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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you tiktak.. and you are doing well too drinking less
    Welcome Delkath :welcome:
    You have come to a good place.. binge drinking is just as harmful as drinking every day.. I was also a binge drinker.. there are many ways you can do this - I found just being on this site is a huge help - I have hardly drank any AL in the past 6 weeks..
    I also see a D+A counsellor for my other issues which led me to binge drink or use AL in a harmful way.. do you have any underlying issues that has led you to binge drink? Lots of people here will come up with some great ways to deal with the cravings.. im still just learning myself.. but if you really want to change, you CAN change! I find keeping no AL in my house, avoiding places that sell AL and avoiding friends that drink heaps helps too.. also telling yourself that AL is a poison that does nothing for you at all helps too.. think of your health, and how you want to improve your life...
    Good luck, and i look forward to getting to know you,
    Katie xx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Newbies Nest

      Hi All,

      Back to day 2 myself and getting more determined. Why do we keep going back? Yesterday, I felt awful. No headache, sickness hangover but felt terribly low. Knowing how AL makes us feel, I can't believe we still go there.

      I think my first plan wasn't enough. My initial aim was to lose weight and be healthy. I am losing weight which is probably why I decided to have a drink but then I didn't stop. That was Monday night.

      Now need to add to the plan and I am going to do this with the help of a counsellor. I need to get the big guns in the beat that little devil on my shoulder.

      Well, onwards and upwards. I have a big pile of ironing calling my name.

      Spam xx


        Newbies Nest

        Hi All,
        Sorry I'v been away from the nest these past couple of days. I was doing my colonoscopy prep yesterday and was pretty grouchy from the lack of food and then the prep began at further need to explain I'm betting. Today was the colonoscopy and endoscopy and all went very well. No damage could be seen either end. the only hiccup was that I woke up after the endoscopy but in the middle of the colonoscopy-exactly what I was afraid would happen and had requested the maximum sedative. That went well didn't it?
        Oh well, i didn't freak, was actually facinated by the video in front of my face of the procedure and actually tried to argue with them about the fact I hadn't had the endo yet!! Hoo, those drugs were almost good LOL!! My doc was very impressed when I told him I was AL free times 10 days (11 actually tonite).
        I've been sleeping on and off most of the day surrounded by my pappy boys so it's been nice.

        NoraC-so sorry you have food poisoing!! I sure hope you're feeling better.

        MamaB, Coco and Violet: sounds like you have learned some really important things this week. So glad you are still here and working it out.

        KatieB-You are doing so well this week! Keep it up and
        may you win a bit of the lottery!!

        Welcome DelKath-You have found a great group. I am very new as well, having just joined 10 days ago. I had explored the MWO website first and had gone out and bought all the supplements and downloaded the book before I found this community. The combo of all 3 has been really good for me. I too didn't suffer any withdrawal symptoms but I knew the mental cravings would do me in. I still think about AL everyday but I don't feel compelled to stop at the packy every nite on my home and once I get home, i find lots to do. Now that we have more daylight I'm really looking forward to taking my dogs on a walk at least 2 evenings a week when I'm not working. You have to figure out what will work for you: meds, supplements, counseling, support groups etc but you will figure it out. Just hang in there and keep visiting with us. :welcome:

        TicTac-keep up the good work with drinking less. It's all about what works for you-not others.

        Have a great nite everyone and a great rest of the week. those of us in the Northeast-celebrate spring after our 4 day deluge!! 50-60 degrees the rest of the week and SUN!!

        It's good to be back in the nest.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening all Nesters,

          papmom, glad your studies went well - I've never heard of anyone actually awakening during a colonoscopy but there's always the first

          Hi & welcome to Delkath! Find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in with us.
          If you haven't already you should download & read the MWO book from the Health Store - it's about $12 & explains the components of the program. I highly recommend the Hypnotherapy CDs. They really help you get your head in the right place

          Enjoyed a beautiful Spring-like day today after the 4 day monsoon!! My things to do outside list is growing by the moment & I'm looking forward to getting some of the work started.
          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest - leaving the night light on!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            thanks Lavande for the well wishes!! As far as waking up, I'm nothing if not original LOL!! I'd love to know why I woke up- maybe all my years of heavy drinking have made me immune to this type of sedation? Maybe I should just put it away and in 5 years remember to ask for the regular anesthesia rather than the sedation.
            Nite nite!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone.

              I'm back home and trying to get caught-up and back in the groove. No hole in ones Hippy, but a few birds!

              I have to get caught-up on the posts here too. Delkath - along with the CDs, I think some of the supplements described in the MWO book help with cravings as well.

              Nora, 30 days is a big YaY!!! Nice going!

              Papmom, I had a c-scopy a few weeks ago and my ride home cancelled on me last minute. I took public transport to get there, but they suggested that I do the procedure fully conscious 'cause I didn't have a ride home. I couldn't really get my head around that idea, but convinced them to knock me out anyway. I also woke up during one in the past - no big deal. They do use some good drugs though.

              Hi to all and keep up the good work!

              Take care.
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nesters - Busy day today so I didn't get a chance to check in. I'm going to try to catch up with everyone now. Looks like the nest was busy.

                Tranq - Welcome home. Congrats on the birdies. I'd say that was pretty good.

                Papmom - I'm glad your colonoscopy and endoscopy are over and all looked well!!!! What a relief. By the way....I did WAKE up during my colonoscopy and it was AWFUL. It hurt - I was wide awake - the Dr. kept telling the nurse to give me more sedation and she kept saying that she had given me the maximum. I will never do that again unless I am OUT!

                Lav - So, you had a Spring day again. Yippee!! Enjoy - I hope that it lasts. 10 more days till your anniversary.

                Spam - I hope you are feeling better and are taking care of that little devil on your shoulder. I am battling my little devil too. You are not alone in that.

                Katie - Good job - you are back on track. Good luck on that lottery ticket. Someone has to win and it might as well be you!!! Right???!!!!!????

                Delkath - Welcome to the nest! This is a wonderful place to be. I highly recommend coming here & reading and posting & reading and posting. It gets me thru. Also, I think the Kudzu and the L-Glutamine really help with the cravings. I am also taking Topamax which help me. I haven't been able to try the CD's yet but I plan to. I will be ordering those soon. Looking forward to getting to know you.

                TicTak - Good to see you back here. I don't think I've seen you around the nest lately. Unless I've been flying about when you've been in. Anyway - good to see you!!

                Runningwind - you are so positive and helpful to everyone. Thank you! How are you doing?

                Coco - Good job - Day 2! How are you feeling? Glad to see you here. :l Please, please never feel like you are blowing it. We are all here for you and we understand!!!

                Violet - You sound like you are doing well. I have never told my parents that I am an alcoholic either. My little secret. My Dad is an alcoholic. Hasn't had a drink in probably 10 years. He had a liver infection that almost killed him - they had to remove part of his liver. The strange thing was that it had absolutely nothing at all to do with his drinking. We told the doctors all about his drinking but this was something that they never were able to figure out. But they were sure it was not from the alcohol. They kept questioning if he had been in a foreign country or worked on a farm or anything. He was in the hospital for a couple of months. He never drank again. I thought I would never drink again. I'm stupid and a slow learner obviously. But, I'm finally getting it now.

                Fragileflower - Good job being on day 6. That's the way to do it. A day at a time.

                Mama Bear - How are you?? I am so sorry about all your problems with your boss & everything. I do not understand how he can just not pay you all. That is awful. I hope that today was a better day for you.

                Hippy - I hope that the visit is going well. For some reason, the L-glutamine helps calm me down. I don't know if it's supposed to work that way....but it does seem to help me. Thinking of you and hope that everything is ok.

                Sophie - Hope your computer lets you back on to post again. I've been trying to eat better too. I AM overweight. Big time. I'm not pushing myself too hard. One thing at a time and the alcohol is the most important. But, i'm trying to work in the healthy foods too.

                Joie - Good to see you. I know what you mean about busy.

                Canadiangirl - you are welcome here anytime. Glad to have you.

                Molly - Guess you are soaking up the sunshine right now. Enjoy every minute. :beach: Have a wonderful vacation.

       goodness everyone. Sorry for this long post. I got carried away. Kept me busy tonight though didn't it. :H Hubby leaves tomorrow for a week and a half. Just a prepared to just get used to skipping over some very long posts. I am hoping to stay out of trouble.

                Have a wonderful night/morning/afternoon/evening.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  KatieB, good job on day 3 AF. I'll say a little prayer for added strength and a lucky draw on your lottery ticket. Like you said, someone has to win.

                  tictak,thats a start. Maybe if you wrote down on paper, all the things that would help you stay sober(and post it on your frigerator) it might help prepare you, for the next step.

                  Delkath, I'am glad you are here and look forward getting to know you. Read as many post and threads that you can(wonderful imformation) and you'll do great!

                  Spam, your right, alcohol is insanity. I believe the definition is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I think adding to your plan is an excellant idea. I really think you are going to get this right soon.

                  papmom3, I'am glad all went well with your colonoscopy, well for the most part. Congratulations on your 11 days AF, you are on your way.

                  Lavende, I'am happy you are finally having a pretty day to enjoy outside but that monsoon you were talking about...I think moved down here to Texas. :H

                  TrankWilly, sounds like you had a good trip to Texas. I hope the weather treated you well and glad to here you made it home safely.

                  NoraC, thank-you so much for asking. Everyday I have been at MWO, just keeps getting better! I look forward to reading your post while your husband is away. I think you are right, that would be a excellant way to stay focused.

                  Well it's late and I'am still not tired. Hopefully my sleep patterns will start to improve soon. I think It's time for some Chamomile Tea and then off to bed. Good-night everybody, sleep well. :ranger
                  The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sleep & Thought for the Day

                    Good Morning. Day 3 (for the second time) for me!

                    A couple of weeks ago, someone recommended Hyland's Calm Forte to me for sleep. (I am sorry I don't remember who, and searched but can't find the post to properly thank them.) I took three tablets the first night and it didn't help - but took three tablets again last night and slept really well for the first time AF. I went to sleep around 10:30 and stayed "down" until 4:30 when the *&^% cat woke me up to go out!! (For those in Florida it is available at CVS. Others can look on the Hyland's website for a list of stores.) Hope this helps someone, and thank you to whoever first recommended it to me!

                    Thought for the Day - I read somewhere, long ago, that if you give a dog alcohol and it has to suffer the effects of a hangover, it will never touch alcohol again. I don't know if this is true or not, but as I managed to blow my 10 days AF last weekend, I am going to try to remember this dog tale the next time I think a drink would be a fabulous idea. If I can't be smarter than a dog...!!!!

                    Good thoughts going out to everyone today! Coco:h


                      Newbies Nest

                      Top of the Morning to you Nesters

                      I have sunshine here in my end of the nest - hope you do too!

                      Papmmom, hope you are well today after yesterday's 'interesting' events!

                      Welcome back Tranq, back to reality now

                      NoraC, I'm on my own until Sunday too - just going to enjoy having complete control of the remote......

                      KatieB, good luck with the Lotto - I always have tickets - you never know!!!

                      Spam, Think before you drink! Honestly ask yourself if you are ready to have just one drink! I am just 10 days away from my 1 year AF anniversary & I am not willing to test the waters, may never be & that's OK! I'm not willing to lose the self-esteem I've regained. Sending you strength to do the same!

                      Time to get out & enjoy some of this glorius sunshine
                      Wishing everyone a terrific AF St. Patty's Day!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        So much to catch up on! Will do that later....

                        Just a quick note, my first AF day in goodness-knows-how-long went fine. I don't know if that would have ever happened without finding this group. Thanks all. There's another one scheduled for later in the week.

                        Take care all, be good to yourselves whatever that entails!!!
                        "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters........I woke up and was going to delete my LONG, LONG, LONG post. But, see that it was too late - some poor people had already read it. Sorry about that. :H

                          Have a great day everyone!!!

                          I will catch you later. Rushing around like crazy to get ready to leave for the airport.
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            If at 1st....try,try,try again...

                            Not technically a newbie....I visited a while back but although my positive intentions were real, somehow I fell back into the abyss! That's how it feels - like I'm plodding thru aimlessly and just repeating the same old stuff..... going 3-4 days AF then award(%$%#@!) myself with a bottle of plonk.... a few days later am trying to get thru the day with a stinking hangover and MAJOR guilt.
                            After logging on this morning (hangover induced action - didn't plan or enjoy drinking last night, just started and didn't stop while doing normal everyday stuff) - I plucked up courage to go to dr for topramate. I live in a tiny isolated place - so not much choice....and she's away til next week!! I have to do something to get this AF ball rolling .... after past year, don't think moderation is wise - I'm obviously not very good at it!
                            Can anyone suggest supps I can purchase from pharmacy (took 6 weeks for cd's to get here in post & haven't really given them much time) - I figure if at least I'm 'taking' something, it will remind me thruout the day what I'm doing.
                            Sorry for such a long winded post (not even sure which thread I should be using) & thanks for everyone's insight.:thanks:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Welcome Fairycake!! You have come to the right place. This nest is a wonderful place to be in!! Can you find any L-Glutamine at your pharmacy? I found that really helps with the craving. Maybe that will help you until you can get the Kudzu and the Topamax.
                              Glad to see you here and looking forward to going thru this journey with you. :welcome:
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning all..
                                Welcome fairycake.. I bet where you live is beautiful!
                                On Day 4 today.. but I am so pleased I have not gotten drunk for almost 6 weeks! this site has helped me hugely.. big hugs for everyone! :l:l
                                Katie xx
                                p.s thankyou all for sending me good luck wishes - I still don't know if I have won yet.. but i'll let u all know if I do!
                                Hi to Nora, Lav, runningwind, coco-nut, violet, papmom, tranq, canadiangirl, spam, HC and to everyone else - have a fantastic AF day!.. xx
                                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


