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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks for your thoughts Byrdie, jvo, NS an LavenderBlue. Daevid, like a few folks have said here, hopefully some of the physical damage we have done in the past can be repaired by a cleaner wishes. And welcome Dougie and Cocoflo
    “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



      Newbies Nest

      Welcome, Dougie, and welcome BACK, Cocoflo! Settle on in here!

      I'm on LinkedIn and I follow Richard Branson....a colorful fellow, I'm hoping if I suck up enough to him, he will drop me a few millions (so far, hasn't happened). But he said something that rang very true today. FAILURE IS THE MOST USEFUL LESSON OF ALL.
      I sure I wish I could have gotten this sober thing right on the first try, but I didn't....but I learned a lot of things NOT to do along the way! Now I don't do them. So it isn't failure if you learn something from it!

      Hope everyone is locked and loaded (as in prepared!!!) for the weekend! It's only Friday, not a reason to self destruct!!! Strength to all! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Abbers,

        Glad you clarified that statement Byrdie :H

        STL, I hope you feel better very soon.

        Hello & welcome Dougie. Welcome back Coco

        Daevid, hope you feel better soon too!

        A healthier future awaits us all. All we have to do is take good care of ourselves & kick out AL once & for all. It takes some work but the results are great

        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          So glad you've joined us here in the Nest, Dougie and Coco!



            Newbies Nest

            Having a little bit of a panic. At a street festival with EVERYONE drinking beer. Didn't expect that. Need to eat. Scripts are running... "Just one."

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Newbies Nest

              One does not feed an alcoholics need.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Ava, are you saying I shouldn't have gone to the festival? If so, you're right.

                That was the closest I've come to screwing up. I knew there would be AL but I didn't know it would be a booze fest. How many freekin' people drink??? The entire town, apparently. The whole grounds smelled like beer. I was trying to distract and breathe through my mouth and talk to myself and then someone handed me their beer when almost dumped by a dog and then chased the dog, so there I was. I wanted to throw it at him. But I smelled it. And immediately I thought... Yah, you could take a sip. No one's stopping you. And then what? The desire I had was so strong, but the actual happiness I would have gotten from it would have been almost nothing, and I realized it. I wanted to wake up as the me I've worked for, not the old me. And that was it. It was much easier the rest of the night, helped after I ate too and spent most of the rest of the time on the kids side with them and the jumpy castles. Then I was able to relax and socialize better. My hubs boss was there and I felt I made a much better impression than I normally would have. with drinks under my belt.

                Sometimes still feel like something physical is missing... That AL would "fix" but I'm hoping that feeling lessens over time when my brain finally gets a clue that the AL ain't comin. Wish I felt more proud, but I almost caved. Moving on.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Kensho, I am so glad you got through it, seriously way to go!

                  On my end I tripped across a trigger that I didn't have the last time I quit. I was gaming (online gaming) with some friends of mine and I realized I "always" drink when I do that. "To help my nerves." They also livestream the games, so it "helps" with my nerves of being on a show that's being broadcast. BUT I grabbed a bunch of AF drinks and some snacks. I reminded myself that I always feel even more paranoid drinking in that situation in case I say something stupid that the entire internet can hear. And I paid attention to the actual gaming and enjoying the time with my friends. I suppose that doesn't sound super exciting to anyone who doesn't game, but it's kinda like any other social activity that you're not used to doing completely sober.

                  I still had fun, they still had fun, and for some odd reason (lol) the viewers still found me entertaining. I also gamed better and don't have to worry that I might have said something I wouldn't have sober.

                  Going into Day 4, still going for it.
                  I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                  Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                  AF on: 8/12/2014


                    Newbies Nest

                    Kensho, I am so glad you got through it, seriously way to go!

                    On my end I tripped across a trigger that I didn't have the last time I quit. I was gaming (online gaming) with some friends of mine and I realized I "always" drink when I do that. "To help my nerves." They also livestream the games, so it "helps" with my nerves of being on a show that's being broadcast. BUT I grabbed a bunch of AF drinks and some snacks. I reminded myself that I always feel even more paranoid drinking in that situation in case I say something stupid that the entire internet can hear. And I paid attention to the actual gaming and enjoying the time with my friends. I suppose that doesn't sound super exciting to anyone who doesn't game, but it's kinda like any other social activity that you're not used to doing completely sober.

                    I still had fun, they still had fun, and for some odd reason (lol) the viewers still found me entertaining. I also gamed better and don't have to worry that I might have said something I wouldn't have sober.

                    Going into Day 4, still going for it.
                    I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                    Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                    AF on: 8/12/2014


                      Newbies Nest

                      Kensho, I am so glad you got through it, seriously way to go!

                      On my end I tripped across a trigger that I didn't have the last time I quit. I was gaming (online gaming) with some friends of mine and I realized I "always" drink when I do that. "To help my nerves." They also livestream the games, so it "helps" with my nerves of being on a show that's being broadcast. BUT I grabbed a bunch of AF drinks and some snacks. I reminded myself that I always feel even more paranoid drinking in that situation in case I say something stupid that the entire internet can hear. And I paid attention to the actual gaming and enjoying the time with my friends. I suppose that doesn't sound super exciting to anyone who doesn't game, but it's kinda like any other social activity that you're not used to doing completely sober.

                      I still had fun, they still had fun, and for some odd reason (lol) the viewers still found me entertaining. I also gamed better and don't have to worry that I might have said something I wouldn't have sober.

                      Going into Day 4, still going for it.
                      I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                      Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                      AF on: 8/12/2014


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good to here everyone doing well and staying strong. Kensho and Lavblu, sounds like you both dodged a bullet. I've been very busy on this Saturday. Shopping, cooking, washing and just been running. That works for me. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi, Everyone -

                          Welcome Dougie, Coco, and any other new newbies.

                          Kensho - a good piece of advice I got here on MWO - If only one, why not none? Now we KNOW that none of us wants just one, but what if we DID have just one? Why not just have none? Makes a lot of sense to me, and it is a phrase I have used on myself when I feel sad about not "being able" to drink (which I feel VERY infrequently these days, by the way).

                          Happy Friday night all. As Lav says, I hope you have good sober plans for the weekend.



                            Newbies Nest

                            LavenderBlue;1693843 wrote: Yeah, the pop thing wasn't something I originally planned on, but my poison was mixed drinks in soda, plus I've been meaning to cut it out for ages 'cause my weight is fail between that and the AL soooo...seemed better to hit both at once. For the caffeine I went back to coffee, though just in the morning for now.

                            It's also been a pain for me because I can't drink artificial sugar. I get migraines and mood swings when I do. I'd blame it on the AL but it was noticeably worse when I went to diet soda and my mom has the same issues. So a lot of the flavored waters I can't drink. I did find out that Dasani does sparkling water with fruit flavors and no fake sugar, so I have some of that around.

                            I usually don't drink juices either, but my first day AF I grabbed anything at the gas station that sounded remotely good! I also found a spritzer...*goes to check the brand*... R. W. Knudsen. I found them in the grocery store section that was all random natural sodas and things. The ingredients are just sparkling water, fruit juices, and natural flavors but I swear it's got more of a sugar kick than soda. I'm only having one a day but it's been great when I really want something sweet and carbonated. Other than that, lots of lemon water - I mostly drank Mountain Dew so the citrus is nice.

                            I'm also going to pick up some hard candy or something today. I stopped eating anything sweet when I started drinking so much so I'm having to actually sit and think about "what did I used to eat that was sugary?"

                            Good luck, I'm sure we can both do it if we try. There's plenty of sugary things out there, just have to find the ones that work!

                            EDIT: I'm hoping to kick the sugar habit, too, eventually so that was my logic in trying to stick to things like juice. Last thing I need is to come off AL and soda but eating gallons of other sugar. O.o My family has a long history of diabetes so one more thing to be careful about.
                            LV, have you tried water infusions? This is something you make at home yourself with fresh fruit and berries, cucumbers, lemons and things and its really good. I don't buy anything diet because they're worse then regular sugars and all those additivies in them and horrible for your body.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Pavati;1694005 wrote: a good piece of advice I got here on MWO - If only one, why not none?
                              Pav, I agree - this phrase has helped me many times over the past few months! Any time I find myself thinking 'oh why not, I can just have one can't I?' I tell myself this.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning everyone! Day 24 for me and feeling good! Baked up a storm yesterday and feel pretty good, no AL touched at all. Friday or not I was more miffed that there was nothing good on the movie channels to watch. Today I'm taking my little one to the yard sales and see what we can find. Hopefully we come back with something good! Hope you all have plans for today, even if the plan is to just relax and keep away from the alcohol! Sending you all strength!

