STL, I am also a bit fascinated with brain chemistry & AL. I will say though, that researching it has been my downfall twice. I have researched enough to almost play into my addiction, as I start to focus on feeling "broken". This last weekend, I was so terrified that if I stopped drinking for good, I would be damned to a life of "low-dopamine". My question was - does the brain reset to normal once alcohol stops? Though I still wish I understood that better, the answer I arrived at was "It doesn't matter because I have to figure out how to live without AL anyway".
I mean absolutely no disrespect, just sharing my opinion that while it can be a tool to understanding, researching brain chemistry turned into a way for me to rationalize drinking TWICE - because "our brains need it", etc.
I am clinging more and more to LAV's philosophy that all we have to do is not drink and stay connected. I've found that I can analyze my way into "deserving" a drink pretty quickly!
KENSHO- I am glad you pointed that out ...I have really no idea what you have experienced. I do care though...about everyone here. I'm certainly no expert, but I am trying hard to look for answers for me and for all of us. I've been hardened through life, especially through AL, and if I could take the difficult experiences away from anyone else here, even if I had to absorb it myself, I would do it in a heartbeat. No one here DESERVES the pain of alcoholism.. you or your loved ones. I hope MWO, AA or whatever can make progress in some way so that less pain is out there ..and we all live more loving, happy, positive and productive lives.