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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Greetings Papmom,

    I had the same experience as NoraC. I woke up during my colonoscopy in severe pain begging for more meds but I had the maximum and the doctor couldn't give me more. I fell right back asleep and when I woke up, the doctor told me that under the influence of all the drugs they give you, I asked him if I could kiss him!:: I think part of the problem is that when doing the prep, you're only supposed to have clear liquids and I said to myself, "Chardonnay is a clear liquid." I am not kidding (this was a few years back).

    Congrats on your AF days!

    Rusty (Redfaced right now when I think of those days!!!

    Have a great day everybody!


      Newbies Nest

      Hello my friends...I'm back and have survived! I had six pages of posts to read - what a busy nest.
      Tranq - welcome back. Glad you enjoyed your golf. Did you mean you had a few birdies or birds? Us Aussies call girls birds so if you had a few birdies I understand the golf terminology but if it was birds..... maybe you won katies lottery!! (cheeky laugh!).
      Papmon - I hope they used a different camera for each end.
      Delkath, Fairycake - welcome. Nice to meet you both.
      Coconut - I am pleased the Calms Forte are working for you. I love the sleep I get from them.
      Canadiangirl - keep up the good work.
      Nora - i'm with you on the tearjerkers. If I am feeling blue I will put on Steel Magnolia's (GUARANTEED to make me ball especially the cemetary part.... and I always feel better after. I have learnt that I have to warn my daughter I am having a soppy movie day as she gets upset if she finds me crying to a stupid movie.
      Spam - loved your saying... my sorrows have learnt to swim marathons!
      Hi Lav, Jolie, Fluff, Soph, Mama and everyone else I havent spoken to for a few days.

      My last few days. The first night was OK. Not as bad as I was expecting. My stepdaughter gave me the attitude I thought she would. But that is her problem not mine. Yesterday I had a really hard time. Was my day off so we went out to the hills to a winery (!!!) and restaurant. It was in a fantastic setting, a lovely lake with this magnificent restaurant built up the side of a hill. The weather was just glorious. However, before we went into the restaurant a girl offered us a wine tasting! Now abit of my history... my husband and I live within an hours drive of a wine district and three hours to the next (Margaret River) and over the last ten years have spent alot of weekends chilling out doing the wine tasting thing, no kids, etc. Big part of our lives. So yesterday when we were offered this wine tasting, I went into a blind panic for a few minutes. I had tears of frustration (I had to walk away - typical me, never let anyone know how I am feeling). I was actually mourning a part of my life that I can never revisit. It almost felt like a part of my relationship with my husband had been taken away and I guess in a way it has been. I dont know if I am explaining myself very well and sorry if I am rambling but this was a huge thing for me to deal with. I didnt want a drink - I wanted what that wine tasting opportunity bought for me - usually a weekend away, no stress, total relaxation and my husband all to myself. Why didnt I realise that I can still have that - there will just be no AL involved for me.
      Anyway thanks for letting me get that off my chest and I will go away and really think about it all again.
      Hippy Chick - ten weeks sober today!
      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        Newbies Nest

        Hippy - Congratulation!:goodjob: 10 weeks sober. Way to go. Sounds like you had quite a weekend. I'm glad to have you back here in the nest.

        Hello everyone.....I've got to get up & get to work. So, I'll be back later.

        Coffee is on. Diet Coke in the fridge. Bagels are here. Have a wonderful day everyone.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters,

          Thanks for the coffee Nora - I love French roast

          HC, a big congrats to you on your 10 AF weeks!!!!! You will find yourself feeling stronger & stronger as time goes on. Try to not worry about missing anything because you are gaining so much more. The furture will be different - it will be much better

          I'm anxious to get outside & enjoy this gorgeous weather!
          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            PS - Steel Magnolias - (Another of my all time favorite - sob movies )
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Day 4. Good start - phone interview first thing for a great new job opportunity. I pulled it off with a clear head - actually managed to sound intelligent and enthusiastic! Another plus for AF!

              Good luck today everyone!

              Quote for the day:

              Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"?


                Newbies Nest

                I like your quotes of the day.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  Wow! Gone for two days and so much to catch up on!
                  Hippy -- you are just amazing. I so hope that I can continue on and make the growth that you are making! As much as you feel that you have lost something -- you know deep down that you have gained so much more -- and just imaging those weekends away with your husband sober? Just might be incredible...
                  Coco -- I have found that the Calms Forte also helps with anxiety. When I am feeling a bit worked up -- when I would usually reach for a drink I am reaching for one or two of those and they really do help. Just a though for anyone out there with control/anxiety issues...certainly better than getting a script for Ativan or Valium!!!!
                  MamaBear -- hows that job situation -- you still hanging in there? Been thinking about you!!!!
                  DelKath -- Haven't had a chance to say welcome! :welcome:
                  Katie! -- You sound like you are back on track! You go girl! Hey did you win the lottery?
                  Lav -- Any Crocuses in that garden of yours yet?
                  Running Wind -- Good suggestion about the note on the Fridge. I have these four words on my fridge in big black letters:

                  These are the four main things that AL robs you of. I think is is one of the priciples from Alan Carr's book.

                  Nora! -- I LOVE your big long post! Helped me to catch up a bit here!!! And now I am writing my own....LOL.... My brother has end stage liver failure....and is still drinking. I think he is playing the game of know just how much he can drink before he ends up back in the hospital. Last spring they took SIX liters off his belly... said if he kept drinking he'd be dead in 3-6 months. He proved them wrong so I guess he can just keep drinking, right???? Such a sad disgusting disease. He did motivate me though, as we are cut from the same mold -- I am a female version of him...

                  Anyways, I am still doing well. Back to day 4AF, or only one day of AL (3 beers) in the month of March which is pretty darn amazing! I would be feeling pretty good except I have a bit of a cold with chills, etc... and hardly slept a wink last night despite all my meds...

                  Hope you are all doing well! Hello to you all!



                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all,
                    Nah.. didn't win the lottery, not even a small amount :upset:
                    Oh well, will try again next week!
                    On Day 5 today.. i've had no urges at all, feeling good.. been busy working and looking after my little boy.. i dont miss getting drunk at all - after reading some other people's threads, it serves as a reminder as to why I dont want to drink/get drunk anymore (they are kind of hand in hand as when I drink I normally do so to get drunk only.. though that is in the past as long as I keep away from AL!!). i plan on giving up smoking very soon too..
                    Have a FANTASTIC FRIDAY everyone! take care,
                    Katie xxx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning everyone.
                      Set my alarm early so I could come visit before my manic Friday starts. Was thinking of making a batch of muffins but coming here is better for me! I do miss being able to pop in whenever I need to.
                      Thank you all for your encouragement and support- everyone here in some way has helped me get where I am today. I often think I am "cured" and can start moderating - then I give myself a slap and remind myself that I have been trying to moderate for the last 5 years. And it doesnt work for me. As soon as I accept that I will finally realise this is the way I will live from now on.
                      I have been making a list of things I want to do. I am going to buy a good camera and take photography lessons, I have finally talked my husband into coming to modern jive classes with me, I am going to look at volunteering at the local womens shelter (maybe in the kitchen), I am going to update my computer skills - do another Publisher course and maybe Photoshop. I think I might try pilates - it's time I started doing things for me and not just my family. Drinking for me was one thing I did because I could fit it in between doing everything for everyone else. Rather than actually take time out and do something constructive, I would fit in a drinking session because I could do it without going to a class (that would be funny - how to drink classes - think I would have come out with all A's!) and I could do it whenever I felt like it. Now maybe I can get something other than a hangover out of a "hobby".

                      Anyway better stop rambling (again) and get us ready for school and work. Take care everyone and stay strong over the weekend - it is just another day, not an excuse to throw away all our hard work thru the week.

                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Newbies Nest

                        I just want to say that it feels so comforting to come on here and be amongst "friends" who have the same problems as me with AL - its so nice to know I am not alone in the fact that moderation does not work for me, and its nice to not label ourselves "alcoholics" (i dont like any labels in this world as it creates a whole set of assumptions about someone, when we are all unique and individual).. it feels so great to be able to be honest and not be judged at all.. I just want to thank you all again for sharing your stories as we all try and make the best of our lives..
                        Have a great day Hippy, Lav, Nora, Spam, Papmom, Violet and to everyone else - you are all doing a wonderful job!
                        Katie xx
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          Newbies Nest

                          Well said Katie. x
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Here I am to say good night nesters - and good morning nesters all at the same time

                            Getting back to the sad movies for a moment Nora - I stopped watching those sort of movies many years ago when I realized my own life was becoming a sad movie. I was depressed enough, didn't need to add any more sadness. Come to think of it I stopped reading those sort of books too!

                            Coco- congrats on your 4 AF days - hope the job interview works out for you

                            Violet, I actually have daffodils & my early tulips up now - thank God!!! Nothing is open yet but it won't be long now!

                            KatieB, congrats on your 5 AF days - fabulous!! You consider us your friends from now on, OK? I don't care for labels either, they serve no purpose!

                            HC, you sound like you have plans to keep you busy through the next decade or two Have fun!

                            Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Nite and Good Morning all!!
                              It was a busy day and I'm pooped!! Speaking of which, time to let the pups out :H and then head to bed. God I hope they sleep through the nite tonite-I could really use more than 2 hours at a time of good deep sleep!!
                              See you in the morning/evening!! :l
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone.

                                Spam - way to go on the gym routine. I'm finding that exercise keeps me in a positive mood too. On the witching hour thing, I like having a simple snack after work and before dinner. I think hunger can trigger cravings, so I think it makes sense to feed yourself to help stave-off the urges.

                                Running - Yes, I had fun in your fine state. Some good BBQ and Tex-Mex. The golf was good too.

                                Panno - hope you're exhibition goes well for you. I always tend toward procrastination myself, so I know about the self-induced pressure, and always kick myself for it.

                                Hi Rusty and Welcome! Interesting medical story! When I think about how crazy my drinking situations were I just shake my head sometimes.

                                Hi HippyC - Birdies not Birds. We were a pretty tired and hungry bunch after being out in the fresh air for a change, so evening bird hunting wasn't too energetic. Between you and Chooks, I'm going to be speaking fluent Aussie pretty soon.

                                Wow, Hip, glad you had the awareness to figure out what was going on inside you around the wine tasting issue. It's nice that you realized that you can still have the good without the bad. Also nice for you to have a supporting dh. Very nice to do some classes and things for you!

                                Speaking of the Cluckster...??? Hope she's doing ok.

                                Hi Nora. I tend to keep myself so busy that I rarely sit long enough to watch a movie. I kind of like it that way.

                                Wow Coco - way to go on the interview. Good luck with the job! I've noticed a major change in the way I interact with people since I've stopped living like a zombie.

                                Violet, sorry to hear about your brother. Be strong. And three beers in March is pretty darn good.

                                Katie - nice sentiments; and the feeling is mutual. Good job on all your efforts! You're doing fine.

                                Lav, you're funny - keeping Hippy busy for a few decades - priceless!

                                Hi Papmom. I got a chuckle out someone's suggestion for equiping pets with snooze buttons too. Sleep tight - best you can - ok?

                                Take care all,
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

