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    Hi, all!

    Thank you, little beagle - at least it's not just me! I woke up earlier than I wanted to today; but hopefully that will help me get to bed earlier tonight.

    Kensho, I'm always glad to see you here! And super glad you came back. I'm going to agree with NS about being lazy, for what it's worth. It sounds like a joke...but in some ways it's really true, for me anyway. My mom actually asked me about that as far as soda the other day - if I was still not drinking any or if I was letting myself have some occasionally. And I told her it seems easier for me to have none that to just have a little. I suppose partly because I'm a creature of habit - if I stay used to sparkling water or coffee it gets easier and easier to just grab one without having to think about it. And my taste buds have gotten so used to it that I swear some of my waters (which don't have any added sugar) are plenty sweet. But I know if I start grabbing a soda every once in a while, I'll start arguing with myself about how often I'm "allowed" to have one. When I'm drinking something else I'll start thinking "maybe a soda would be better."

    It's even moreso with drinking. I was thinking about adding a little something to my coffee the other day - it sounded really good in the moment and I figured I wasn't at risk to go crazy with it. BUT I can't shake the feeling that from there it'll turn into spiked coffee on weekends...and then sometimes after dinner during the week...and then maybe two instead of one...and then maybe a mixed drink "just once" since it's been a while... And even if I don't get up to the amounts I was at when I quit; it feels to me like I would immediately get back into the same thinking. It is hard to remember that sometimes since part of me would really like to be someone who could just drink sometimes. It seems like that would make life easier - but the thing is, just having one or two isn't easier for me whether I like it or not. I've had to go through what I just wrote in my head to myself more than once. I don't know if any of it is helpful, but I know that for me at least it's something I have's almost like I'm having to train myself to get used to telling myself that? I don't *like* thinking that way in the moment but the more often I make myself do it the more it becomes my response? I don't want to say it's easier since that isn't really the right word; but I listen to it a little better each time?

    Thought I'd relay an interesting moment from last week. Out at dinner with my mother and something came up about either my drinking or smoking quit - it was a very positive thing, where she was saying that it's really helping her to see me trying so hard to make changes. But when she asked how it was first reaction was to be annoyed, and then to feel vaguely guilty. I'm pretty sure that was the old thinking ("don't ask me about my drinking, it's my business!") but it's crazy how that feeling can sneak back in. I think I'm also still in the "Ok, what?" sort of bubble which probably also isn't helping.

    I think for myself, it would probably also be good for me to try to get back to having a more solid plan. The sleep thing is partly just my body doing its thing, but I've also noticed I've gotten lazy with meal times and such. Looking back, my quit was best when I was eating regularly and really putting effort into finding non-AL ways to treat myself. I picked up some new flavors of water and a box of cordial cherries as a bday present to myself last week and I was surprised at how much just that little treat perked me up. I'm also trying to get some more variety into my diet - I'm pretty bad at having the same things every day. Looking around, I can also see that I'm slacking somewhat on keeping things tidy; and then obviously I haven't been regular with my checking in here either.

    So, that got kind of rambly but also hi and welcome to the new folks who have come in! And it's been a while, so thank you again to all the wonderful people here giving support and a listening ear!
    I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

    Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
    AF on: 8/12/2014


      Good evening Nesters,

      Hope everyone had a good Monday! Mine wasn't bad at all.

      LavBlue, don't forget you have two quits going on right now, that's not easy I know because I did the same. I remember feeling pretty scattered, be kind to yourself
      Your quits come first, everything else can wait a day or two, right?

      Kensho, I really hope you don't go down that moderation path but it is your choice to make. I was so damn tired of thinking about AL I just wanted it out of my life, once & for all. That decision, that acceptance was the best gift I have ever given myself. The battling was finally over ~ forever

      Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        My quit is cocaine. I can't stop after 1 hit. As much as I say I'll just get a little and that will be enough. Never 2- 3 days later and broke. Not 0ne not ever. Once I start I can't stop. All addictions are the same. Mine just gets costly.


          Kensho, after 35 years of progressive drinking I am done telling myself the lie that I can moderate. I know the arguments I played them to myself over and over again. I always ended up in the same place only the quantity of booze exponentially increased with each attempt at moderation. The time between bouts of moderation also got longer and longer. At the end I was drinking a bottle of vodka a night. Funny because I hated vodka but Scotch was so obvious. The choice to moderate is yours that is true but from experience the deck is stacked against you. I am so happy that I finally made the decision to not drink at all. My wish for you is that same joy.
          Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

          William Butler Yeats


            I hate the mental battle. Can I if i just.....well I end up back in that bed feeling like crap, life passing me by as I devote my life to my addiction. I can celebrate life without poison. I can be happy and content without hurting myself. These have been things I have been working on for the past 18 months. And it is starting to come together. I will never be a normal drinker. It's just Soo much easier to shut that door and give myself little rewards of the nature LavB mentioned. And enjoy the beautiful evening or morning without that inner struggle of Can I just have one?

            Thank you Mr. B. Your doing great. That is a hard addiction to overcome, but I know you can do it. Hang in there with us. We are all fighting the same battle everyday. Together we can beat this thing.
            Last edited by little beagle; October 13, 2014, 08:48 PM.
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              Originally posted by Mr. B View Post
              My quit is cocaine. I can't stop after 1 hit. As much as I say I'll just get a little and that will be enough. Never 2- 3 days later and broke. Not 0ne not ever. Once I start I can't stop. All addictions are the same. Mine just gets costly.
              I haven't any experience with cocaine, Mr. B., but it sounds like there is a key common feature that causes most of the problems: the broken "off" switch that can't be fixed. So the only sure thing we can do is never turn whatever our particular torture machine is back on. The trick is to find ways to avoid doing that and connecting here is a great one!


                Hang in there Mr B.

                Moderation, there is no such thing in my books. It is such a struggle to try and moderate. Just one is not enough, two isn't much is enough? It is never enough. That's the problem!
                It is freedom not having to worry about drinking and trying to moderate.
                Last edited by narilly; October 14, 2014, 11:01 AM.

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Originally posted by Mr. B View Post
                  My quit is cocaine. I can't stop after 1 hit. As much as I say I'll just get a little and that will be enough. Never 2- 3 days later and broke. Not 0ne not ever. Once I start I can't stop. All addictions are the same. Mine just gets costly.
                  Mr B, my son came back to me with an ice/crack addiction that he had been trying to hide for a year or more. He hid it most unsuccessfully i may add but an addict thinks they can fool anyone. When we are sober we realise we cant hide a goddamn thing. He has been clean now for a year and a half and just turned 26. I am so proud of him and he did this while i was drinking 2 bottles of wine a night. That bit i am not proud of but i feel i did my best to help him. He went to a counsellor who my son proceeded to tell me would know shite but he would go for my sake. He ended up becoming great friends with his counsellor as i would get so cranky with him and angry, so very angry as he had hurt me by lying to me. This counsellor provided an outlet for liam to speak to a third party and for me also. It also helped me on my path to sobriety. We had a win win situation and life just keeps getting better as yours will. All addictions are costly Mr. B but i was quite liking those $2.50 bottles of wine, Blah!
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Such solid people here. Lucky to have found you all. Have a good night.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Hi, Nest:

                      Kensho - a good source for information is the Bubble Hour interviews with Dr. John Kelly: Changing the stigma of addiction through science. (I have only listened to the first one but they interviewed him again recently). Good information.

                      The thing that I always resisted was the progressive nature of alcoholism. It was weird, but for my last year of drinking, the more I tried to moderate and the more days I had off, the worse off I was when I came back from drinking. Looking back I really can't believe how quickly it went so far down hill. I remember at the end telling my husband to time an hour between drinks for me, and to help me resist having one before that hour was up. WTF? Who needs that? Talk about a waste of brain space. So much easier to not have to make deals with myself, and to just be content without. If only one, why not none?

                      I spent the night in the ER with my kid and a broken bone. He's fine, but before I would have come home and "deserved" a drink. Now I can have dinner and go to bed, making sure I am alert if he needs me in the middle of the night.

                      Mr. B - I have heard that cocaine is a nasty addiction. Very good that you are here. Ava - Liam is lucky to have you and vice versa.

                      LavB - Rant away - I love the long posts.

                      TJAF - LOVE your post - you make being sober sound like the positive experience it is.

                      Night nesters. Hang tight. Butt velcro passing left.



                        [QUOTE=narilly;1569079]Hang in there Mr B.

                        Moderation, there is no such thing in my books. It is such a struggle to try and moderate. Just one is not enough, two isn't much is enough? It is never enough. That's the problem!
                        It is freedom not having to worry about drinking and trying to moderate.
                        Goodnigh[/ QUOTE]

                        Well said Nar, when i first gave up drinking and thought of modding (who doesnt), i told myself i could be the first one to do it successfully. i would show everyone that i could do it, it just took some will power and determination. Then i read about relapses and the energy and time that went into modding and well i had tried it before and not been able too BUT ..... and then i remembered why i had given up drinking this time and it wasnt to moderate as i had failed at that, it was to never drink again. I had to accept that i was an alcoholic, i was different and i had to accept that i could never pick up a glass again. Two very hard words to take in "accept and never". Who the hell put those words in the dictionary!

                        All i can say Kensho is that take it one day at a time. Time distances us from al and it gets more bearable every day. I think of myself as being in recovery from alcohol and i will be in recovery for the rest of my life. We have all had thoughts that you spoke about and thats what al does, it doesnt want to lose its power over us, it wants to win and if we let al in then al wins.

                        I always thought my brother was an alcoholic as he died from it and i wasnt that bad but as the years have rolled on, i am exactly like he was and i saw only one road for me and that was death. I chose on the 1/12/2013 to live and i am so glad i did. Nothing can take what i have now away from me except that one glass of wine and i dont intend on having it. Wish as i may be able to have that one, it aint going to happen.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Great stuff on here today.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Happy Tuesday to all! Hoping to see a little sunshine in my portion of the nest. Don't like too many rain days in a row

                            MrB, stay connected here & fill your plan with alternatives to cocaine. There truly is so much more to life than these killer addictions! Be kind to yourself, you deserve a good life too!

                            Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              I am traveling this week, off to a training class, but. I will find the time to check in. Why? Because checking in is important to MY quit. I will be in a high risk environment and knowing my support group is behind me makes me feel like a queen!

                              I am convinced that all addictions are virtually the same. You cannot moderate addiction.

                              Off to the Not so friendly skies!! Strength to all....
                              Not one, Not ever! And that is fine by me. Xo, B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Woke up rested and feeling light for some reason. Thanks to ABC and Mstall for the quick welcome back to me yesterday. I forgot to mention you - tried to go back pages and the tabs skip 8 pages? New system. Thanks Pavati for the bubble hour link. I do think the next step is to learn more. I really believe in "one day" Ava. Thanks for the reminder.

                                My brother in law is coming to visit this weekend. He is a drinker with a capital D. I remember visiting him in Napa and he actually stocked the large bottles of Pedialyte in his fridge (children's electrolyte replacement) because it "tamed hangovers". And THAT is the visual I will keep in mind while he is here. One day at a time.

                                Done. Moving on to life.

