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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    Happy Saturday to all
    I was up early but it's nice to see the sunshine!

    Chero, CONGRATS on your 4 AF months :wd:
    It makes such a difference, glad you are seeing the real you once again.

    Tatahi, please be sure to drink lots of water & tea to keep yourself hydrated. You are experiencing withdrawal symptoms & it would be best if you at least called a doc to get a Rx for something to help you through the next few days. Please be safe.

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      MR, sending you some support! Can we help? This site will be down for a week starting Monday. Scroll back a few pages for the link to s forum Nursie set up in the interim. Make sure the email account associated with MWO is valid and they will send us instructions for accessing the new site. Stick close to us over the weekend.

      Cherokeer, congratulations and what a beautiful post. You hit on some very big points. I don't enjoy being around drinking situations either. Should I? I don't think so. That was never my goal. Drinking laughter rings pretty hollow in my ears. We are the ones who went to far with drinking. As we know that laughter is hiding some pain as well. We are the ones that really learned that one the hard way! Looking for ways to build our own authentic AF life is the way to go. Kudos to you!

      Have a great AF day!
      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
      AF 11/12/11


        Newbies Nest

        Oenophile;n2515488 wrote: Congratulations Kensho! That is HUGE! That gives me inspiration
        And Thanks to Byrdlady, and everyone for listening and cheering me on this week.

        I am on day 5, finally starting to feel better. (Like I'm not going to behead someone for tapping their pen on a table!) Even though the irritability was unbearable at times, with what supplements I've been taking and the topa, other major side effects were significantly decreased. I had maybe three headaches, one bad the 1st night. But no sweats, no shakes, no nightmares , and the insomnia wasn't anything I couldn't handle as mother of two. Oh, and I'm STARVING. Like whoa. And I drink a ridiculous amount of water.

        I'm starting to realize how much of the depression I had been feeling was because of the alcohol. Now, I look around and I see good things too, not just bad stuff. Now it's time for a smiley face:woot:
        Just wanted to tell you that many of us have experienced the headaches. I cant remember exactly when mine started getting bad (4-8 weeks into My quit?) now, after 130 days I am not suffering any longer from the headaches.
        It was a sure sign for me that I was still suffering from toxins in my body. A real wake up call that things were really bad, no denying it.
        So you hang tight and great that you are on day 5.
        Full speed ahead! 😄
        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


          Newbies Nest

          [QUOTE=Oenophile;n2515488]Congratulations Kensho! That is HUGE! That gives me inspiration
          And Thanks to Byrdlady, and everyone for listening and cheering me on this week.

          I am on day 5, finally starting to feel better. (Like I'm not going to behead someone for tapping their pen on a table!) Even though the irritability was unbearable at times, with what supplements I've been taking and the topa, other major side effects were significantly decreased. I had maybe three headaches, one bad the 1st night. But no sweats, no shakes, no nightmares , and the insomnia wasn't anything I couldn't handle as mother of two. Oh, and I'm STARVING. Like whoa. And I drink a ridiculous amount of water.

          I'm starting to realize how much of the depression I had been feeling was because of the alcohol. Now, I look around and I see good things too, not just bad stuff. Now it's time for a smiley face:woot:[/
          (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


            Newbies Nest

            Tatahi5;n2515645 wrote: When does the shaking stop? I am at hour 24 and I can't sleep and can't stop shaking.
            Tata did you go to an AA meeting last night? I know you said that you won't go to rehab, but AA has volunteers that you can at least talk to who might be able to help. Do a search and find a nearby chapter and call them. Like Lav said, your family doctor can prescribe you some meds that will help you get through the withdrawal. Keep checking in and letting us know how you're doing.


              Newbies Nest

              KENSHO;n2515468 wrote: Hi Everyone. Racked up another sober evening - at a very important work event. 25 of us were wined and dined - except that i only "dined". I wished a little I could partake, but for some reason, smelling the wine brought back all the memories of the physical and emotional discomfort I experienced while drinking. At first in my quit, it was risky to smell, but now it does wonders to put me right past that desire and I just move on with my evening.

              Have a wonderful sober weekend everyone.
              Great job, Kensho! It gets easier, doesn't it? Isn't it strange how we react to those sensory inputs change over time? My husband is a very light drinker, and when he has a glass of wine the smell on him doesn't bother me at all. No cravings, no repulsion. But he occasionally will have a brandy before bed, which he does about once every few weeks. I was a spirits person, and I'll tell you what, the smell of brandy on him while he sleeps next to me completely grosses me out! I've had to wake him up and ask him to turn over and breathe toward the wall.

              Cherokeer, belated congrats on your 4 months! You're doing great!!

     depression that I was medicated for also lifted after I quit drinking. Keep it up, because as you described, you'll find that there is so much more beauty in the world than you realized or were able to allow yourself to enjoy. I've come off several of the meds I was on since quitting drinking. 7 years ago, I was started on a med called Toprol to treat my racing heartbeat (I knew it was AL related but lied to my doctors). The toprol caused me to lose energy and gain weight, which meant new blood pressure meds. The depression brought on anti-depressants...and the AL increased. And so on, and so on, and so on. Vicious cycle in place and life nearly destroyed. I've since lost 35 pounds and have come off most of my meds or had meds decreased.

              I used to hear people at work comment on things like, "Did you see how beautiful the sky was over the lake this morning?", and feel very alone, because even if I saw things like that, I was so checked out of life that I didn't feel apart of it, or the world that everyone else shared. You'll find that as the fog lifts and you join the ranks of the living again, the capacity for joy that you can feel in response to the little things in life is extraordinary. You're doing great, so keep it up and you will be astounded by how wonderful you can feel again!!

              Have a great weekend, all!
              Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                Newbies Nest

                What a powerful testimony to the power of support. We are so happy for you and those 120 days. Dont trade them for what's behind Door #1, its a trap! So proud of you, Old Timer!

                Edit to add?... Would you consider putting that post in the Tool Box?
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning, Nesters!
                  After going thru and LIKING everyone's post I got nothing to add! BAH!!!
                  I cant believe the phenomenal success we are having in the nest! Stick with it, it really pays off!
                  Remember, drinking is NOT an option anymore!
                  Keep up the great work, everyone! Holler if you need a push!! Xxxoo, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    peppersnow;n2515785 wrote:

                    Great job, Kensho! It gets easier, doesn't it? Isn't it strange how we react to those sensory inputs change over time? My husband is a very light drinker, and when he has a glass of wine the smell on him doesn't bother me at all. No cravings, no repulsion. But he occasionally will have a brandy before bed, which he does about once every few weeks. I was a spirits person, and I'll tell you what, the smell of brandy on him while he sleeps next to me completely grosses me out! I've had to wake him up and ask him to turn over and breathe toward the wall.
                    LOL Pepper! This is me as well. I can't stand the smell of booze any longer. My husband will drink scotch or whiskey and I can't stand the smell when he exhales. I can't say that I've ever woken him to turn over though! :H


                      Newbies Nest


                      Very happy to check in this morning on day 300. Wowzie wow. Who'da thunk? Interestingly, I had a drinking dream last night. I was very hungover and realized that I had drunk the night before, although I couldn't remember really doing it. I imagined coming back here and posting "Day 1" again - even dreamed the emoticon I would use. I thought of disappointing myself, but first disappointing you all. Then someone poured me some red wine (something I rarely drank), and I decided that since I had to post Day 1 again, I may as well make the most of it. Yikes. That's why I know I will never drink again - I think I could talk myself into becoming a full time drinker pretty darn quickly.

                      I also got off my medication - for 7 years I had high blood pressure, and now it is gone. I also have lost 15 pounds, all while taking up a weekly ice cream habit. And just yesterday someone I work with said I look great. So many healthy benefits to quitting drinking.

                      My husband drinks, too. I don't really mind except during the odd wistful look I sometimes take at his cold beer at a baseball game, or cocktail on a Friday night. As NS described, those aren't really cravings any more - I don't want the alcohol, but a quick nostalgic look into a land that hasn't existed in a long time - one beer without thinking about the second, one drink without knowing there were more coming. Right now I am enjoying my coffee and the morning, free from anxiety, guilt and hangover.

                      Happy Sober Saturday, nest. Off to get some exercise in the great outdoors.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Pavati;n2515808 wrote:

                        I also got off my medication - for 7 years I had high blood pressure, and now it is gone. I also have lost 15 pounds, all while taking up a weekly ice cream habit. And just yesterday someone I work with said I look great. So many healthy benefits to quitting drinking.
                        Wow Pav, some real, tangible evidence of how much better sobriety is. That's wonderful!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Everyone! Tatahi, hang in there! Please get medical help if you need it. Just remember that becoming a non-drinker is hard, but worth every effort!

                          COONGRATS Chero! I loved reading your thoughts about being sober. LOVE the 300 days Pav. I enjoy every one of your thoughtful posts. You seem calm, happy and in tune with reality. CONGRATS to you both!

                          Pepper, I love your thought on seeing the beauty around us - I see so much more of it now!

                          I feel I have reached a point in this process where I no longer WANT alcohol. What a nice place to be. And I feel less bad about just not partaking when I'm out. My husband, daughter and I went out to dinner at a pub last night. Friday nights were when we looked forward to 2-3 long islands to numb the week. I just had water, and watched him get slower and more distant. He wanted to run over to a new brewery that just opened across the street, and I just didn't want to stand there with my daughter and watch him drink a beer. I don't want to be a stick in the mud, or influence what he is able to do, so I just walked around the block in the fabulous Indian summer evening air with my daughter and watched a tow truck pick up a car (quite a process, and amazing to a 5 yr. old! We picked him un 20 min. later.

                          The booze is creating a barrier between us a bit. I feel like we don't have as much to talk about. I hope we find those things again. In the mean time - I am not interested in AL at all - all that comes to mind is waking at 3am feeling like complete shit - and I just don't have room in my life for that anymore.

                          Love and shout outs to everyone here. Feel proud you are here, and remember that it gets easier! Push through the hard things for 50 days and you will see an amazing change in yourself! 50 days is - what? - 0.0017% of the typical lifespan? We endured the pain from drinking for much more time than it takes to feel wonderful without alcohol!!

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hiya all; return of the brain fog over here but I'll get there! Talked to my mother a bit the other night - she said that I'm really getting to be a good influence on her. That really wasn't my plan with any of this; but I'm glad. With her medical issues, she's got to watch her health and habits more than I do; I'm glad if I'm making it easier for her to make healthy choices. I let myself get overly tired and annoyed last night and craved both smokes and AL for a bit....BUT it was in the middle of the night and no way was I driving anywhere! I wound up sorting out what was bothering me and then heading to bed - which was a MUCH better answer than drinking and chainsmoking like I used to do.

                            I'd better get some food to go with my coffee; but great posts by everyone and support and good thoughts to all!
                            I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                            Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                            AF on: 8/12/2014


                              Newbies Nest

                              I'm doing ice cream daily - it's my new reward that I soooooo look forward to at the end of my day, and honestly when I think about just 1 drink, even if I were normal and COULD have just 1 drink, I'd still way rather have the ice cream now instead of the wine!
                              Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm doing ice cream daily - it's my new reward that I soooooo look forward to at the end of my day, and honestly when I think about just 1 drink, even if I were normal and COULD have just 1 drink, I'd still way rather have the ice cream now instead of the wine!

                                LOL Pepper, I hit the ice cream hard when I first stopped. I've never considered myself to have a sweet tooth, but I sure did once I stopped drinking. I told myself that I'd allow the sweet stuff at first until I felt strong enough in my alcohol quit to give up the sugar.

