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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    It is Friday!

    Glad this difficult week is over. Running late so I have not had time to read your posts, but will do so later so I can respond. Take care everyone.


      Newbies Nest

      morning peeps. i like the mantra thing. my partner can be a big drinker but i can also stop. my mantra should be 'he can control his drinking, he can control his drinking'
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        Newbies Nest

        I wanna go on vacation!!!!!
        Off to work...hope everyone is strong today
        talked to hubby last night after these posts and he;s gonna try not to drink in front of me. I am lucky though, he NEVER comes home staggering drunk, in fact I usually can't tell....he just fall asleep early. I think it's more of a jealousy (stupid, huh) thing for me....gotta work on that
        love to all my birdie family....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all-Just want to say Hippy-been there too! Those golf outings are the worst because they start drinking at 10 a.m. and it doesn't end til they're staggering drunk and passed out. You totally have my sympathy!
          A bleak day so far-supposed to rain all weekend-but that 's so much better than snow!
          Lav -I think you are in my area -so you're having the same weather-I presume...
          Spuddleduck-what is a Spuddleduck???
          Molly-When my husband snores-I sleep in another room...
          Luv, Fluff
          It's always YOUR choice!


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Another Day!- They are so cute- I found them thru google images-wish I had a puppy like that-my hubby doesn't want any avatar is my little pet...until I somehow get my hubby to have a change of heart...
            Luv, Fluff
            It's always YOUR choice!


              Newbies Nest

              fluff;820868 wrote: Hi all-Just want to say Hippy-been there too! Those golf outings are the worst because they start drinking at 10 a.m. and it doesn't end til they're staggering drunk and passed out. You totally have my sympathy!
              A bleak day so far-supposed to rain all weekend-but that 's so much better than snow!
              Lav -I think you are in my area -so you're having the same weather-I presume...
              Spuddleduck-what is a Spuddleduck???
              Molly-When my husband snores-I sleep in another room...
              Luv, Fluff
              what!! youve never heard of the outer mongolian native spuddleduck. my god where have you been i guess im just a duckie thats a bit puddled. if i can track a spuddleduck down ill sneak a photo and post it (actually i wont cos i havent worked out how to do photos a bit computer crappy) :nutso: think it looks a bit like that :chick: but not like that x
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning everyone and TGIF!

                Molly - hope you have fun on your vacation - love your new avatar!
                Maz - Congrats on day 13 and hope you have a great holiday as well.:goodjob:
                Violet - 12 days is huge - way to go!:goodjob:
                Nora - thanks for the tips on PM'ing - been here since November and never knew you could just click on the avatar to PM
                Twitch - Hope you are feeling better - I myself have been battling a sore throat and persistent cough for the past couple of days - you know the kind that won't let you sleep and makes hubby ask you to go sleep in another room?
                Papmom - one of the best things for me being AF is the wonderful guilt-free feeling you get in the morning - nothing better.
                Coco, happy lady, chook, upnorth, transq, meech, mama, fluff, spuddle and anyone else I missed - hope everyone has a great day!

                Last night I was truly tested - just got my mom home from the hospital on Sunday - had to admit my dad back into the hospital last night. Sis and I stayed with him until evening. She was going to meet her hubby at a local restaurant and have a glass of wine. Since there is no AL in my house - I was so tempted to just stop on the way for a little something just to try and ease the stress of the past few weeks - my head was going "stop", "don't stop", "stop", "don't stop" - "DON'T STOP because you won't be happy with yourself come tomorrow morning" won out - I know it's not the answer - and yes - I am feeling good about not stopping last night.

                Lav - hope you have your rain gear out - looks like it's going to be a very wet weekend!

                Enjoy anyway!

                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks everyone for the shoutouts. This is a neat group. I hope those who are on holiday are able to keep true to themselves and do what is good and right for them, no matter what it is.
                  Will be a very wet weekend here in the northeast US so no outside exercise for me and the paps-might have to dust off the treadmill!!
                  got my CD's in the mail and ordered noise cancelling headphones for less then $20 on unfortunately they won't be in until next week. I'll try to listen to the first two without them on Sunday and Monday. I'm going to download the sleep learning and subliminal unto my Ipod since I couldn't find an endless loop cd/alarmclock combo and plug the ipod into my laptop at home and work. Hoping the All One shows up today.
                  Tonite will be challanging as it's a friday nite BUT it will be my first full week AF and I don't want to blow it. My plan of attack is Curves after work, Chinese food as a reward and water to drink. I remember how sweet the food is and the wine is sweet too so it never really went well together. the water will help flush all that sugar and salt away. Wish me luck!!
                  Have a great day everyone and enjoy your journey!! :l
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Day 9 and Clash of the Weekend

                    Good Morning -

                    KatieB - coffee & cake sounds amazingly good - I seem to have acquired a bit of a sweet tooth this past 9 days...

                    Mazzie - enjoy your holidays with the girls! I think holidays are going to be very challenging for me as they are a great excuse to have one (or 20)! Mollyka & Lavande - enjoy your holidays as well and please share some tips for getting through AF. I know I'm going to need help with that!

                    Spuddleduck -- PLEASE find a photo to post! I'm dying to see a Spuddleduck! (Also please tell me know to do it when you find out... While I just LOVE Winnie the Pooh (the proper one, not the Disney rendition) I can think of about a billion other things I would prefer to have as my "avatar."

                    Love to all, good luck today and be strong through the dreaded weekend! WE CAN DO IT!

                    (My advice today: Keep a stiff upper lip - it makes it almost impossible to drink.)

                    Love Coco


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Coco,

                      "Keep a stiff upper lip" and original Winnie the Pooh - you should be English.

                      I did my year 13 (A Level) English coursework on Winnie the Pooh. This was taken as an adult in Adult Education Classes. I chose "Did A.A.Milne write for children or adults?"

                      Spam xx


                        Newbies Nest

                        Is this a Spuddleduck?

                        It's always YOUR choice!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning all--

                          Off to work this morning. Always a good thing. Hanging in here AF, day 13. A bit stressed out about a birthday party we have to go to on Sunday. It is for a friend's 50th. We have in the past often gotten together with him and his wife for dinner and drinks (really more about the drinks, obviously) Really they are drinking partners. My husband is AF right now for me -- not sure if he will be on Sunday or not... not sure if I can make it through Sunday or not. Scared I will crack and have a drink. Back up plan is to come down with a "migraine" and not go... I feel comfortable telling them I am AF, just don't know if I am ready to be around so much of it! Had a really tough week with my little one acting out and her teacher telling me I should really consider putting her on "meds" (isn't that unethical???? Is she a MD????) And I am trying to learn to live life AF and I am a bit overwhelmed right now. Understandable so, I think!



                            Newbies Nest

                            Coco, my tip for a sober holiday is to remember my holiday this time 12 months ago. Was posting here, sober 36 days and went away with hub and friends. Cut a long story short, fell, cut my head wide open ended up being ambulanced 220 miles for brain scans etc etc and a shed load of stitches to my face which while covered up by a fringe now are still very evident - all for a poxy bottle of vodka!!!! This holiday IS going to be different (told hubby goin to do a heap of shopping , never used to cos didn't have the energy after drinking, think he has mixed feelings!! ha ha)
                            Molly:toohot::toohot: -thats me too hot on hols!!!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Nesters - So glad to see everyone so committed! :goodjob:

                              I am super late for work now so just going to quickly put out the diet coke, coffee & bagels. Also, some Orange Juice. Something a little different for Friday.

                              Have a wonderful day, night where ever you may be.

                              Had a rough day yesterday. Had words with husband. Still not quite back to normal. Will probably be a few days for that. Very unusual for us. We have been married for 32 years and rarely fight. Yesterday when I finally said my piece....even as I was saying it......I thought to myself, I normally would have just planned to go home and get drunk and not said anything. Actually, we didn't argue. We had words back & forth over msn messenger while I was at work. But, I told him what I thought alright. :H Oh well. I'm still on slippery ground and it's the weekend. Plan on working again tomorrow. Keep myself busy.

                              Catch you all later.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks for the goodies Nora-DC yummm my fav!!
                                So sorry you had a tough time with your hubby. Wish I had some words of wisdom but being a career single gal I have no experience in these things (unless you count my boss who doesn't talk to me for days on end sometimes over stupid discussions that shouldn't end up this way but that's another story. I just let him get over his hissy fit and in a week we're usually back to normal. Gotta get myself another job!!).
                                Molly ka-wow, what a frightful holiday you had last year!! No wonder you will never do that again!
                                Violet 70- I too have a couple who are very good friends of mine who I see usually during the summer months when they make the trip out from NY and park their RV in my drive. They too are heavily into wine and we usually drink late into the night when they're here. I am dreading their next visit whenever that will be. I don't want them to feel uncomfortable but I don't want to sabotage my new life in order for them not to be. Luckily it will be a few more months before they come my way and hopefully I'll be entrenched in the AF life by then. I wish I had a nice answer for you as to how to handle the event this weekend. I'm not sure what I would do. Dig deep and I'm sure you'll come up with the right answer for you.
                                Fluff-great pic! If it's not a Spuddleduck it should be :H
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

