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    LavendarBlue & Fin, I hope you come back. Missing our lost peeps. Even if you have to start afresh, let us be your biggest supporters!

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Thanks everyone for the kind words, the outpouring really moved me. And to think I almost didn't share my issues, just so I didn't sound like a whine bag. But as my friend Bryd tells us we have to check that shit at the door, ( pride and ego).
      And all of your comments really spoke to my heart!

      Enough with all the mushy shit!
      Stay Hard MF's! :egad::victorious:
      AF 08~05~2014

      There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


        Btw~ I'm really pulling for you Kensho!
        AF 08~05~2014

        There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


          Always last here from the US West Coast - it's tomorrow for you Aussies now.

          Matt - I am sorry for your loss. I am afraid of that BIG, scary event that I haven't yet had without alcohol. It is great for me to see you make it through without. Forgiveness for ourselves is slow, but think of yourself as you would one of your own children. You would talk to him gently, and help him see that he is not a bad person - and you would help him figure out how to get back on track. Be nice to yourself, and maybe you will find forgiveness.

          Yogamom - Whoot on day 4. That 3-7 is tough - your body is feeling better so your mind says, "I wasn't THAT bad." Stay close and post for support any time you need.

          Glad you had time with your son, Kensho. You, too, J-Vo.

          LOVE the toolbox thread. I can say that NS recommended the Bubble Hour MANY times before I actually clicked a link, and I was so happy when I finally did. I think I have worked my way through all of them - there are so many times when I said "that's what happened to me!" They are "sober advocates" and really can help you feel better about yourself. They are women, but have several episodes with men as guests.

          Stay hard, indeed.

          xo Pav


            Hi Nester's near and not so far,

            My condolences Matt. Sorry to hear your sad news. Thanks for your great reflective posts. Stick with us.

            Friday afternoon here, and a brilliant sunny day, 28c. Good to be alive.

            Staying hard. Take it easy out there. Think positive friends. G

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Good morning Nesters & happy Friday to all

              Cloudy & coolish here ~ typical Fall day.

              I hope everyone has their weekend plans ready. Keep yourselves busy & far away from AL as possible
              Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Good Morning All. Cool and overcast here. Don't worry about being a mushy whiney bag Matt. I look at my join date. It was when I found out my brother with three young kids was dxed with terminal cancer. I was really scared. I never talked about it here but I sat in that hospital room with him for a week and watched a young guy die. It sucked. Then everyone went back to the house and got wasted. They even told the 14 yo she deserved a drink. ????
                That is how my Irish family handles every situation happy but especially sad. I didnt drink that whole week. No one even noticed or commented. They were all too busy drinking themselves. But I think I was actually able to really grieve and not just cover it up. I look back on that and have a sense of peace about it.

                Boy, that was a tangent. stress Kensho! your job sounds fun. Thanks for the encouragement Pavati. I am working this a.m. and then off on my trip. Happy Friday everyone!


                  Morning everyone. Quick check in. Have a good trip Yogamom.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    GMAE everyone- and Happy Friday!. Yogamom- thanks for sharing that story. Kensho, hang in there at work,..stress sucks, but it also keeps us busy and focused. Hope everyone else is gearing up for a great and AF weekend…
                    “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                      Originally posted by abcowboy View Post
                      GMAE evening nestors....some great stuff today.... I'm not a link-clicker, prefer to hear from the horse's mouth so to speak, but I do enjoy reading things that I can add to my toolbox....
                      You know, even after all the discussion on clicking the links, there were about 3 posted in the last 48 hours and I didnt click on them! Not quite sure what my issue is with that, but it is on the radar screen. I havent had a good chance to really look around on our new site to see if there is a respository of refernce material already....seems like there used to be. I think RJ's corroborating studies were in there. Im still tryong to get the Tool Box as a sticky under the General Discussion Tab, but will also lobby for an easy place to locate these reference materials (even if they are links!).

                      Being out of town last week has thrown everything out of whack. Turns out, I love whack quite a bit. Honestly, when I first quit, I wondered how I was going to fill the 6 hours at night and now I just cant get it all done. One big difference....NOW I CARE!

                      My personal computer is STILL in the shop. Why? Because I have been Mrs Nice Guy about it. He told me yesterday when I went for visiting hours that other things just kept bumping it down the list! Im not a nasty person by nature, but I AM capable of being a pain in the I am going to implement PIA tactics and call him every day until it is fixed! UGG! I love my ipad, but not great for lengthy posts! I need that darn thing back!

                      Heading to see my step daughter this weekend...we are cleaning out the man cave her hubs had (he passed in January). It will he a tough weekend for her.

                      Stay strong everyone! Your family needs you! YOU need you! Quitting drinking will be the best decision you've made in your adult life! Happiness IS out there, and not where you think! Have a great weekend everyone! Its just Friday, not a ticket to Boozeville! Hugs to all! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Good morning everyone. I have a busy day here at work so not too much time to post.

                        I will check in later!

                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Got my son's stomach bug. Blech! No desire to drink, for sure. Going to get some much needed couch time. May even watch a movie! I really need to do this more often, sans the vomit of course.

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Yo Nester's,

                            Get well soon Kensho.

                            Safe travels Yogamom, and thank you for your above post.

                            Go badass Byrdy! Yes, my family needs me, and i need me too.

                            Have a great weekend everyone. Love yourself and take your precious life back. G

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Hi friends,

                              Byrdie, I seem to have "click aversion" too! I'm not sure what that's about...
                              Kensho, get well NOW! Still enjoy your couch and movie time though! That is a staple of my AF weekend. I don't have to cover one eye to see how many characters are really on the screen, and I remember the ending!
                              Hi Guitarista! Have a great weekend!
                              LB, good to see you.
                              Hi, Narilly, Lav, STL, Yogamom!
                              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                              AF 11/12/11


                                I'm guilty of "click aversion" also. Is there counselling for this or click aversion therapy? I look and think i will click on that later and by then it is 20 pages back, do i go looking for it? No. Maybe its my way of not clicking on it, waiting till its gone to neverland.

                                Yoga have a great af trip, so many benefits to being sober.

                                Kensho i hope you feel better soon but maybe the gods are telling you to slow down girl! I have never watched so many movies or tv shows in my life since i gave up al.

                                Pine you gave me my first morning laugh at 7.45am. Closing that eye to see, oh the memories! I pretty much forgot the middle and end of everything i watched. I would then watch it in the morning when i was as hungover as one could be and promptly fell asleep. I didnt try a third time as it would be a repeat of the first time.

                                Today is Saturday here so i am going out to get a coffee, pick up Mia (daughter) and go op shopping. Throw in some housework for fun and a long walk. Sober Saturday is so much better than being hungover.

                                Time to up the ante Byrd for your computer, its not as if you are not paying him for his services. I find now i dont have enough hours in the day, well that was last week, this week i feel like a sloth!.

                                Have a lovely day/night and hi Nar!
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

