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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all-Twitch-day 10 is great!!! Day 4 here...
    Luv, Fluff
    It's always YOUR choice!


      Newbies Nest

      fluff;820276 wrote: Hi all-Twitch-day 10 is great!!! Day 4 here...
      Luv, Fluff
      Fluff, I LOVE that avatar. What are those two precious babies? I just want to reach into my monitor and pick them up and kiss them! They are sooooooooooooo cute!

      Morning all!

      It's a cool and sunny day where I am. I am off to volunteer in 40 minutes but had to check in with MWO of course. On day 6 here and feeling tons better physically.

      Everyone have a great day!



        Newbies Nest


        Hi All,
        I love the thought of this nest-makes me feel all warm and comfy inside!! I'm very new-started my AF life last Friday after years of drinking 5-6 glasses of wine every nite. Bought all the supplements on Saturday, downloaded and read the book, ordered the CDs and the All One (just waiting for them to get here). My aha moment was last Friday when I called in sick for a second day in a row because I had more than winehead.

        I haven't been hit with any social situations yet (one coming up at the end of the month) so it's been fairly easy to resist stopping in at the packy on my way home from work. I just kind of close my eyes for that split second, think of how I felt last week and drive past. Once home there's enough to keep me busy what with the dogs, cats, dinner, and chores which I always kind of ignored in the past because of course my whole focus was on getting that wine in me.

        I've been crocheting a little while watching TV and making sure I get a couple of chapters in with a good book before going to sleep. I think the supplements and water as well as this whole MYO community has really helped with the cravings so far. I'm hoping the CDs and the All One will put a lid on them altogether. I'm still waffling as to wether I should bring in my MD on this or not and try the meds. What i'm really hoping for is the day that my thoughts are not consumed with not drinking. I want to treat alcohol the way I treat cigaretts-I don't give them a thought since I quite 30 years ago.

        It's been great this week waking up without that winehead or that overwhelming fatigue. I am tired because I'm sleeping fitfully but hopefully the melatonin will kick in soon. Of course if I could get my dog to stop chasing the cat in the middle of the night it would really improve my quality of sleep!! :argh:

        Sorry this is so long-I runneth over with typing. Have a great day everyone-Northeast and MidAtlantic we are bracing for a wet one this weekend!! Stay dry!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning all
          AD~ glad you are better on Day 6!
          Fluff~Congrats on day 4, same as me. Hope are you feeling?
          Twitch~ awesome on day 10, sorry you are sick, hope you get better soon.
          Coco-nut~Glad you made it over the rough spot yesterday to day 8. I'm just west of you, sun should be shinning here soon! I love me some lemon water too, I add the L-Glut to it. I drink the lemon water all day long. Really flushes out toxins.
          Hope everyone in the nest has a great day!


            Newbies Nest

            Need some tech help please!

            I hate to be stupid (but sometimes it just can't be helped)! Peope are sending me private messages (which is great!) - figured out how to answer them, but how does one initiate a private message? Thanks!


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Coco - It's hard to get around at first. Ask as many questions as you need to. Don't worry about it.

              You can initiate a private message a couple of ways:

              When you are looking at the threads and you see the persons name above their post (example my Dog picture and next to it NoraC in blue.) Click on NoraC and select 'send private message to NoraC.

              Another way to do it is if your are viewing your private messages. Off on the left hand side, it says 'Send New Message' and you start typing in the user name. It will help you find it once you start typing it.

              Hope this helps. Have a great day!!!!!!
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                upnorthgirl;820203 wrote: Today I will make thoughtful and hopeful choices, geared toward a safe and sober future. At least that is my goal! It is the stress and difficulties that lead me to "escape" into the booze, and I need to get back to deciding that my life (and everything that goes along with it) is far more important than the dark hole I let myself fall into for a temporary release.

                I don't want life to pass me by while I pass out, plain and simple.
                THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!!!

                I am going to keep this one and refer to it often. Thank you.

                Have a wonderful day everyone...............
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all!
                  Been away a couple days. Things are going well. AF 12 days. So that is good.

                  Katie --Thinking lots about you and praying that you find lots of strength. You can do this. I am faith in you! Just keep looking forward and take ODAT! You have a lot to live AF for!

                  Sophie -- you hang in there, too! Get your mind wrapped around something else! Go do something or start a project. Eat some chocolate! Take some Kudzu! Be Strong!

                  Ok-- I'll check back in later -- hope you are all doing well!



                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all,
                    Thanks Violet.. I will try and keep strong Congrats on your 12 AF days!!!
                    Day 2 AF today (though I recently did 13 days in a row..).. I have a fun day planned with my little man; going on a train to meet a friend for coffee and cake, then on to a park.. I plan on being out most the day.. and will not be going near any bottle shops..
                    I hope you all have a Fantastic Friday and sending you all strength to beat the demon!
                    Katie x
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi nesters

                      Lots of reading and catching up to do in the nest this morning. Welcome to everyone.
                      day 13 here for me and am feeling OK. Still quite tired but getting there.

                      Lav I am going on hols with my 2 girls. They are 23 and 26 and when they asked me in December to go with them my first thought was would I be able to get my wine. (At the time I was trying to get to the bottom of as many bottles as I could it seems) I was actually thinking of not going because of that!!! When I came to my senses and realised how pathetic that was I decided I really wanted to go with them and was really chuffed they had even asked me. I also decided then that it was time to give up the al. My drinking was getting worse and I hated how I felt and looked and everything else that goes with it. I am feeling like my head is in the right place this time. I keep thinking about the last 'dose' of poison I gave myself two weeks ago and how I never want to do that again. I am also feeling so many positives of not having al in my system. I just don't want to spoil that. Oct and Nov were af as was January with just a few slips in February. And if I waver while away my back up plan is that I have told my girls I am not having any al and don't want any al and to not let me have any al. They hardly ever have any so they will be my al police. My youngest loves her exercise and good food and she has put us on notice that while it is a holiday we are still expected to join her in her exercise regime - I am looking forward to it. I am hoping to come back fitter and healthier.

                      Anywhoo, must go and put in one last day at the office. Love to you all in the nest and I'll catch up with you when I return. Keep up the good work everyone. Its not easy but is so worth it.

                      There are lots of things I have read on here that stick in my mind and help me along the way. Thank you all for your input and willingness to share.
                      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                        Newbies Nest

                        I'd had such a good evening..... went round to my parents for dinner with the kids. My dad was actually in good mood, not his usual obnoxious, argumentative, drunken mood. My husband was at a golf dinner after playing in a tournament. I'd had a lovely chat with a few MWO members and read a post which touched me to the core....
                        Then, half way thru my cleansing CD, I heard the staggering on the front deck. My husband was home and so drunk he couldnt talk..... Took him a few minutes to steady himself to actually walk in the front door. Got lost in the loo and couldnt work out how to get out... then fell over head first!
                        I feel like such a hypocrite but I felt so angry with him. I thought he knew how hard it was for me not drinking but obviously he doesnt care.
                        I realised this morning that I'd had such a good night because he wasnt there "teasing" me by drinking his usual glass of red or whatever. I had always said it didnt bother me but now I know it does. I said to him when I started MWO in January that I didnt want it to affect his life, that I wouldnt mind him drinking. But I do mind and I dont know what to do now. I love him (when he is sober!) and know I cant change him. So I have to deal with what I am feeling and find a way to cope.
                        A great way to start a weekend!
                        Take care and I hope everyone is having a better night/day than me.
                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          I understand exactly how you feel and i do not know how to handle my husbands drinking either....maybe we can figure this out together....
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            So many here today - that's great

                            Coco-nut, you did very well & survived your close call, be proud!

                            Twitch, sending you 'Get Better Soon' wishes & congrats on your 10 AF days - good job!

                            Congrats Fluff, AnotherDay, PapMom, HappyLady & Violet on your AF time as well! Let's keep going

                            KatieB, hope you are well & feeling strong!

                            Mazzie, wishing you a fun time with your AL Police daughters - that is just terrific, safe travels!

                            HC & Mama Bear, sorry to hear about the husbands drinking. Mine can't handle much AL either, becomes a total idiot & very difficult to deal with. I hope you can both find some answers.

                            I'm off very early in the morning, heading to Atlantic City for the day. I make this trip every March to attend a tradeshow, play a few slots, eat some good food then head back home. Hope to be able to check in with everyone tomorrow night.
                            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the Nest - the night is on.......

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone,
                              I hope you have a lovely time at Atlantic City, Lav..
                              MB and HC - I really feel for you both having to deal with hubbies that drink around you.. it's hard enough to stay AF without watching other people, especially those you love that are around you most the time, drinking.. I found it hard when me and my ex were still together.. and the fact his whole family drank too - they all expected me to quit b/c of my issues - but then they would turn up at our house with heaps of alcohol! that's why im glad im out of that relationship.. as I would never be able to change my habits and improve.. i'm not saying this is the same for you, but my ex's family were big partiers.. I suggest that maybe you talk to your respective hubbies and ask them to respect you a bit more in terms of not drinking around you.. I know its hard but if you are battling this demon, you need their support with this..
                              Have a great day everyone.. I took my son on the train this morning, went for a coffee with a friend and her dog, then to a park afterwards..
                              Felt a couple of urges, but I managed to talk myself out of it.. I want to keep a clear head.. and I know drinking will just make me depressed and I dont want to deal with that aswell,
                              Katie xx
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Hippy, I too am finding it difficult when my husband is drinking. Its not even that I want to have what he is having its how silly he seems, and he's not a big drinker................... i wonder is that my mantra(he's not a big drinker, he's not a big drinker), in comparison to what I used to drink he drank hardly at all but now, I look at his intake, he has a bottle of wine and a couple of pints 3-4 nights a week and occasionally a port afterwards or a gin and tonic beforehand, in normal peoples terms its actually quite a lot isn't it? Anyway, my prob with him is the repetition of stories and conversations and just general crap, it all gets sooooo boring and then insult to injury he snores all night!! I too feel like a hypocrite and except for a bit of sniping when he is boozing I don't feel I have the right to say anything.:eeew:

                                Mazzie, I am going on hols with hubby on Tuesday. Like you when he suggested it at Christmas I was appalled, I couldn't imagine a week of hols without drinking - spent two days thinking up excuses why I couldn't go. Now like you I am dying for my hol, drinking is not an option and at the moment thankfully not a prob. Even tho (see previous!!) hubby does drink he doesn't ram it down my throat, so no sitting around endlessly in bars etc. if he wants a few drinks he can go off on his own while I work on my books and my tan!!!! Yipee can't wait! Have a great hol and we can compare notes when we come back?
                                Morning everyone else,still can't refer to everyones posts cos when I try to go back i loose what I've written!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

