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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I can't find Just Starting Out... Do we each have a unique website or what??? Crazy .

    Added: found it! But then don't you have to check through all the sub forums to find new posts? It shouldn't need to be so tedious.


      Newbies Nest

      Nar, I LOVE your second quote in your signature true is THAT???!
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Well, yes and no....if I am IN the NN and go up to the top of this page to the lesft to Latest Activity, I can see all the COMMENTS that were posted, but not the original posts.
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          NS, this is how I've been doing it, too. The 2 places I go most are NN and the Roll Call, both under Just Starting out, right under the Sticky of Forum Etiquette. If I could somehow have a favorites list, that would be cool, I have the subscription thing, but it doesn't seems to have a rhyme or reason. (I love rhyme AND reason)
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            GMAE all...just checking in since last night and I see I have I missed bitch bars, bad ass meters and wacky smilies in summary. I need to visit more often. In other news today , someone has apparently found that genetics determines your taste for alcohol...who knew? Hope everyone is staying strong and back to the smiley faces and Kooky icons....

            Genes may determine whether you like taste of alcohol, study finds:


            :bananacomputer::alf::crazymonkey::flyingunders::t oohot::naughtfeet:
            “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



              Newbies Nest

              Yea..well..cough..I still keep my house clean but I dont always have to pick up a speck of dirt on the floor anymore. Especially when the boys are over for the weekend..I'll let the dishes stack up and not worry about them getting crumbs on the carpet. But when they leave I do feel a sense of accomplishment cleaning up and making things tidy again.
              I dont know what happened to the cooperation..It was going good over the summertime..
              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
              AF: 9-10-2013


                Newbies Nest

                Im not an apple buff..but did you try going into your "settings" "general" "text" to change it?
                Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                AF: 9-10-2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Im not sure if I personally want the BBs..but I read that most forums use the bars for up or down votes ( red for - votes and green for + ones ). Dont see a down vote so if this is the case then you are making others feel warm and fuzzy
                  Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                  AF: 9-10-2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    I think that the Bitch Bars are linked to how many "Likes" you've gotten. I'm not sure if the Bitch Bars are only available to subscribers or not. :scratchinhead:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi, all! Technical issues are not fun are and super frustrating - we'll all get it working eventually but I'm throwing good luck around the room, darn it! (I'll take some, too. I'm trying to find some pieces of a thing I own. I can't find where I put the spare parts and customer service for the company emailed me today that they "can't replace internal parts." These parts aren't internal! If they were internal I wouldn't have lost them! *headdesk*)

                      The not-smoking is going ok so far. I was super tired last night, but that's actually kind of a good thing since I've been having trouble sleeping at night. Going to try to get to the store today as well; I realized the other day that I'm starting to lose the AL weight and I sure don't want to mess that up if I can avoid it. (But also keeping in mind that I don't want to put too much pressure on myself either - trust me that if I want chocolate I'm having myself some, lol!) It's so funny how much more willing people are to be supportive when you quit smoking than with other things! On the other hand, I've seen some folks be seriously jerkish towards folks who haven't quit smoking so I guess sometimes you can't win.

                      Oen - Good going on Day 2! Those first few days are rough, I'm so glad you're pushing through. Very good for you! The Nest here is such a great place to spend time. I didn't know how I was going to do anything (hehe, that's still true plenty of days) so I just locked in here and focused on not-drinking. One day at a time!

                      Kensho - Lol, you did catch me on the sleep thing, you know. xD I was skimming here and other places online while thinking I was soooo tired. Finally I went "Hello, I could go to bed if I'm tired, huh?"

                      Cherokeer - I know that for my avatar I had to do an extra step. The fox I use is supposed to be one of the default ones, but it wouldn't work when I chose it for the main avatar. I had to save the pic to my computer and then reupload it in the option to use your own picture for it to work.

                      Gambler - I one million percent agree on needing to hit that click first to quit. That's how I quit for a year or so last time and the only reason I jumped on it just now. I felt that click one night so I just jumped on it while I was feeling it. Definitely don't rush yourself on it especially with the AL quit running, too! And thanks for the good wishes!

                      Oh, and I also completely agree on getting small things accomplished. I tackled my computer room (a piece at a time) first and now when I hit a crappy day I can at least look at how clean and organized everything is in here - in all the years of heavy drinking I never managed to finish that task! Feels good though; I'm sitting in an office/library space now instead of a storage room pigpen.

                      Narilly - Hi and thanks for the thoughts and ideas! I know that last time I quit smoking after a few weeks old smokes started smelling gross...but not sure if that'd help me yet. I'm so used to the smell it doesn't ping as "bad" in my brain for quite a while. BUT I do use something similar. When I think about smoking I make sure to think about the mornings after I've smoked too much - when my throat hurts and my head hurts but I still "have" to have one to get going. Plus how bad I feel if I smoke around my dog since his fur will pick up the smell, too. And for AL I think about one of the times I was drinking something I didn't like the taste of, not feeling well, but still trying to finish the drink. Mornings when I was drinking something stale leftover from the night before. Not at all the good times, just the times when I hated it even while I was doing it - icky!

                      Other than that, what I've learned here and looking into quitting AL has been helping a lot with the smoking, too. Getting away from the headspace that smoking is a "reward" or something I "deserve" that I'm denying myself; seeing it as purely an addiction that I want to be done with. I never wanted to see it that way before, I saw it as a personal choice which made it harder to say "no" to myself. Seeing it as something I don't want in my life makes a big difference in how I handle cravings.

                      It also helped that I've been having a very hard time not smoking inside - something my mom and I already agreed on since she really needs to quit, too. I started feeling about smokes like I did about AL - "Oh, I can just have one inside, no one will notice! Plus I'm stressed from quitting AL so really I deserve to be able to." and I don't want those feelings anymore, not at all. It's also like AL in the "there's something I'll leave the house to get no matter the weather or how I'm feeling." There's been days I drove through blizzard conditions just to get my smokes/AL and UGH...! We're heading into fall here, once winter hits it's a pretty good time for anything that staying home will help with.

                      Wow, looks like I'm back on long posts again - I must be getting used to the site more! xD Hope everyone has an easy day!
                      I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                      Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                      AF on: 8/12/2014


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey NoSugar, I went to Jane's thread and tried to type out the instructions for putting the links in your signature line and it would look good in the reply box, but once I clicked on "post reply," the link was gone!


                          Newbies Nest

                          FlyAway;n2514496 wrote:
                          You can multi-quote here. Look up at the top of the posts on the page. There is a gray bar that runs across the top of the page.
                          Oh thank God FlyAway !! Thank you thank you .. but kinda cumbersome when it zips you down to the bottom after clicking on the first "quote" button..then I have to scroll back up to where I was..then scroll down to click the buttons as needed..then zoom back up to the top for the big finish "post reply" button lol. Good thing I have a mouse with a free scrolling wheel on it.

                          Oh yea..back in the multiquote saddle again..boy you guys are in trouble

                          Byrdlady;n2514522 wrote: I've had it with technology! **snip** ...Otherwise, all good over here. I have my physical this afternoon, but already got the blood work (which I used to DREAD) but everything is right where it belongs! It sure it nice to be telling the truth on the medical history form that I NEVER drink Alcohol!
                          I find that kinda funny..coming from someone thats in the technology biz
                          Oh yea..I remember having to fill out the doctors visit application. many drinks do I have a week ? ..lemme see here..247? no no..that wont cut about 12

                          NoSugar;n2514545 wrote:
                          I agree that the comments are problematic - there is no way to be sure the original poster (or others) will see them. I usually start with the first unread post in a thread so I'm sure I'm missing comments made on posts after I read them.
                          Yea..thats what I was thinking too. I know that there might be some that will monitor their posts that were commented on..but you have a point on the "others" thing. I think Ill keep to bringing the conversation back to the ( forfront ) bottom of the now..with this cool multi-quote addiction that I have going on.

                          Well I thought I was going to have a lot more work to do today but It turns out one of the owners only wants one color stripe instead of two. Well hell that cuts the job down another day ( cure times and such ) which in turn will get me my 'free-time' this weekend without a problem.

                          I was thinking what I wrote this morning about getting doing things ( like changing the muffler )..and well It really boils down to feeling good about ourselves and what we have accomplished. The better we feel the more confident we are.. and the more confident we are the stronger we become. Having that strength gives us conviction and empowerment in what we do and how we choose to do it. Being empowered is not the same as being in control. I dont know yet if feeling/being in control is the key to all of it. I think that when I chose to stop drinking I gave up "control"..I felt very good about letting things happen and just dealing with them as they came. I also found lately that trying to control things isnt working out so well. Im better off being empowered and control the swinging my own bat and not trying to control the incoming ball as well. I think im getting off track but I hope you guys understand.

                          Ok..well this post is gonna be one of those "short and quick ones" that your so used to seeing...I can feel it lol

                          I really wanted to bring back my cooking habits that I spoke of when I first quit. Yea that pressure cooker thing is going great ( I upgraded it to a top of the line one ). Its been my go-to cookware for a long time now..but..then I listened to you and picked up a crock pot. Got to making some killer roasts and even a whole bird (once). Man..coming home to that smell is the cats totally digged on it. I still use it from time to time..but not as much as my newest addition. A Braville countertop convection oven! Oh this is the ticket right here. Im broiling chicken,steak pork chops..toasting grilled cheese..roasting chicken ( yes Im a chik-a-holic )...frozen pizza ( im done with ordering pizza anymore ). Anyways this got me to thinking that I might end up going back into cooking for a winter job when its slow for me at boat work. I did enjoy it back when I did it for a profession..and I met some good friends and ..ladies..

                          Well that kinda spearheads my next topic..companionship. I was thinking about getting a pet ( kids want a dog ). Im to the point where there is a void in my life that only another living thing can provide. Dont get me not actively looking for a relationship but im not putting Any effort into attracting one either ( and no girls are not pets )..but If one comes across me I feel that I would be open to the idea. Its just been terribly lonely with nobody around. Ive been playing Tons of playstation games..even got an Online fantasy game so I could interact with others. But thats not cutting it.

                          Unfortunately I have to cut this short due to one of my clients is trying to call me..

                          Please take care of yourselves and wishing you all the best

                          PS. It does feel good to be writing here again
                          Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                          AF: 9-10-2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Eloise;n2514485 wrote:

                            I completely agree B- goimg blind over here trying to read this small font on the ipad. I cannot seem to enlarge it either!
                            Sorry your having a rough day of it!
                            doesn't work for the internet settings Gambler- good suggestion though.
                            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thank you for trying. Maybe things will get sorted out after the next upgrade.


                                Newbies Nest

                                I was trying to upload a photo of my doggie, but all my files exceed the limit....not my day for computers.
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

