma'am.
      Woman: I don't need a plumber. You're that clever shark, aren't you?
      Voice: [pause] Candygram.
      Woman: Candygram, my foot! You get out of here before I call the police! You're the shark, and you know it!
      Voice: Wait. I-I'm only a dolphin, ma'am.
      Woman: A dolphin? Well... Okay. [opens door]

      [Huge latex and foam-rubber shark head lunges through open door, chomps down on woman's head, and drags her out of the apartment, as Jaws attack music plays.]

      Al is not a dolphin, a plumber, a candygram, flower delivery, or anything else pleasant it pretends to be. It's a shark and it will devour us if we open the door.
      Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


        Newbies Nest

        Congrats on 7 days Kensho. Welcome back jvo, Petrel

        Prayers out to Robin and his family. He was a genius and legend
        “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



          Newbies Nest

          Congrats on Day 7 Kensho!!!! Don't go camping yet.....It was a beach trip that did me in this time and I was at 180 days!!!!
          Little Beagle, love your post.
 1300. I typed a long post on that day thanking you for all your help and then lost the dang thing
          Today is Day 1...I will NOT drink today because I don't want to feel like THIS tomorrow.


            Newbies Nest

            Why does camping have to involve alcohol? The booze just makes the stars blurrier and the sleep WORSE, if that's possible.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Newbies Nest

              Excellent Post Little Beagle! Is that in the toolbox? If not, it should be.:l

              Lost Soul, I went to AA several years ago. Everyone is different, but I didn't find it was for me. What I like about MWO is that you can do this on your own time. It's always here for you. Truthfully, just like any diet, it'll work if you stick with it. It's all in what you prefer and works well for your schedule and your beliefs. MWO will work if you listen to the successful people, read lots and lots. Successful people log onto this site daily, no matter what. Do what the successful people tell you to do, fake it till you make it, and have your plan for sobriety.
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Newbies Nest

                I am reminded today that even in the hours I wasn't drinking, I was still totally in AL's grasp - lusting for it, scheming about how to get it, and feeling foggy, toxic and slow. Though I didn't drink every waking hour, it took ALL of my time. What a waste :exclaimation:

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Newbies Nest

                  KENSHO;1692554 wrote: I am reminded today that even in the hours I wasn't drinking, I was still totally in AL's grasp - lusting for it, scheming about how to get it, and feeling foggy, toxic and slow. Though I didn't drink every waking hour, it took ALL of my time. What a waste :exclaimation:
                  Kensho- Not a waste. The waste would have been spending it drinking (I struggled the whole weekend rearranging my life around AL). Side note on this ice cream theme being passed aroud ( I saw a few references that had milkshakes here, as well as the ice cream poem being crafted in another thread)...It works. Never been a huge ice cream fan, but get some good stuff and I don't remember AL for a bit after..My wife bought some Cinnamon, chocolate w/ chocolate swirls (for my kids primarily...Trader Joes I think)..I has some last night..I can't remember a drink I had that was that good.
                  “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                    Newbies Nest

                    im sorry about that. its a post a line poem (thanks jane!), it doesnt have to be about ice cream, it can go anywhere. i brought the ice cream into it :blush:

                    it works though, doesnt it :H


                      Newbies Nest

                      Pine Cone, Lav ,Wag, see the light, thanks for the welcome back. I feel a little different starting again this time. I just want the life of sobriety because for so many reasons it's the best choice.


                        Newbies Nest

                        MOT & Frances- On thing I consistently see in the postings is that the AL brain will always rear its ugly head on occasion. It's one persistent SOB.

                        Pinecone and Wag- Camping is obnoxious. It's like the 4th of July where I was so pissed I almost put the Husbands drunk ASS through a wall. I HATED every minute of being around all those drunk idiots. I swore that I will not do it again. Not in to torture.

                        Lav, I will get those 90 days and beyond. I'm just that stubborn.

                        Birdie, I don't want to go. I don't want the drama that always seems to ensue. I like my quiet life. All the cousins go to the campground. We are constantly invited. They are the ones we always kayak with. I am the only one who doesn't drink on those trips and it doesn't bother me. But the overnight camping is a different thing. I feel so guilty about so many things concerning my husband and my past drinking endeavors I feel like it would be unfair to keep him from camping with his cousins. Maybe I'll suggest he just go and stay the night and I will enjoy the boating and floating and then head on home when the serious drinking begins. I don't have fun and quite honestly being by myself brings me peace and comfort. How do you handle the shame and guilt? How do make up for the mistakes without giving away too much? I feel like I shouldn't say no to anything he wants. God only knows what I said to him drunk out of my mind. I was raised by one of the most vicious women I know. To see me you would never know it. I am kind and restrained, but un-drunk-conscious who knows what kind of emotional vomit could have spewed from my lips. I need some advice on balance.

                        Kensho-Congrats on your 7 days. WOO HOO!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Chero, I am glad that you are THAT stubborn! And it's time for you to be a bit selfish as well
                          Your quit is your #1 priority & drunken camping trips are not needed!
                          Tell your husband to go & enjoy himself. Tell him that you are working on making some major life changes & drunken camping trips just don't fit in any more. I stayed glued to the house for almost three months when I quit. I needed the time to grow stronger & work on my commitment to never ever disappoint myself again. It worked for me & everyone lived
                          Keep your thoughts & actions positive. The past is history now & you can't change it so let it go. I know it's hard to do but it's necessary. Your new, healthy & sober self will be noticed & appreciated by your family soon enough. Show them how fabulous you are when you kick AL to the cub. That's the best apology you can give to anyone

                          Petrel, make this your very last quit & you will have no regrets

                          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                          It's been a rain soaked & windy day here - almost feels like the change of seasons already!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lavande;1692703 wrote:
                            Petrel, make this your very last quit & you will have no regrets

                            Thanks Lav! Feeling very positive


                              Newbies Nest

                              Lav, Thanks and yes I think I will take your advice. Drunk people just piss me off anyway. I'm calm most always but that can be the calm before the storm once I've reached my limit. My daughter said the other day that she's glad to have her Mom back kicking ASS and taking names like I used too. She said that for the few years I was drinking it was like I had given up. True words, I did. I had endured so much pain I had reached saturation. I did not want to feel anymore. I just wanted to drink and be numb. Unfortunately, it began to take more and more. And before I realized it I was addicted to the poison that caused me more pain and shame than I ever had before. Can you I say IRONY!


                                Newbies Nest

                                BTW, ice cream really works. And you can handle the calories now that you are not dumping extras down from AL!

                                *love* the landshark WAGMORE!! Thanks for the laugh.

                                J-VO, I never told you but I adore your avatar. On so many levels. Is it a photo from an artist? I love it every time I see it - from the message to the little girl (or boy) with messy long hair, and that you can't see his/her face. It stirs my heartstrings.

                                Had a great night at dinner with hubs and in-laws. They are about to leave so we are spending a lot of time with them. Hubs handed me his drink and said "wanna try... oh ya, you don't." Bad news is that I smelled it - why did I do that?? I didn't intend to drink and I didn't. But I realized how easy it would be to slip back into the pattern. I have to be careful of that.

                                I was fine with not drinking, and the rest of the dinner, I noticed how easily conversation came to me - usually I'm quite sedated. Apparently I have a new sense of humor and people laugh - so it is a myth that you get boring when you don't drink. MIL kept giving me compliments about how "fit and cute" I look, and I have noticed a difference as well in my appearance from not drinking almost 30 of the last 33 days. Mostly I like myself and my brain better.

                                All good reinforcement. I like being sober. I miss drinking, but I love my life more w/o AL.

                                Have a good night all. Thinking sober thoughts for the nest!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

