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Newbies Nest

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    Hi y'all,

    It's also a beautiful (spring) morning in Melbourne town, down under. 31c expected here. Nice.

    Well done Pavi! Yes, we must always have an EXIT plan.

    I am so grateful for sticking with and continuing my current almost 90 day run. I feel great and i am pulling away and out of the darkness. This darkness is a strangely attractive space for me, which i am very mindful of. Booze is like kryptonite to me. When i am living sober 24/7, i see i can do anything, anything i turn my mind to.

    Just do your best friends. G

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      All good here, cleaning out and throwing away stuff. 3 truck loads to recycling. My SIL was quite a hoarder.
      Home tomorrow and will be good to be home! Xxoo, B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Heading to a gathering tonight. I do dread responding to the question, "You're not drinking?!?"

        I just KNOW now that it's not the life I want so I think it will be easier to just say "No, I'm not interested," and move on. Going to focus on other things. Hope everyone enjoys themselves tonight, sober!

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Good evening Nesters,

          It was a nice day, sunny & no stink bugs for a change :yay:
          The last few years I was sure I was living in Stink Bug Central!!!!

          Byrdie, I feel sorry for my kids - some day they will have to clean this place out & they know their dad is a major hoarder. He even built an extra garage to hold it all, LOL.

          Kensho, I hope your evening out goes well. I've never let anyone dis me for not drinking! I just change the subject or walk away if necessary

          Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Hello nesters. It was a beautiful day here - mild and sunny. I got so much done. I'm the opposite of most people, I rarely do a big spring cleaning. I tend to do it in the fall before the house is closed down for winter. I know I'm going to be inside for the next several months, so I like to get things organized and cleaned up. I think I'm almost there.

            Byrdie and Lav - I don't consider myself a hoarder, although I do have a yarn stash that probably qualifies

            Pav - sorry you had to deal with such a crappy situation. You handled it well.

            Kensho - have a great sober time. Don't over-think your excuse. If you look around at any gathering, there are people who are not drinking AL. We just never really noticed before because we were too busy drinking. I sure notice now. Keep it simple and honest. People will understand. Stay strong.

            Have a good night all.
            Everything is going to be amazing


              Hey Pav - You're so right about an exit strategy! I laughed at the image of you emailing from the rest room -- did you hide in a stall?! I can relate because 'm in a living situation during the week with partiers, and they are also my colleagues at work. They know I don't drink, but want me to hang out with them anyway while they drink. It feels like being trapped in a bar after work without a ride home. I've been hiding out in my room most of the night with the excuse of homework from my graduate program. I do have an exit strategy that will get me out of there in another week.

              But I can tell you for sure that the party scene is so totally done for me. I can have fun with people who are drinking if they are people I like and want to be with, and if I can leave when I want to. But being forced to hang with co-workers whom you wouldn't otherwise choose to spend time with in a party situation sucks, doesn't it?

              I'm glad you were able to improvise and make it out of there, even if you had to hide out in the can! :sohappy:

              You're so right about the Exit Strategy.
              Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                Pav, I too was thinking of you emaing people in the bathroom, the things we do to stay sober! Watching the game now.

                Mossy, I like the idea of Fall Cleaning. I really like to get rid of stuff when I can.

                Pepper, you are doing well considering the situation.

                No urges for me this weekend, thank goodness. Just having a nice evening at home with hubby and my doggy.

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Narily, hubby's and dogs... Such similar creatures at times, LOL! Thanks LAV and Moss. I just ordered water and didn't think twice. I just don't want the baggage of what AL does to me. One thing I am struggling with currently though is my husbands booze breath. It doesn't seem to take much for him to have it (God, did I really think I was hiding this from people?), but I can't stand it. He wants to cuddle or smooch and I am so turned off!

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Making the right decision is a good thing. Lord knows I've made the wrong one way to many times. One day at a time is all we can do. Hope everyone's having a great sober nite. I no I had I good one out with my beautiful wife I love so much.


                      Hi, Everyone:

                      It feels so great to post a problem and to come back to so much support - Exit Strategy it is. And I got the bathroom stall support cry idea from NoSugar, so I learned it HERE folks!

                      Pepper - that sounds like such a nightmare to me. Do you have to stay in that particular house? Maybe invest in some good noise cancelling headphones and some classical music?

                      Happy Sober Saturday, all. Go Giants!



                        Pav you rock.
                        We went to a Halloween party tonight where drinking was the exception rather then the norm. Very refreshing. I hit the hot chocolate bar. Yummy. Marshmallows, caramel chips, cinnamon and coffee. How fun.
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          Hi All, just a quick shout out from NYC where I am putting some major hours in. Had a great smoothie tonight as a reward and finally getting to bed. Will catch up when it is over. I need to start eating better too MossRose. Have a great Sunday.


                            Guys- I;m really peeved right now. My GP hasn't gotten back to me with a referral to a Neuro yet. How LONG should it take??????????? Not to mention I left a message for my Gastro nurse (Tues) to call me back so I can get in Asap for my colonoscopy and noone ever called me back.

                            I did a test on myself just now..where I extended my body out (like stand straight) but sitting- and my head starting bobbing!!!! Why aren't they calling me back??? This is such BS.


                              I gotta read back


                                where in US are you sarah? i dont want to know the street, east or west would do.

