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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Been spending a lot of time in hospitals lately, so haven't been very active on MWO. But feeling very weak tonight, so I am posting. I see there is a problem for the weekend, but I don't quite understand. Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. Just being accountable.
    Everything is going to be amazing


      Newbies Nest

      Hope you are okay Moss, you know al wont solve anything but a big hug will so i am sending you one of those. The site is going down for a week to be fixed so there is a link somewhere to be used as a safe place for us alkies. Pop in and say hello. I cant imagine what you are going through at the moment but you are one strong woman Moss. xxx
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Thinking of you, Moss. Hospitals are exhausting in every way. My recent experience with them makes me so glad I am sober. There were problems enough without ME being one of them. Stay strong and you will be so glad you did. Hugs to you, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          CONGRATS again to Ava - showing off her 300 AF days! They look good on you

          Moss, I'm going to send you a PM as soon as I finish this. Hope you are OK, we are thinking about you.

          Mr G- very nice on your 60

          Ginger, my inbox & trash are all cleared out now so I did send you a message!

          I will be busy with my grandson & a thousand things to do this weekend. Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Wow, it has been four months today. On one hand it seems like I have not been drinking in forever and on the other I never thought I would be able to go four whole months without drinking. When I first started thinking about stopping AL all I keep thinking was "what about going out with friends? What about kayaking? What about holidays? How am I going to not drink during all those drinking times. I stupidly thought well I'll just "only drink during those times." Yeah, I was a total dumbass trying to create bargains in my head to try and justify why I should still be able to drink. I could not and can not moderate ever. My AL soaked brain wasn't functioning well at that time. But now it is. Now I can think clearly, get happy, be sad, and get angry clearly and with succinct clarity. No more avoidance. I hit things head on.

            I am fighting back for myself. I am getting tired of being in situations where I am around a lot of drinking. It's no fun for me. A lot of the time it just pisses me off but there have been a few times it started to weaken my resolve. Thankfully, I'm stubborn as hell and did not. Thank God for MWO. The mere thought of disappointing people here gives me a backbone of Steele. If not I reach out to someone here. I am not too proud to say this day is almost too much I need some extra support. And that is the beauty of what we have here. Just being able to reach out to those who understand and care even having never seen my face. I am so very grateful. I believe without MWO I would have not successfully been able to stop drinking.

            Now I am looking for new ways to enjoy life. I meditate daily and focus on being happy. No more stress and worry. I love my life and I can't change what is past but I can give my future one hell of a good shot. I am so grateful and blessed to be here right now, right here in this moment.


              Newbies Nest

              Cherokeer;n2515611 wrote: Wow, it has been four months today. On one hand it seems like I have not been drinking in forever and on the other I never thought I would be able to go four whole months without drinking. When I first started thinking about stopping AL all I keep thinking was "what about going out with friends? What about kayaking? What about holidays? How am I going to not drink during all those drinking times. I stupidly thought well I'll just "only drink during those times." Yeah, I was a total dumbass trying to create bargains in my head to try and justify why I should still be able to drink. I could not and can not moderate ever. My AL soaked brain wasn't functioning well at that time. But now it is. Now I can think clearly, get happy, be sad, and get angry clearly and with succinct clarity. No more avoidance. I hit things head on.

              I am fighting back for myself. I am getting tired of being in situations where I am around a lot of drinking. It's no fun for me. A lot of the time it just pisses me off but there have been a few times it started to weaken my resolve. Thankfully, I'm stubborn as hell and did not. Thank God for MWO. The mere thought of disappointing people here gives me a backbone of Steele. If not I reach out to someone here. I am not too proud to say this day is almost too much I need some extra support. And that is the beauty of what we have here. Just being able to reach out to those who understand and care even having never seen my face. I am so very grateful. I believe without MWO I would have not successfully been able to stop drinking.

              Now I am looking for new ways to enjoy life. I meditate daily and focus on being happy. No more stress and worry. I love my life and I can't change what is past but I can give my future one hell of a good shot. I am so grateful and blessed to be here right now, right here in this moment.
              Way to Go Cherokeer! Congrats on 4 months!

              That is absolutely fabulous! I am so proud of you. And the "never seen your face" part of this is actually critical. We as a society have so much shame associated with alcohol addiction that it prevents people from getting help. This site being anonymous allows us to do that. And it also allows us to be brutally honest. I've admitted to things on here that I've never told anyone in real life and been met with a chorus of "I did that too," instead of judgment. How freeing is that? You are on your way to total freedom. You will have hard days along the way, but you have crossed so many hard bridges already that you have already built a strong foundation that can keep you steady in a storm. It's not always easy, but it's so much better. :l


                Newbies Nest

                MossRose;n2515580 wrote: Been spending a lot of time in hospitals lately, so haven't been very active on MWO. But feeling very weak tonight, so I am posting. I see there is a problem for the weekend, but I don't quite understand. Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. Just being accountable.
                Mossy what is going on with you? We are here for you. I hope you are okay.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Chero congrats on 4 months and what a lovely post. This site has also been my lifeline and when i realised that i had to utilise it to my full advantage then it helped me greatly also. Never can i let my cyber friends down as they are the ones that understand the struggles of being and staying sober and happiness for us is being sober and enjoying life as we should have years ago.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks Flyaway! If anything that this experience has taught me is to let go of judgment. That sometimes peoples pain can be so deep and intense that the wind blowing can shatter them into pieces. That a simple kind word can be the lifeline that saves someone. I want to always be that person that gives that kindness to everyone. I've always had a gentle voice that hid the firestorm inside. But now I want that calm gentleness coming from the inside out.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks Ava! You and several others have helped me so much with your support, kind words, and sage advice. I am so grateful to you all. You guys have helped me find the strength I needed to become the me I lost at the bottom of a cabernet. So like that relative your ugly cousin married and you wish they hadn't. I'm in the family now and I'm here to stay.


                        Newbies Nest

                        When does the shaking stop? I am at hour 24 and I can't sleep and can't stop shaking.
                        We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
                        ~Albert Einstein quote


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE, Nest:

                          Tatahi - I believe if you are having bad physical symptoms you should be under medical supervision for a detox. Is there someone you could call? You can get some medicine to make sure you do it safely.

                          Cowboy - that was some story, and SO great that you didn't think of alcohol. Beautiful poem, too.

                          AVA! How many ways can I sing your praises. I believe jewel and gem have been used, so I'll go with SUPERSTAR. Thanks for spending 300 days supporting, entertaining, teaching and learning with us. In G's words, you RAWK.

                          G - 60 and a nice rack! How lucky. Well, lucky for the rack. All hard work and focus on the 60 days. Thanks for sharing your positive spirit with us all!

                          And Cherokeer - 4 months! Congratulations! At four months I felt such a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of "is this all?" Be aware that you may experience a flat period - mine went on until about 7 months. It wasn't awful, but I did feel more adrift than I did in the early days. Once the new old site is up, make sure you stick close.

                          Love the milestones and accomplishments. Instead of a weekend, we need to make 7 day plans. It is a good idea to focus on sobriety every day (or so I've read).

                          Happy weekend, Nest. I am so excited to wake up hungover free tomorrow morning and enjoy my coffee in the early morning.



                            Newbies Nest

                            Pav- No one to one is home. It is still too much a secret and I cannot afford to take time off for treatment so I guess I have to power though this. Thank you for the suggestions.
                            We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
                            ~Albert Einstein quote


                              Newbies Nest

                              Tatahi5;n2515645 wrote: When does the shaking stop? I am at hour 24 and I can't sleep and can't stop shaking.
                              Hi Tatahi,

                              I'm not sure of your location but get yourself to a doc or hospital friend. If transport is a problem, can a doc come to you? I strongly recommend you get to a doc or nurse right now just to be safe.

                              Keep us posted. G

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Newbies Nest

                                And thanks everyone for the congrats and encouragement........ and the rack!

                                Congratulations Chero!

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

