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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Congrats Nora on 30 days, that's brill!!! Violet and Coco, don't be worrying, we've all fallen and from what you say its like it might have been a good thing to really know that thats NOT what you want.
    Hippy, fair dues taking on the grub as well as the booze! I find I eat better automatically cos I'm not 'booze-eating' but I still allow treats if I want them, reckon I'm not strong enough to take on anything else at the moment
    Lav, almost a year WOW would love to have a year under my belt it must feel great!
    I'm off on my hols to the Canaries tomorrow yippee!! Think I'll bring Spams spare room with me just in case
    Have a nice Monday everyone
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone - didn't get to post this morning before work. Think hubby & I ate something bad last night. I'm vegetarian so don't even know what was bad. I think it might have been the lettuce or it might have been the taco seasoning we used on the meatless crumbles.

      Anyway - I will catch up with everyone tonight. Busy day today.

      Molly......Enjoy your holiday!!!!!!!!!!!! - I still have that awful little voice on my shoulder that I am trying to shove in Spam's room, so I'm using it too. :upset: Hubby leaves Wed morning. I am preparing that room and trying to board it up with concrete and steel - I'm so glad that I have all of you to be with me. :thanks:

      Chat with you all tonight!!!!!!

      Have a wonderful day everyone. :l
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        Hi nesters, have been quiet for a few days. My computer suffers from mood swings but is co-operative today so all good

        Nora, hope you're feeling a whole lot better now.:l

        Molly hope the sun shines hotly for your holiday. Soak up some for me..

        Violet, hold your head high because you haven't given up. Good job on not enjoying the beer..that's a result

        Coco, good Coco! You've identified the problem so now you are well armed for success..go for it. We're all cheering you along:h

        Lav, hope that sun came out to shine on your pretty and wise head..

        Canadian girl, of course you can post..we are all in this together, no matter what.:l

        HC, good luck with your guests, hope they are fun to have around. I'm on a healthy eating kick too at the moment. Takes a lot of planning but am always full of energy when I eat well. I'm not overweight either but tend to munch on junk when anxious or tired. Just a habit as you say, so of course we can beat it.

        Ok nestlings, time to call it a night. Keep safe and thanks for being there


          Newbies Nest


          I am so scared to quit drinking cold turkey. I usually drink one big jug of wine a day...Not sure. I am afraid I will have some crazy physical thing happen. I do not know the best way to do this. I had a seizure in January and was taking some new RX drugs. I have since tapered off of the drugs. Now wondering if I need to do the same to be safe, Any ideas?


            Newbies Nest

            Hi All,
            Welcome back canadiangirl.. good luck with the moderating.. you know you can always come on here for some extra motivation whether you are moderating or staying AF..
            Coco and Violet.. don't feel too despondent, we all have slip-ups; just learn from them.. such as Violet - can you maybe avoid that friend in future who keeps topping up your drinks? its sounds awful to have to avoid some friends, but if you can't tell them you don't want to drink, and you want to change.. that could be the only way!
            Thank you Jolie - i'm having lots of fun with my little boy..
            Lav - i'm sticking to my plan! i dont want to buy AL anymore at all.. i will hang in there and do this for my boy..and myself of course..
            HC - habits can be broken! good luck with your healthy food kick.. i need to change some food habits too.. i bought lots of healthy fruit and veg today to use whilst making meals.. and i bought me and my son healthy smoothies for brekkie, full of vitamins and protein! I have asked for a smoothie maker for my birthday.. so hopefully the birthday fairy will bring me one! lol.. :H
            Nora - get well soon! make sure you drink plenty of water - and "starchy" foods will help you get over gastro better - mashed potato, banana's, cereal, crackers etc.. avoid spicy foods and fruit and veg whilst you have gastro- that's my nurse-lingo talking!
            Mollyka, Sophie, Spam and everyone else.. have a fab day; I have been swimming with my son this morning, now we're off to a park on the train,
            Take care all,
            Katie xx
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              Newbies Nest

              Good evening nesters,

              Lots of activity here today, love the company

              Nora, hope you're feeling better now!

              Violet & Coco - I'll bet you both learned something about yourselves this weekend! Don't fret, it's good that you came right back & have the experience behind you. Just keep trying, OK?

              KatieB, thinking of you & your little guy!

              Molly, enjoy yourself & soak up some sun for me too, please!

              Sophie, HC, spam, canadiangirl & everyone - greetings!

              Hi happy again, welcome to the nest!
              We were all scared to quit but if you feel your safety is in danger - please seek medical help! A seizure, as you know can be dangerous. Have you been in touch with the doctor who ordered the meds for you?
              You want to do this as safely as possible! Please stay intouch with us & let us know how you are doing.

              Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
              The night light is on..........

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hello all my fellow nesters...I'm sorry that I haven't been on here much. I am so tired. I'm feeling much better from being sick though. Thank you. Thanks for the advise about what to avoid Katie - I didn't realize about the fruit & veggie.

                I wish that I could respond to everyone but I just feel wiped out tonight. I will be back tomorrow and try to catch up. Take care everyone and I hope that you all are doing well.

                Catch you all in the morning or evening (wherever you may be)......................
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone.

                  Coco and Violet - just remember how bad you feel today and use that in the future. Hold your head high Violet, you come straight back to us. It's when you quit quitting that you really need to worry.
                  Nora - hope you are feeling better soon. Nothing worse than feeling sick for real.... No hangover!
                  Molly - have a GREAT holiday. My sister-in-law just a few weeks in Tennerife and loved it.

                  I am rather agitated at the moment and wondering what supp I can take to calm myself. My husbands friends are due any minute and my step daughter (whom I dont get on with) is coming too. I am sad to say that I never look forward to seeing her, I get so stressed when I know she is coming for a visit. AT least I am reaching for a supp not a bottle (or carton) of wine...

                  Better go. Will try and pop back in later. Might be hard for a few days with visitors in the house. Wish me luck!

                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    Newbies Nest

                    Bye All!
                    Off on my hols and really excited! I'm putting all you lot on my right shoulder so if any lttle nasty voice starts whispering in my ear I know you will all whip ass:b&d: for me!!!!
                    See you all next week yipee!!
                    Molly x x:l:hallo:
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 2 (again). Back on the Living Fuel yesterday and felt no cravings - I also took several Kudzu for good measure. Thank you everyone for being supportive even though I felt like the worst worm for blowing it after 10 days!

                      Back in the Saddle Coco


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning all
                        Had some adult beverages last night after an awful day at work and a spat with hubby.....I am going to write down some goals today and get my head back in the right place....may try lookingup an addictions counselor....
                        Have a good day friends!!!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning nesters,

                          Hang on tight Coco, you are going to be OK!

                          Happy travels Molly, you lucky girl

                          HC, sending you loads of strength & all the Lavan-itude you need to get through the next few days wth your visitors! Hope the days go by quickly for you

                          Nora, hope today is a good one for you!

                          Well, I have no complaints, the rain has stoped, the sun is out - looks like a nice day shaping u here in this end of the nest!!
                          Wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Have a happy sober day everyone....I am on Day 6 (again).... you are all in my thoughts and prayers.



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all!

                              I am still here! And strangely more confident than ever. No cravings yesterday and feeling just done with it. Just done and ready to start living my life. I think I almost needed Sunday to occur just as a reality check. I really think that the "cravings" I have been having really have been anxiety. And I have been just self medicating for a very long time. Well that is done. Gonna find another outlet. There was another thread that I think Katie started about control freaks and AL -- and that is me! So I am learning and accepting a bit more day by day here.
                              Got a blue sky here in MI which is matching my hopeful mood, and if I wasn't fighting a migraine I'd be pretty damn chipper! LOL
                              I am getting close to the point that I am ready to pick up the phone and call my Dad and tell him everything. I have been hiding it from him for a long time -- but I am pretty sure he has figured it out in the last year or so....he used to say - " 'Violet' --how is it in a family full of drunks you are the only one who made it out ok? " (sister -- recovered, brother-- liver failure...uncle-- dead, grandpa, cousins......)
                              That always hurt so bad deep inside...always felt like I was lying to him. He has been sober since I was 11. So I am getting there. I know I will be there when I can make that phone call.

                              Hope you all are having a happy AF day and Thank you all for the continued, amazing support! You are all incredible! :thanks:



                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all!

                                I am still here! And strangely more confident than ever. No cravings yesterday and feeling just done with it. Just done and ready to start living my life. I think I almost needed Sunday to occur just as a reality check. I really think that the "cravings" I have been having really have been anxiety. And I have been just self medicating for a very long time. Well that is done. Gonna find another outlet. There was another thread that I think Katie started about control freaks and AL -- and that is me! So I am learning and accepting a bit more day by day here.
                                Got a blue sky here in MI which is matching my hopeful mood, and if I wasn't fighting a migraine I'd be pretty damn chipper! LOL
                                I am getting close to the point that I am ready to pick up the phone and call my Dad and tell him everything. I have been hiding it from him for a long time -- but I am pretty sure he has figured it out in the last year or so....he used to say - " 'Violet' --how is it in a family full of drunks you are the only one who made it out ok?" That always hurt so bad deep inside...always felt like I was lying to him. He has been sober since I was 11. So I am getting there. I know I will be there when I can make that phone call.

                                Hope you all are having a happy AF day and Thank you all for the continued, amazing support! You are all incredible! :thanks:


