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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Nesters - I am tired today. So glad to see so many positive posts. Great job everyone!!:goodjob:
    I need to complain a bit and I hope it's ok. I had a real struggle in my brain this afternoon. I wanted to DRINK! Wow! Didn't expect it. At least I was able to take a step back and look at the triggers that were causing the cravings. I had to leave work early to take my husband to the neurologist. (He can't drive) So, I had been rushing around at work to take care of things. I had received a call at work from my husband and then later my son that they can't find my sons birth certificate. Mind you....I'm at work. It was not where it was supposed to be. What was I supposed to do. My son has to get his passport. He has already bought the plane ticket. I suggested that he to go to the county recorders office & order a copy of his birth certificate immediately. Well, he can't do that, he has to go to class. I rushed home to pick up my husband for the Dr. and I quickly checked the file box where the birth certificate should be and there was all this other misc. stuff in the box that shouldn't be in there. I asked my husband why in the world he had put that other stuff in the box that was supposed to hold only information on our son, and he didn't know. I was getting very frustrated with my husband and I could just feel all my tension building and building. That seemed right there to be one of my main issues of why I drank so much. To relax and forget about all of this stuff that I am the one that always has to take care of. That I have to deal with. I just became so clear. So, after the Dr., I came home and took one of my anti-anxiety pills. I was planning on taking some L-Glutamine and never did. I didn't have Kudzu in my purse which I realize I need to start carrying.
    Anyway - Sorry to make such a long post. But it just became clear as I felt my muscles tensing up. That was a huge trigger for me. I am finding other ways to deal with it. I will not be able to have alcohol in my house because I would not have been able to stay out of it. So, this worked!

    Happy Night, Morning, Afternoon and Evening everyone. :h
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone.

      KB - "you have helped keep me sane and motivated through this battle!" KB, sane is good. Af is good. You're doing it. We're just cheering you on! - "I hope i can keep doing this.. at times I feel so lonely.. but I will keep trying!!" You can do it - you've proven you can. Your feelings will change with time for the better. I promise.

      Jolie - "now I see that there are many out there just like me" Yep, Jolie, we are all figuring this stuff out together. Thanks for helping too. Get some rest - you deserve it.

      Chicken! "Otherwise,life is good..I have my beautiful wee chicks and they love me..therefore everything is right in the world!" - So glad to hear you that - we just need a quick *cluck* now and then.

      Hippy - "I have a problem with face to face conversation - always been a loner, independant... So this is ideal for me." Wow, Hippy, this is so like me too. I feel that being a part of a comunity where people understand all of this is a huge help as well.

      v70 - Yay on your double-digits! Way to go! I'm not sure why you'd resist eating at a time like this, but food is usually better than al.

      Coco - Day 6 is great! LivingFuel sounds interesting.

      Ok Byrdlady and Fluff - good getting back on track. Keep the af train rolling.

      Hi MamaB. Runningwind - keep the spring happening for me, I'm gonna be in Texas later this week.

      Meech - you rock! Keep after your plan, it sounds great. I hear ya - it's great to be able to count the al days on one hand.

      Welcome zbeam, Tictak, happylady. You'll find a lot of success stories, and a lot of good people willing to help each other in all the forums here. You've found a great place in MWO. Tictak - I'm not sure I get the 'social drinking' aspect of this. I'm guessing you might be the only one at this party with a drink in your hand.

      Byrdlady - "Ah that bewitching 4 o'clock..." - you might try food around that time. I know that I get really hungry about then on a typical day, and that and thirst can be a big trigger.

      Hi Mazzie. Chill nice to hear from you - sounds like you're doing well!

      Hi Lav. Fifties and a little damp here - starting to feel nice. Enjoy your sunshine! I'm flying south for a little golf in runningwinds neck of the nest. Can't wait. Is your snow all gone yet?

      Wow NoraC - sounds like you were really aware of what was happening in your body, and able to pause and thing through the situation. That is great to keep from getting into that automatic trance. Nice.

      Yep, Hippy, it sure feels strange to see other smashed people now. Very eye opening indeed.

      Hi to anyone I've missed!

      Take care all.
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        I slipped up..

        Hi everyone,
        My AF 'spree' has ran out.. I went and bought a bottle of wine after finishing work this afternoon... I was feeling so stressed after that cop came and bought round the subpoena.. I was giving myself a headache just worrying about the court case and everything - though everyone's words of support were fantastic.. I have not got around to learning how to meditate yet..
        So, I have a drunk a whole bottle of wine.. BUT.. I did think to buy low-alcohol wine which is half the units of a normal bottle.. and i've drunk water and had dinner too so I don't feel drunk.. just a little bit tipsy..
        Oh well, at least my AF days are way more than my AL days.. I just have to keep strong, and not 'give in' any more..
        Katie.. :dunno:
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Newbies Nest

          KB stay strong, you have a lot to deal with but you know AL won't solve it, have a good nights sleep and tomorrow is another day
          Nora, reading your post it's no wonder this site has a majority of women, there is just so much hassle laid in our laps!!
          Molly x
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Newbies Nest

            Day 3- Feeling good-had a good night's sleep-the snow is almost melted-Went out for a 3.5 mile walk, yesterday-so good to be outside again.I'm drinking my second cup of Starbuck's Cafe Verona-it's bold with a hint of chocolate flavor to it.
            There are so many people in this nest that I will just say Happy Sober Hump Day to all! And to those going to bed-see ya Thursday!
            Luv, Fluff
            It's always YOUR choice!


              Newbies Nest

              Don't worry KB as you say you have more AF days than AL so start again and as they say ODAT. Think it would be a good idea to start learning that Meditation before the stress really gets it grip, take care :l
              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters,

                Happy Humpday to all!
                Our stretch of sunny days is coming to and end today - several days of rain & wind moving in later - oh well!
                Tranq, we have a little snow left but I'm sure this rain will make it disappear. Have a great golf trip - hope you have sunny days

                NoraC, It's true - we all have to find healthier ways to deal with the everday BS!
                I always insisted that I was no one's hand maiden & that everyone was responsible for their own stuff!!!
                The kids do eventually grow up - not so sure about the husbands though.

                KatieB, please, whatever you do, don't let last night's slip become a regular occurance. Drinking a wine of wine may be a quick fix but in the long run doesn't resolve any problems. It really would be safer right now to talk to your Doc about your stress issue, seewhat he/she has to offer. Self medicating with wine is what got me into trouble in the first place!!

                Greetings to Molly & Panno!
                Fluff, good luck on day 3 - keep going

                Wishing everyone a Happy Humpday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello All Nesters!
                  Just a quick note,all okay here,saw someone the other day for abit of advise about the stuff I've previously mentioned! As said before need to just be careful how I go about stuff now,so will be sporadic,but please know that I am with you in spirit and still trying to be AF! I will check in when able!
                  Don't forget me,cause you are all special to me and very necessary!
                  Thanks all


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey All....
                    Chook...I am so diggin the new hairdo!!!!
                    KatieB...I agree with Lav....try not to slip again and if you do, don't justify it. AlL is the last thing you dust off and start over...we love you and are sending you mega laser beams of support and some nasty hairy eyeballs for that ex and his family.
                    Feeling great and it's a beautful day...and my baby is 18 today:upset::upset::upset::upset::upset:

                    Smooches from sunny Florida
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      How Disappointing!!!!

                      I am so disappointed! After reading the book and making the committment to do this program 110%, I am SO SO Disappointed, because on Monday, I called the the suggested MY WAY OUT phone number (not once but twice) and since they were to busy to answer my call, I was promised that I would someone would definitley call me back at the number I left. Well here it is Wednesday and yes you guessed it, no one has called me back. The excitement I had at starting this program is starting to wane. Anybody out there know how to get this message to Jewell so that she will know this may be something that is happening to others?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi readytogo!

                        did ot know the phone call thing was a 'thing'!
                        Can't help you with that,but please give the site ago and Newbies Nest a has helped me heaps!
                        Don't give up yet!
                        By the way Mama Bear... I thought the new hairdo was appropriate..considering how I am feeling of late!
                        P.S (don't look or I may turn you to stone...)
                        Chook *clucking like mad*


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello everyone, sorry I havn't checked in since early yesterday afternoon. I spent the whole afternoon and early evening at the doctors with my husband, (of twenty-seven years) going over his x-rays and listening to different treatment options. I might be qiuet on the site for awhile, until I digest everything. Mama bear, I hope your son has a great birthday. TranqWilly, enjoy your golf trip in Texas, as I said for the most part, spring has arrived here. Panno, I hope everything went well at the doctors. KatieB, you learn something new every time you fall, so take that imformation,use it as one of your new tools that you have acquired and continue on your journey. I'am still proud of you and know you will finally whip this disease! fluff, mollyka, Lavende, NoraC,and chicken Number 3, yall all take care, along with the rest of the MWO family. runningwind :thanks:
                          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning all,
                            Don't worry Lav and MB.. I won't make drinking wine a regular thing ever again! Last night I did make a conscious decision to buy wine.. but I did buy low-AL wine and I feel fine this morning.. I drunk heaps of water and ate a big meal.. but I certainly won't let my guard down with AL and start drinking again on a regular basis.. I am going to see my GP today about the anxiety to see if he can suggest anything.. I also did not smoke much last night, so i'm feeling pretty good!
                            Only 2 AL days out of 28, which is an improvement for me.. I will just start stringing those AF pearls together again!
                            Thanks Panno - I will get some books out on meditation from the library today..
                            Thanks Runningwind for your words of support..
                            To chook, and everyone else in the nest that I may have missed.. have a great day, its raining here in Sydney but thats nice, its cooled things down a bit..
                            Katie xx
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all

                              Another quick hello then off to work again. 2 days to go then on hols. This is day 12 for me. Had a few 'fancies' as Spam calls them yesterday but managed to talk myself through it.

                              Welcome to all newbies and oldies and in-betweenies. I appreciate you all very much. I would like to reply to everyone but I am a bit pushed for time again this morning. So please everyone have a happy safe and sober day/night.
                              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi lovely nestlings, just want to say a big thank you to you all.
                                Today was by far the hardest day i've had so far AF. I had justified myself going in to buy al and bringing it home to gulp down, but then, I just didnt. I wanted to, really badly but then I thought of all of you and somehow I walked by the store. I still want a drink now but thankfully there's none in the house to tempt me.
                                Anyway, stay safe in the nest and thanks again

