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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I'm back, facing judgment, admitting defeat AGAIN
    was up tossing and turning last night from 1am to 4:30am? does that to me. I pass out and then all of that sugar goes POW and I am up for hours. I am pathetic, really.
    I just won't anymore


      Newbies Nest

      The addiction is pathetic, Jennie, not you :l. You are a talented, worthwhile person who deserves more. It is wonderful to see you again. xx- NS


        Newbies Nest

        Back to get this job done once and for all! Have been doing a lot of reading this past few to put it into action!
        My daughter needs a lift at midnight tonight so today will be a good day.......early morning starts for the next 3 days......
        I have read a lot about sleeping and relapse.....will be making a conscious effort to get 8 hours....nothing changes if nothing changes.....time to create my new sober life.....
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Newbies Nest

          i may have dreamt it but i think i read that the sugar in alcohol raises blood sugar to high, the pancreas releases insulin, so blood sugar levels crash. the body reacts by producing adrenilin to take over the missing sugar. so, you wake up, tired but unable to sleep.



            Newbies Nest

            Hi Sarah,
            I can relate to a lot of what you wrote. I to had a business that I sold (investment banking) and then found myself at home with obviously less defined obligations. And, as you mentioned, AL usage suddenly became a bigger deal (I was always an evening drinker, but when I had more freedom in my day, it started PRECISELY at 5:00 pm). I found that, not only to curb the AL use, but also to keep my life relevant, I had to actively plan for things to do. Especially, things that "took me out of my self" so to speak. In other words, where MY needs/wants/desires were not the main focus, but helping others ARE. So, by the grace of God, I was invited to join a couple of non- profit boards where my business background could be useful, my spiritual/interior life improved- I regularly attend daily Mass, I actively got involved with mentoring some younger men/women just entering the business world, etc. In other words, it's like everything else that I (and I suspect you) have ever done during our business careers, I/we planned and executed. Same thing needs to happen now, that the demands on our time have changed. Make sense?


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning,

              Thanks to all for the welcome back! Byrdie, I never would have had you pegged as an introvert!

              Pavati, I do want to do things differently this time. I really am trying to plan for handling the temptation by acknowledging it, then having a distracting activity planned to get me through that urge. I do not plan to ever drink again, but I am focusing on one day at a time.

              Sarah, I do miss the structure and camaraderie of going into an office everyday. By going into an office, earlier drinking was simply not an option. My current position is not only work from home, but also not very fast-paced (crazy that I miss this??). However, my excuse to drink then was stress due to work. Funny how the alcoholic mind always finds a way to rationalize.

              Fin, WMM, Mein, soft focus, artsy & see the light, let's get through these early days together! With planning & hard work we too can achieve those impressive high numbers on roll call.

              LavB, I hope that I get there, in my head I know that everything is better alcohol free, just need to truly believe it and have confidence in myself when out socially.

              Kensho, great job sticking it out! I know it was tough, but you will feel so proud of yourself later!



                Newbies Nest

                Day 2

                GOOD morning, fellow newbies and nesters. Day 2, starting out good. Slept well (for me--I'm an insomniac drinking OR sober). Actually had coffee this morning without it making me feel "yucky." Even better, I feel proud this morning instead of remorseful.

                Sarah42, I really understand you. I too was in the legal field-- for 15 years. Thought it (it was very stressful and very depressing) was the root of my problem. Even though, like you, I had a drink or two (glass of red wine--healthy, right?--not) every single evening. Well, I needed it, right? Well, I thought the best thing was to get out of that job, so I did. Not only didn't help the drinking, but, like you, made it worse. At least at work I couldn't run to the cabinet for a glass of wine every time I got an annoying or stressful phone call. NOW I could. Add to that the fact that everybody thinks I'm "at home" so free to do every chore and listen to every whine. So, I'm looking for another job lol. Not easy at my age, but I need a "change of scenery." I think it's great you're thinking this all through.

                STL, we "spoke" yesterday about the problem of shopping. I just realized to my horror I need milk. The milk at my nearby store (lack of stores here) is right next to the wine and beer. Trying to think of a way to do this. Maybe if I go right now (no shower, hair or makeup) I will want to get in and out quickly as possible. Good luck to you today.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Just wanted to say congratulations to Pepper on 150 days. A very very proud day for you today. It does get easier doesnt it and to feel like a new person being sober, well who can ask for more. Happy 150th and keep that smile happening Pepper. You are a treasure to have on the nest and I for one, love having you around.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning- Sorry to hear about all the restless sleep, but still better than drinking yourself to sleep for sure. Artsy- if that is what it takes, I would do it (atleast for the first few days). Welcome back jenni, today is a new day to start again. And congrats Daisy on your new start and everyone else battling the new start blues and as well as those still fighting the good fight. And Congrats rooni, Daevid and Pepper on some big milestones
                    “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                      Newbies Nest

                      Artsy, eat! It's just like they say about going grocery shopping when you are hungry, you buy everything in sight. If you go out and do your chores on a FULL tummy, all you want to do is get the chores done so you can go home and put your stretchy pants back on! Make a list and stick to it, or maybe just take enough money for milk. Or have someone else pick up the milk, if it isn't mission critical.

                      Ah....working from home. Okoren, yes, I was a 5 o'clocker, too! When I saw the clock at 5, then I was off to the races. Unfortunately, my 5 was becoming 4....and then 3....and then 2:30. Amazing how we are willing to ignore ALL of the warning signs and red flags. Heck, even when I came here, I said, 'compared to some of THESE people, I'm not bad at all!' Of course, the bar (Alkie joke) was set pretty low by this time....if you look hard enough you can ALWAYS find someone worse than you. I had so many red flags I could have opened a boutique for them! It's hard to say which is worse for us as alkies, stress or boredom. I know in the early days of my quit, I suddenly had 6 hours to fill. Weekends were endless! I put myself to use in the service of others. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I went to work helping someone who had a worse hand dealt than I did. I called a nursing home and was able to take my dog by for visits! Talk about putting things into perspective, those poor souls don't see anybody new for weeks! They were so grateful to have a coupla new faces to talk to! It sure took my focus off my problem, too. Putting yourself into the service of others is the BEST thing we can do to overcome our issues!! It gave me (still does) a PURPOSE. The more I gave....the more I GOT!

                      Daisy, great to see you!
                      Jenniech, I am thrilled to see you, too! I hope everyone made it thru Day 1 (our Freshman Class) now, as Fin said....rinse and repeat!!!
                      All you gotta do, is get thru THIS day!!! Byrdie

                      Peppersnow clocking in with 150 days!!! Look at your valuable prize for that!
                      Rooniford with 30 days!!!! (STICK with us!!!!)
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        roxane;1695193 wrote: i may have dreamt it but i think i read that the sugar in alcohol raises blood sugar to high, the pancreas releases insulin, so blood sugar levels crash. the body reacts by producing adrenilin to take over the missing sugar. so, you wake up, tired but unable to sleep.

                        I think you're right, Rox. This page has a pretty good explanation:Hypoglycaemia - the full story - DoctorMyhill

                        ...Therefore, a key symptom of a hypoglycaemic tendency is disturbed sleep. This occurs typically at 2 ? 3 am, when blood sugar levels fall and there are insufficient short chain fatty acids to maintain a blood sugar. Low blood sugar is potentially serious to the brain, which can only survive on sugar (edit: not completely true ) and, therefore, there is an adrenalin reaction to bring the blood sugar back, but this wakes the sleeper up at the same time.
                        ? the commonest symptom of alcohol causing hypoglycaemia is sleeplessness. Initially alcohol helps one to go to sleep, but then it wakes one up in the small hours with rebound hypoglycaemia.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Day 2
                          Good Morning everyone... I got past AF Day 1.. so proud of myself! Great Job to all of you that got one over on AL, I believe in the common thread I'm hearing is it only gets easier with time..
                          Kensho- AWESOME job getting thru a hairy night/morning!
                          Artsy Not sure where you are located, but its 9am here, ( too early to consider drinking) can you grab a cofffee instead?
                          Fin, WMM, Mein, soft focus, artsy & see the light, let's get through these early days together! With planning & hard work we too can achieve those impressive high numbers on roll call. (copied)

                          I slept like a log , other than the dogs waking up to a racoon on the deck, eating their food, its probably happened other nights, i just didnt hear it because i was passed out...

                          We got home about 9pm from football practice after stopping for some carry out chinese for one and pizza for the other, i was exhausted and the kids just Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom..every 5 seconds , for a drink, a spill , a question, all triggers for me... I am married but feel like a single parent. DH was already in the basement alseep.. I had to tell them Mommy is working hard not to drink, I dont know what to tell them.. my daughter said to me ( shes 6) Mom, you arent being crazy tonight as i sat on the sofa with them for the last episode of full house. I was glad to hear but embarrrassed too, shes only 6 .. oh the guilt and shame of a mother but what a wonderful feeling this morning.. I didnt get up in the middle of the night and eat leftovers like i do every single night that I'm drinking.. Hopefully the 20 extra pounds i am carrying around will start melting away.! Happy AF DAY 2!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            ahhh, thanks for the insight into my sleepless nights. I feel so fully drained today...couldn't even make it to the gym for my favorite class. I need to stop punishing myself by drinking every night. I just don't feel good I am trying to hop off the hamster wheel.....wish they had that as an emoticon.....I would use it often!!
                            I just won't anymore


                              Newbies Nest

                              WMM, I'm on Eastern Time also. I don't crave AL in the morning, I'm just a really good planner, unfortunately. I KNOW I will need it in the afternoon, so I buy it whenever I happen to be at a store. My bad time is from about 3-7 (happy hour?). I'm pretty sure I'll panic about that time when I know there is nothing here, but I'll make it. THAT is why I went and got the milk right now! Thought of some other ways of tricking myself, at least for a week or so. I brought only 5 dollars with me and no charge card. As for the big grocery shopping that has to come later in the week, I thought of not bringing my license into the store with me (they ALWAYS have to check here and since I know that I'll have to pass the liquor aisle). I know it's all tricks and gimmicks and I have to change my thought process, but for now going to try it.

                              Congrats to you on Day 2. I fooled myself into thinking my daughter didn't know, but embarrassed to realize of course she did. Kids are pretty intuitive. Some day those days feeling embarrassed will be replaced with memories of watching "Full House" together, right? Good going passing by that beckoning liquor store!


                                Newbies Nest

                                whitemarshmom;1695214 wrote: Day 2
                                Good Morning everyone... I got past AF Day 1.. so proud of myself! Great Job to all of you that got one over on AL, I believe in the common thread I'm hearing is it only gets easier with time..
                                Kensho- AWESOME job getting thru a hairy night/morning!
                                Artsy Not sure where you are located, but its 9am here, ( too early to consider drinking) can you grab a cofffee instead?
                                Fin, WMM, Mein, soft focus, artsy & see the light, let's get through these early days together! With planning & hard work we too can achieve those impressive high numbers on roll call. (copied)

                                I slept like a log , other than the dogs waking up to a racoon on the deck, eating their food, its probably happened other nights, i just didnt hear it because i was passed out...

                                We got home about 9pm from football practice after stopping for some carry out chinese for one and pizza for the other, i was exhausted and the kids just Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom..every 5 seconds , for a drink, a spill , a question, all triggers for me... I am married but feel like a single parent. DH was already in the basement alseep.. I had to tell them Mommy is working hard not to drink, I dont know what to tell them.. my daughter said to me ( shes 6) Mom, you arent being crazy tonight as i sat on the sofa with them for the last episode of full house. I was glad to hear but embarrrassed too, shes only 6 .. oh the guilt and shame of a mother but what a wonderful feeling this morning.. I didnt get up in the middle of the night and eat leftovers like i do every single night that I'm drinking.. Hopefully the 20 extra pounds i am carrying around will start melting away.! Happy AF DAY 2!!
                                Well done! Sounds like a lot of restless nights, mine included. I was dreaming again when I was asleep and that's a good sign. Okay, off to work on Day 2. Stay close.
                                Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                                Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                                Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                                Go forward boldly and unafraid

