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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone.

    Well done Sophie. You did really well to resist. Keep it up.

    Not much to say today, just wanted to pop in and send my love.

    So have a good day and talk to you later.

    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Newbies Nest


      I'm new here- replying, as it says I may not create a thread. Firstly, to all those brave enough to post on this site, a wise woman once told me; "It doesn't matter how big that step was, or how many you've managed to do- keep fucking walking!" At the time we were carrying a load of stuff to a donation point for refugees, but the words have always stuck, and I think of them each morning- it's a good mantra. (She also once said to a child (12 years old, [I] must point out) at a road protest eviction "Stop fucking crying and get up a tree!". Said child did, and proceeded to stay there for 10 hours, refusing to come down until she was guaranteed safe passage and a bacon sarnie!)

      I'm 3 weeks in- about the fourth time trying in a year. I keep slipping/sisters wedding in ny/holiday in Sicily/xmas etc. I'm back again, and I actually do want my life back...

      Big troubles at home- partner of four years (I have the drink, she has the cheesecake problem...) are going our seperate ways. Although I am no longer in love with her, I still love her, and I hope she'll be ok. ATM, i'm waiting to get the car fixed, then byebye...

      Broken hearts are shitty. Sober broken hearts are worse, but at least it's me making the choices. Keep going everyone!


        Newbies Nest

        Evening Nesters,

        Chook, heard you clucking - good! I'm quietly keeping my fingers crossed for you, be well!

        Mama Bear, hope you had a goodday!

        Hello to readytogo, welcome to the Nest!
        I'm not sure what question you want answered by Roberta Jewell. To my knowledge, RJ is no longer here on the website on a day to day basis. She got the program & website up & going years ago with the wish that it would maintain itself - which it has. There are Forum Monitors that you can contact.
        You really can post a question in the General Discussion section & expect to get a lot of responses.

        runningwind, I'm sorry that you are having to deal with your husband's medical issues as well. Please know that we will be thinking of you & if we can help in anyway, please just ask. You can PM me anytime.

        KatieB, hope you are well, sending you loads of strength too

        Mazzie, congrats on your 12 AF days! Be sure you have a strong plan in place before you go on holiday friend!!

        Sophie, good job resisting the urges to drink. At this point they really are just thoughts, right? Keep your thoughts positive, you will do OK!

        concertinaplayer, glad you found your way here to the nest! We generally tell people to find a comfortable twig, hop on & feel safe. You must be enjoying a much clearer head after 3 weeks with no AL. Sorry that your relationship is over but you will both be OK & move on. A little time & distance usually helps. Your sobriety has to be your top priority right now, everything else will fall into place. Taking it One Day at a Time is the best advice I ever received!

        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
        The night light is on.........

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Concertina, Doesn't matter how many times you try and fail, as the wise woman pointed out. Just keep getting up again. I keep trying and one of these days ( hopefully this will be my time) it will stick. Good luck for the rest of the night to everyone struggling, me including. I will again be listening to my sleep cd and hoping I get more sleep time than awake time while it plays. :-)


            Newbies Nest

            Hello all & welcome to the newbies. Sorry but I am tuckered out tonight. I am hopping over to my twig and going to tuck my head under my wing and sleep. Sounds like everyone hung on to an AF day! Good job.
            Everyone have a wonderful night, morning, afternoon, evening!!! We are doing this!!! :goodjob:
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone,
              Thanks Lav.. I am doing much better today and feeling stronger..
              Hi Nora C.. hope you get a good night's sleep
              Hi HC, hope you're doing well too..
              Hi Sophie.. yes, well done for resisting - you go girl!
              Welcome Concertina - you have come to a good place for lots of support and advice
              To everyone else.. hope you are all doing well and have lots of fun AF things planned for this weekend!
              I had a very productive day today.. had lots of fun with my little boy and stayed away from AL..
              I am working tonight and meeting a friend for coffee tomorrow.. my little boy and her dog are going to have fun in the park after coffee!
              Take care all.. back later,
              Katie x
              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                Newbies Nest

                Hi All!
                Hope everyone is travelling well today! I've got the munchies for carbs now,just woofed down some pretzels dagnab it!

                May need to go reinforce myself with a coffee to stave off the rest of the cravings.
                Otherwise all is well.
                Katie,hope you are keeping happy,which goes the same for everyone here in the Nest!
                Be Well


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thoughtful Thursday

                  Today I will make thoughtful and hopeful choices, geared toward a safe and sober future. At least that is my goal! It is the stress and difficulties that lead me to "escape" into the booze, and I need to get back to deciding that my life (and everything that goes along with it) is far more important than the dark hole I let myself fall into for a temporary release.

                  I don't want life to pass me by while I pass out, plain and simple.

                  Have a great day and I am looking forward to being strong together.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning!

                    Welcome to all the newbies - seems like every day more and more people are finding MWO and coming here for support - that's a good thing.

                    Lav - heard you praising the effects of Amoryn so I ordered some. Started taking yesterday and trying to get hubby to as well. He was on an anti-depressant for a while but didn't like the way it made him feel (he has social anxiety issues and says he sometimes just feels depressed). So - we'll give it a whirl and see how it goes.

                    Thursday morning here on the east coast and expecting a lot of rain for the weekend. YUK - wanted to get out and start walking especially with DST starting this weekend.

                    To all the regulars (Meech, Chook, Hippy, Tranq, Fluff, Nora, KatieB, Grateful) and anyone I missed, hope you have a great AF day - each day without the AL is a huge success!

                    To all the newbies - welcome again and hope you all stay and settle in - lots of support and encouragement here!

                    P.S. - anyone heard from marriedgirl?

                    Have a great Thursday!

                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone..
                      Hi Jolie, chook, upnorthgirl.. no Jolie i've not seen marriedgirl on here for awhile.. hopefully she'll check in soon or she may be on the other threads.
                      I've had a good day.. back to Day 1 AF.. but i've still only drunk AL 2 days out of 29.. feeling good and my plan is to keep staying AF for as long as possible.. my 2 'slip-ups' were conscious decisions, and I did not get drunk.. though I know I still need to be vigilant and stay AF for as long as I can, i dont want to set a date on it, but I want to keep going as I am.. checking in on here and not buying any AL wherever possible..
                      take care all. be back tomorrow..
                      Katie x
                      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi All,

                        Just thought I'd drop in and say hello.

                        Son is back from camp - dirty, tired, covered in mozzie bites and upset that camp wasn't longer. It's good to have him home.

                        Hubby has been delayed and won't be back until Monday!

                        I'm very conscious about the weekend as I have only made it through one so far. Trying to get my head around it already which may not be a good idea. I'll just go back to ODAT and worry about each day as it happens. On the good side, a couple of people have commented on how well I look and that I have lost weight. Huge Ego Boost!!!

                        Has anyone noticed how BAD television is through sober eyes? I have never been a big TV watcher but once I have watched a couple of early evening programmes, I turn it off and grab a book.

                        Hope all the Nestlings are having a wonderful AF day.

                        Take Care
                        Spam xxx


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone.

                          "I dont want my life to pass me by while I pass out".....
                          Upnorthgirl - what a profound statement.! That is EXACTLY what this is about for me.

                          Thank you for putting into simple words what this journey means for me.

                          Hippy Chick xx
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Seriously cloudy in my end of the nest this morning! Rain coming for the next few days - yuck!

                            Hi & welcome Swede, glad you found the nest! Please find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in with us.

                            Greetings NoraC, KatieB, Chook, Spam & HC - hope you're all having a great day/night!

                            upnorthgirl - I like your strong resolve.........sounds very straight forward!

                            Joile, I hope you & your husband both enjoy the great benefits of Amoryn. I tried to get my husband on it last year too. He was diagnosed with severe, chronic depression 7 years ago but refuses to take anything - hence my difficulties. Living with a severely depressed person is not easy.........

                            Rain or not, I'm looking forward to tomorrow - my annual trip to Atlantic City for a trade show
                            It's always a fun day ending with a stop in the Borgata to try my luck with the slot machines & a delicious dinner at their yummy buffet

                            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              OMG - I nearly fell out of the nest last night. The first time I've had a serious craving since starting a week ago. So...I went to the store and bought a hideous bottle of non-AL wine (against the advice of other nesters). It tasted nothing like wine, but at least did the trick and got me over the rough patch. So now it's on to Day 8!!!

                              Good morning everyone - wishing you all a good, AF day! Getting ready for the dreaded weekend... Positive thoughts, lots of water with lemon, vitamins and healthy food. Can't wait for the sun to come back - we all need to be absorbing our daily cancer-fighting Vitamin D, now don't we?!

                              Good luck Nesters! Keep on keeping on!:




                                Newbies Nest

                                hi everyone, snuggled up in the nest today for the 4th day with cat and hotwater bottle, throat still sore and headache from hell, can't blame the booze tho day 10 for me, nice to have the nest to come to at times like this will be here for a few day's yet I feel, love and hug's Twitch xxxx

