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    Newbies Nest

    Sarah42;1702571 wrote: You use other words to start the quote you want, you start it with this: [ QUOTE ] (no spaces) and to end the quote you do [ /QUOTE ] again no spaces in between the brackets.

    if you are quoting multiple post then just cut and paste each quote you want to highlight as above. Hope I helped you some.
    wagmore;1702343 wrote: Byrdie - Maybe someone answered this and I missed it, but here's how you can quote more than one post in your reply:

    1. As you're reading posts, you can select which ones to quote by clicking on the little quotation mark button at the bottom right of the post (you have to be signed in to see this option). It's just to the right of the button with the word "quote" on it, and it changes color when you select it.

    2. You can select as many posts as you like (as far as I know).

    3. If you change your mind about quoting one, go back and click that quote mark button again and it will turn off for that post.

    4. When you're done selecting posts to quote, hit the "Post Reply" button at the top or bottom left of a page of posts.

    5. That will bring you to the window where you can write your post, choose smilies, etc. You'll see each quoted post already in the text box, listed in the same order that you selected them (not necessarily the order they were written/posted).

    6. Before you post, highlight and copy all text in case you lose the message - it would be a LOT to re-create!

    7. Submit reply, like usual.

    Hope that helps!
    JWP;1702373 wrote:
    Hi All - I'm nearing the end of Day 3 and no drinks today either. Although the day isn't quite over, I know I won't drink between now and bed because I've got kids in my house having a sleep over (and I don't keep alcohol in the house) so I couldn't run to the store if I wanted to.

    Tomorrow will be the difficult one because I'm going to a party tomorrow night. My plan is to go on the early side, stay for only 1-2 hours, drink water while I'm there and then leave. In a way, I don't even want to go, but I kind of have to (social obligations). So, fingers crossed?
    UM, I wonder if this will work? Entering the world of multiple quotes is scary! :H

    JWP, when I go to a party, I go LATER rather than early. AND I take my own caffeine free diet coke. Its quirky enough to justify ( I dont want the caffeine). Why do I go later? When you are among the first to arrive, its awkward and YOU get a lot of attention from the the form of DRINK! EAT! People come in and start greeting YOU and there is a lot of chit chat and your drink can become a topic (if you are NOT drinking). If you go later, there is less emphasis on you. People dont really know how long you've been there so you can say you already had something and switched to water. By going later, the others are already underway with their buzzes and it will be easier to talk to them. In fact you will quickly see how much louder and slurry many are already! Eat before you go, even if you know there will be food. And we usually leave early. It isnt necessary to be the last to to leave anymore. After about 9:30, you wont be missing much! This is my experience and so far, so good.

    Sarah, I will never stop believing in you!
    Happy Sattidy, all! Xo, B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      That wasnt perfect, but it was a start!
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Jen, my ears are goosed too. Hopefully they'll improve after a few weeks.
        Today I made the first (well actually second if you count going af) positive change to my life by re-enrolling at college part time to do a course I've wanted to do for ages.
        I've also decided to treat myself on Monday when I get past 2 weeks (mostly an excuse to buy a load of vinyl re-releases that just came out- but if I was drinking I couldn't have afforded them)
        So today i'm feeling super positive!
        Hope everyone's having a cool Saturday!


          Newbies Nest

          JWP, I am approaching 30 days and suffering from headaches still- do not think I am staying well hydrated though. Even though Tylenol is difficult on liver, way less than boozing!!! Pretty cool how aware we become of our bodies when sober, especially after pickling it for so many years, in my case.
          Oko- I took the solo approach too, though I have support from hubby. It really is our battle. I do, explain my frustration & irritability to those that I am around so they will not take it personally. Chalk it up to my body & soul going through some long overdue needed changes. Not sure if guys can play the hormone card, though there is such a thing as androgenapause for men!!!
          Off to a horse show. Good thoughts for everyone.


            Newbies Nest

            okoren1;1702640 wrote: Fin, I took the solo approach. Meaning: I simply quit. No fanfare, no announcements to anybody, especially my wife, etc. I figured I had enough to deal with; first day, first week, then Byrdies famous 13 days, and now my upcoming 30 days. So, I didn't want / need anyone else involved- for me it would have been just more added pressure. I really love my wife; great gal, very supportive, but YIKES!

            And, any thought of moderation is nowhere in my vocabulary.

            When I say I didn't want anyone else involved, that of course does not include this august group of people here on MWO, many of whom I have grown to have great respect for based on their wisdom and willingness to share their respective journey's. Thanks.
            This is my plan as well. Just being more available and in general a better partner will help her understand how this choice is better for all of us.
            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

            Go forward boldly and unafraid


              Newbies Nest

              Morning All! Beautiful day here. Excited to run, spend some time with kids and relax with a lime and soda water. I woke up thinking about habits. I got so used to turning to a drink for anything uncomfortable - believing that it solved it, and it became almost a superstition - a HABIT. Because AL didn't solve anything, it just removed me from life. Headache? drink. Feeling blue? drink. Windy weather (I hate wind)? drink. Bored? Drink. On and on. Alcohol was what I grabbed to help ANYTHING. But as I choose NOT to grab it, that too is becoming a habit. Headache? Advil and a brief rest on the couch. Feeling blue? Talk with someone and let it pass. Windy weather? Well, I don't have one for that, but I find that thinking of something funny helps the irritability - that and some alone time and enough sleep. Bored? Think of something I get to look forward to after 10 min., 1 hr., etc.

              I drank because I chose not to handle discomfort. Now I realize that my habit of just grabbing that shot is breaking, and I'm learning that "dealing" with everything isn't as hard as I imagined. It just takes a little creativity and trial and error. And discomfort. But the payoff is a more full life with real emotions - AND I feel so much stronger and self-reliant. I can deal with life. And I know how to ask for help. And just take a breath and move on. The more I choose to deal and not drink, the easier it becomes.

              Also, I have come to believe that how much you drink isn't the issue, it's WHY you drink that makes it a problem or not. And I think that's why most of us are here, because we realize that we are drinking and LONGING for more drinks for reasons other than the casual drinker.

              Some deep thoughts for today....

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Friends,

                Happy Saturday to everyone. I got up nice and early today, played with the dog then went for a long walk in the woods with my family before it rained. The woods were cool and had an end of summer smell. I found a nice pinecone and tried to take a picture of it (my new avatar) but when I resized it, I lost the focus. I'm not the I.T. guy...

                Leighann, reading back, I saw you mention that you were bored just before there was a huge flurry of posts. Sometimes that happens and a post gets lost in the shuffle. I hope you check in and tell us that you read through the Toolbox!

                Kensho, that's funny about the windy weather. I absolutely love gray windy days, even as a kid when I knew it meant back to school. Learning how to live life again as a human being is absolutely fantastic.

                BF, that's great news about going back to school!

                Great to see everyone posting today. Have a great AF day!
                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                AF 11/12/11


                  Newbies Nest

                  I saw something on here about a alcohol free bar the other day, and one's just opened near me I'll check it out sometime soon.
                  Cold Feet star John Thomson and Coronation Street actor Chris Gascoyne among teetotal guests at launch of booze-free bar - Manchester Evening News


                    Newbies Nest

                    How cool, BF! Sober is the new black! B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey all, quick checkin today - my schedule is still all kinds of messed up but I'm still sticking with it. Things did clear up for my mother and I as well, so that's good. good thought and thanks to everyone, sorry I don't have much time to respond!

                      KENSHO;1702692 wrote: Morning All! Beautiful day here. Excited to run, spend some time with kids and relax with a lime and soda water. I woke up thinking about habits. I got so used to turning to a drink for anything uncomfortable - believing that it solved it, and it became almost a superstition - a HABIT. Because AL didn't solve anything, it just removed me from life. Headache? drink. Feeling blue? drink. Windy weather (I hate wind)? drink. Bored? Drink. On and on. Alcohol was what I grabbed to help ANYTHING. But as I choose NOT to grab it, that too is becoming a habit. Headache? Advil and a brief rest on the couch. Feeling blue? Talk with someone and let it pass. Windy weather? Well, I don't have one for that, but I find that thinking of something funny helps the irritability - that and some alone time and enough sleep. Bored? Think of something I get to look forward to after 10 min., 1 hr., etc.

                      I drank because I chose not to handle discomfort. Now I realize that my habit of just grabbing that shot is breaking, and I'm learning that "dealing" with everything isn't as hard as I imagined. It just takes a little creativity and trial and error. And discomfort. But the payoff is a more full life with real emotions - AND I feel so much stronger and self-reliant. I can deal with life. And I know how to ask for help. And just take a breath and move on. The more I choose to deal and not drink, the easier it becomes.

                      Also, I have come to believe that how much you drink isn't the issue, it's WHY you drink that makes it a problem or not. And I think that's why most of us are here, because we realize that we are drinking and LONGING for more drinks for reasons other than the casual drinker.

                      Some deep thoughts for today....
                      Kensho - I love every word of that, probably because it's the same thing I saw in myself. Even down to drinking for headaches instead of just taking something. :/ I drank for colds, too because clearly that makes more sense than just taking cold medicine? Not so much. Thanks for the reminder that even though it's hard to learn and get used to different way to handle things, it's also freeing. I won't have to worry that I can't handle a situation without a drink once I learn other ways to handle them.
                      I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                      Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                      AF on: 8/12/2014


                        Newbies Nest

                        River Gal, A formula for headaches that work well for those who don't suffer chronic migraines is 2 ibuprofen (Advil), 2 regular strength Tylenol, and one caffeine tablet (you can get them at Walmart, Walgreens, Meijer etc.) This will knock a headache right out. Unfortunately if you are chronic migraine suffer this could potentially cause rebound headaches.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdlady;1702643 wrote:

                          JWP, when I go to a party, I go LATER rather than early. AND I take my own caffeine free diet coke. Its quirky enough to justify ( I dont want the caffeine). Why do I go later? When you are among the first to arrive, its awkward and YOU get a lot of attention from the the form of DRINK! EAT! People come in and start greeting YOU and there is a lot of chit chat and your drink can become a topic (if you are NOT drinking). If you go later, there is less emphasis on you. People dont really know how long you've been there so you can say you already had something and switched to water. By going later, the others are already underway with their buzzes and it will be easier to talk to them. In fact you will quickly see how much louder and slurry many are already! Eat before you go, even if you know there will be food. And we usually leave early. It isnt necessary to be the last to to leave anymore. After about 9:30, you wont be missing much! This is my experience and so far, so good.

                          Sarah, I will never stop believing in you!
                          Happy Sattidy, all! Xo, B
                          Right on. Arrive late, leave early. Everyone's a winner!

                          Me either Sarah.

                          Have a great weekend y'all. G.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Newbies Nest

                            Just jumping in to wish everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            Dealing with more thunder storms here & hopefully the end of this excessive heat & humidity.
                            My hair is starting to frizz - come to think of it Stella's feathers are looking a bit frizzy too :H

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Its a beautiful day here Lav, i went for a sleepover at my daughters and sil and while sil took the dog to obedience school, kiera and i went for a long walk and coffee. I am grateful for being sober and being able to be fully present in my childrens life. It has taken me months and months to understand the "gratitude" feeling but i reflect on my drinking days and look to what i have become now and i am so totally full of gratitude. My life cant get any better than what it is each and every day.

                              Happy weekend all.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                Amen, Ava!

                                Nothing more to add.


