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    Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
    Great to see you and Jane again, Rahul!
    I tell you, staying connected here is the KEY to this thing. This is a very isolating disease, even when we have good sober time under out belts if we dont stay with our support group, it can spell TROUBLE. Why? I think it's because once we get sober, we think...I want to get on with my life! I dont want to have to check in with these people all the time...I KNOW what to do and more importantly, what NOT to do. The trouble is, we are different. VERY different. 80% of the rest of the population drinks and we cant. Next thing you know, we get I am, making ALL THESE sacrifices and I STILL dont fit in. Do you see what is happeneing? The Perfect Storm of circumstances is being created to relapse. If you search 'relapse' you will find POST after POST that demonstares this. The bottom line is, we are very different and we have a disease that requires ongoing treatment. Its a lifelong party and we got an ivitation. The moral of the story is (just as Matt M. said) we cannot do this alone and we cannot maintain it alone. The world out there is just too geared towards AL. Do yourself a favor, when you feel alone and depressed get MORE engaged here. Go to chat and see if you can strike up a conversation, its fun! I promise you, you have friends here ....we care! So stay plugged in with your support and keep going, no matter what! If I can do it, I know you can!
    Hugs to all, .Byrdie
    I hear you Byrd. Many a time i have thought i just cant read about drinking for one more day, its tiring, im okay now, i can do this on my own as i am proving to myself that i can BUT i know me. Open that door a little bit to al and those thoughts will start wheedling their way in. i am sure i would not drink straightaway but if i am only accountable to myself then i am totally screwed. i have never given up al by myself, ever and i would not have gotten so far now if not for my lifeline of mwo. I knew i was different but not that different lol. I am one step away from a relapse if i chose the wrong path and that is not going to happen as i wont let it.

    I was telling my daughter about relapses on mwo this morning and she said "mum they are stupid for drinking again". I said no honey, al is an insidious disease that never really leaves us. I told her if i ever said i could have that one glass to not believe a single word that came out of my mouth. i told her that that one glass will take me back to where i was and believe me it will happen. No bullshit, no lies, i am an alcoholic. Its funny how when i first started they were my support in not drinking but they think now that i have stopped for 10 months that i am fine. I have to keep reminding them that i am never fine as far as al is concerned. She did mention that when she drinks wine that after a few she feels great and drinks more and more until she feels like crap the next day but the difference is she doesnt hit the bottle the next day and repeat that feeling, i did! Being an alcoholic didnt end when i stopped drinking and it never will end, there is no finish line for me as an alky. This is my lifelong party and i am partying with Byrd and everyone here on mwo that cares to join.

    god i so better do some work.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Hi everyone 21 days tomorrow. Just came to check in, hope everyone is doing well!


        Originally posted by Rahulthesweet View Post
        . Al is far behind its like a long lost friend .
        It was a false friend, Rahul. Leave it far behind and don't think it ever did anything truly good for you. What you may remember as the good drinking days were nothing more than the period of the addiction developing without your knowledge. It is a toxin and just like toxic people, there is no place for it in our lives.

        I'm glad you were able to get back on to MWO - I hope that not too many others are still struggling with the system.


          I had a horrible day yesterday. My Daughter who has been having a rough time of it got drunk and had a meltdown. I was so upset I didn't sleep last night and all I could do was cry most of today. Seeing her last night made so glad I stopped drinking. I wish I could make her realize that drinking only makes everything worse. Life is filled with UPS and downs and I am just so blessed to be hitting life head-on from now on.


            I used to drink all day on most Sundays. Today is the 3rd Sunday I didn't. It was hard but I did it.

            Thanks again for all the support everyone gives... it means, well sometimes, the difference in someone picking up a drink or not.

            Nite nest.
            "Gratitude is the law of increase, and complaint is the law of decrease"

            Always choose love.


              Good evening Nesters,

              Glad to see so many checking in today - the nest lives

              Chero, I'm sorry your daughter is having a rough time. It is hard to watch your kids hurt like that. I'm sure your strength & determination will help her thru her crisis. It is wonderful to be clear-headed & fully present for our loved ones when they need us!

              Hello to everyone & Congrats to Oen on 21 days tomorrow!

              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest! I had one full day with family & I am beat

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Hi. I can't say I feel like discussing what happened, but I am at day 1. I am not going to dwell on shame or what ifs but I am going to come back at day 1 and move forward - and maybe not get so cocky at 60 days, though I was just posting how I felt. I am really beginning to understand how tricky addiction is. It's so easy to feel strong and in control and it is so easy to believe that voice telling me that I can handle a little. I am have an addiction to alcohol and shouldn't drink it ever. Thank you all for reiterating that and for being here even when I mess up.
                Last edited by KENSHO; October 12, 2014, 08:48 PM.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Your openness, honesty, willingness to admit your mistakes, and quick return to your support system show that you are on the right track, Kensho. You'll get this because you want it and you're willing to do what it takes. All the best, NS


                    Well I've completed day 8 sober on my addiction this go round. Thank you all for all the good reading. I'm gonna end this this time, it is a hard thing to accomplish but I no I can do it. Thank you all and have a great nite.


                      Good job blownaway


                        Hi Jane. Glad to see you.
                        Ava I can't have one drink either. End of story.
                        I saw a commercial for hard cider today. A beautiful couple walking along the beach. He takes a drink and a horse magically appears. WHAT???
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Great quote Lav- "the nest lives" indeed. Alcoholism is a SOB....It's always nice to have a place where you can share what is going on and be welcomed.
                          And welcome back Rahul..your posts have been epically inspiring in the recent past...hoping for more to come.
                          Cherokee- sorry to hear about your daughter...maybe there is something you gained from being here that help her see the downside of drinking.
                          Way to go Oen on 3 weeks! And Mr. B you are killing it now man!.
                          Kensho- you are right and and glad to see your attitude is is a downward spiral if you let know what to do from here...
                          I've learned so much being here in the last few months, but here are the basics I review every day:
                          1. I am an alcoholic (it pains me to admit it, but it is true)
                          2. I am that way for life, although I decide if it and how it impacts my life
                          3. If I can't control it, it will control me and IT WILL GET WORSE
                          4. Life happens...there will be challenges probabaly every day that may trigger a reason to ready for them...and have a way to deal with them that is NOT the poison of AL
                          5. The past is the past ...let it go. The Present (now) is your battle. The future is your prize. Fight for it in the now. It is not easy, but it IS worth it.
                          Stay strong everyone.
                          Last edited by See the Light; October 13, 2014, 08:01 AM.
                          “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                            Congrats on 7 days and 8 days Mr B and many more to come. Stay determined and stay on here. Getting sober was so very hard but staying that way gets easier and easier as long as you realise and accept that we need to take this one day at a time and everyday is different. How lucky are we? Not everyone gets that in their lives. Ok, it sucks sometimes but the end results are so worth it. You can do this.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Originally posted by little beagle View Post
                              Hi Jane. Glad to see you.
                              Ava I can't have one drink either. End of story.
                              I saw a commercial for hard cider today. A beautiful couple walking along the beach. He takes a drink and a horse magically appears. WHAT???
                              All i can say is his drink must have been spiked!
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Hey, just doing a quick checkin for now - I feel kind of guilty not being around. :/ My schedule just got super off again and I keep remembering to post here at around 3am (like it is now) when I really ought to be sleeping. Am doing mostly alright otherwise, I've just got to get this sleep thing back under control! On that note, headed to bed but at least I've checked in. Will try to catchup on what I've been missing tomorrow - I've got to be having some time management issues here, too, besides the wonky sleep!

                                EDIT: Adding extra hugs and support your way, Kensho - I caught your last post just before I managed to make myself head off the comp for the night. You've posted some of the most amazing and insightful things here, I know you can get to where you want to be. I'm so glad you're still here!
                                Last edited by LavenderBlue; October 13, 2014, 03:00 AM.
                                I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                                Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                                AF on: 8/12/2014

