And the fact is, there is nothing good about drinking a poison for anyone - but especially for those of us who became addicted. Remember how bad alcohol tasted the first time you tried a sip (i.e. before you had a chance to feel the buzz or blur or whatever you were going for)? The fact is, it tastes like crap to most people the first time it is in their mouths. We learned to like it (rather, it's effects

So glad you came back, Fin, and you, too, WMM.
? A more mellow transition into home life from work which I wouldn't have expected. I'm less reactive and more willing to chip in vs. escape the sometimes chaotic scene.
? The time I have with my girl and boy (12 and 6 respectively) is infinitely better and I feel totally at ease and free knowing that I don't stink like IPA. I'm more open to reading, or just hanging out with them before lights out. YES! This is one of the things I was hoping would improve going AF.
? I'm back to wrestling with my boy. I can tell he really missed our All Star Wresting sessions that we had when I was less of a lush. Again, not worrying about stinking like beer, it's easier to jump into the mayhem. Plus, I don't end up feeling sick afterwards from a full belly of beer.
? When I go to bed I know exactly what I did that night. Not so when in an IPA daze.
? I'm sleeping so much better. I use to routinely wake up at 2 AM wide awake from all the IPA sugars metabolizing in my body and a need to pee. I'm now sleeping soundly through the night and even dreaming again (I wish this for all of you who are currently experiencing some sleep issues - hang in there!)
? My wife is wondering why I don't snore anymore?!
? The mornings are absolutely awesome in comparison to the IPA mornings -- the morning guy hated the night guy. Now the morning guy loves the night guy. I'm 100% clear, energetic and proud of the day before's hard work and acknowledge the all hard work will make for a great new day.
? I have a disciplined hour and a half every weekday morning to study / practice mandolin. The new found clarity is incredibly noticeable. I find that I can concentrate a solid 30 minutes more and the notes seem to just flow under my fingers. This mental /physical improvement alone is a striking reminder how frickin' destructive AL is on our minds and bodies.
? I'm recovering faster from hard workouts. Our bodies recover mostly while we sleep, but if our system is overwhelmed processing AL, it puts the muscle recovery on hold. Anyway, my workouts have felt so much more energetic and that lingering sensation that I may barf at any moment seems to have passed.
? Best of all, I can look at myself in the mirror each morning knowing that I'm now living the life I want to live...being the person I see myself being -- no more lies, regret, shame, embarrassment or noise in my head about what a dip shit I am for drinking so much the night before. Rather my eyes are clear and bright and I feel alive!
"We are what we do everyday."