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    New in Town

    Hi, all - I have been reading some of these threads for a while now, but haven't posted before and haven't yet purchased the MWO program. I am really interested in pursuing alternative treatments for alcoholism and want to keep up with this forum. I really wish there was a doctor or local program that offered this combination of therapy with support from a professional. And I think that is the problem in general with the approach to new treatments - they don't get a lot of support from community resources so I feel like I have to go at it alone. I've tried some different things throughout the past few years, including a prescription to Naltrexone. Ultimately, I didn't like the side effects, which for me included a levelling out of all emotions. So, I have a question for all of you - do you know of a resource for finding such a support system in your local communities? LP


      GMAE everyone. Super busy weekend for me with all the family fun fall festival fanfare (say that 5 times quickly) and other goings on so I’ll admit I need to catch up on some reading here but I’m sure it was gold as usual. Hope you all had a great weekend and were POSITIVE and AF.

      ..and welcome lp and Beachy...and happy birthday Jane!
      Last edited by See the Light; October 27, 2014, 10:14 AM.
      “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



        Morning All! Nice cool air today. I love the season change!

        AVA, I know you are right about not skipping out on my replacement sugar yet. I know I am still very new at this process. I will remember to take it slow. YOGA, aren't honey crisp apples the BEST?? Just bought a bag of organic ones last night (cost me about $10!) Good idea.

        WAY TO GO SARAH on 4 days AF! You should be really proud of yourself!

        Happy birthday Jane! I'm sure you will enjoy the sober version much more than you ever did the loopy one.

        Welcome LP711! Glad you are here! You will never regret leaving alcohol behind. There is a lot of support and tools here to help. Look forward to hearing more from you!

        Well, I'm off to take my 5 yr. old to get her immunizations. I am dreading it, as she will scream and have to be held down. It will be a bit of a circus, but I'm taking the rest of the day off with her to have some special time. Priorities in check - family first. I'm done with work being first.

        Take care! Hugs!

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Having a bit of lunch right now. KIds about the enter...

          Just wanted to say hi to Beachgirly and lp711. As recommended, the toolbox is a great resource. What is also great is the support you get here, right on this forum. There are so many long-timers who know what they're talking about. Stay close, post daily, tell how you're feeling, and ask for help.

          Congrats to you G-man on your 90!!!

          Have a good day all.
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            G!! 90 days! Yippee!!
            Way to go, 90 days is great

            Hello Beachgirly and lp711, keep reading, there are lots of ways to deal with this problem. Support on MWO is a big help. Keep reading.

            I will be busy at work today, we moved offices and now everyone can see my computer when they walk by so that will deter me from posting too often during the week.

            Talk soon.

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Originally posted by narilly View Post
              I will be busy at work today, we moved offices and now everyone can see my computer when they walk by so that will deter me from posting too often during the week.
              You could bring your mini pad with you ...:nutso:


                Alive today, grateful for my health, my future is in my hands. I will it to be a 'good day'.
                Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
                I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


                  Happy Monday to all. Have a great and sober day.and of course be safe.


                    Happy Birthday Jane! I am looking forward to one in a couple of months too. It is going to be more interesting this year I think!

                    Well, not sure where to post this so I choose here.

                    A little AF observation. Now that I am 5 months + AF I feel the need to share a recent experience I had with my father. In the past a conversation with him ALWAYS lead to a bottle of wine. He is quite lonely and would love to chat on Skype every day but I do not risk it. Our conversations have been quite positive lately, but this weekend he went all out to tease me and show me who is boss. Cool, huh?
                    I was sharing with him that I am a bit stressed about money and he seems to think this is funny.
                    I just started a temp job (and the art program is picking up after the first year), so he starts sending me all these links to sites to redesign and renovate our new living space. We don't even know how long we plan to stay in the Netherlands and I was telling him I think we need a new kitchen before we hire an interior decorator. We do not own the house we are in, it is my husband's family's house, but my dad seems to think that doesn't matter.
                    So he started laughing at me. Laughing hard. It didn't help that he has his Skype camera two inches from his face!
                    It just brings me back to the days when he would tease me mercilessly telling me I was fat. Which I wasn't and never have been. He just finds it fun to tease me.
                    Well guess what? I am so done with his crap. I told him I had to go and disconnected immediately. He hasn't been this rude in ages to his credit.

                    I didn't even think about drinking ladies and gentleman. I thought about forgiving his self-centered ignorance self. I thought about telling him about my true opinion of how he has lived his life, but decided not to. He won't care anyway, he will just call me a snob. I do have to say something to him about how I will not accept him talking to me like this. I do not work for him, (note: he still behaves like the big boss) he is my father and he might try and remember that from time to time.

                    What else to say? He could drop dead tomorrow and then who is worse off? Me. He will be free but I will feel bad I was disrespectful even if he 150% deserves it.
                    I think I may have forgiven his stupidity this morning in the car, almost... getting there.

                    So, yet another benefit of not drinking. I will not allow him to wind me up or talk to me like I am some kind of moron.
                    Gosh, when they say you should film yourself when you talk to people and she how you are seen by others... boy oh boy is that ever true.

                    I was just thinking someone else might appreciate how I decided to look at things, instead of drinking I mean.
                    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                      Originally posted by lp711 View Post
                      Hi, all - I have been reading some of these threads for a while now, but haven't posted before and haven't yet purchased the MWO program. I am really interested in pursuing alternative treatments for alcoholism and want to keep up with this forum. I really wish there was a doctor or local program that offered this combination of therapy with support from a professional. And I think that is the problem in general with the approach to new treatments - they don't get a lot of support from community resources so I feel like I have to go at it alone. I've tried some different things throughout the past few years, including a prescription to Naltrexone. Ultimately, I didn't like the side effects, which for me included a levelling out of all emotions. So, I have a question for all of you - do you know of a resource for finding such a support system in your local communities? LP
                      Once I finally purchased a starter pack in the health store I managed to stop drinking. Mind you it took a couple of tries to make it stick, but it did work. I had stopped drinking without it in the past but always caved after a few months. I just couldn't make it for the long haul alone. Now I understand why and that it is okay to get all the help you can.
                      I feel strongly that you have to make the final decision not to drink. If you need help in the beginning of course see a doctor, but ultimately you are going to have to make that commitment for any of it to work.
                      Great you have come here NinT, a positive step in the right direction. Keep reading and formulate a short term plan to test the waters. Gosh it look like you joined in April of 2011?
                      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                        Great post Eloise..thanks for sharing. Fantastic job not letting the trigger of your father’s attitudes and actions make you drink…it’s even more impressive that it sounds like you didn’t really even think about it. You just rationalized it and acted appropriately, knowing intuitively now that you don’t need alcohol anymore to deal with others. I think that is the template we should we should all strike to follow.
                        “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                          It was a balmy 75 degrees today which is not normal here this time of year. I heard that we broke a 70 year record. Not sure if that's true, but I like to think so. It was nice. Everyone smiled just a bit more at work, at the gas station, and at the store. We all know what's coming next, so this reprieve was very welcome. And the trees are in color - so the combination was almost mystical.

                          Hi lp711 and welcome. Glad you made your way here.

                          BG - the apps I use are different than the CDs. I'll post about this in the Holistic Section and maybe we can get a conversation started. I have a few hypnosis apps that I use daily and honestly don't think I could live without them. They help me stay sober and relaxed. I've also done hypnosis in person and found it very helpful.

                          Eloise - good, honest, helpful post. Thank you.

                          I just got off the phone with my SIL. Her cancer journey is going to be long and brutal. In the hospital now getting more chemo, and then will be returning at the end of the month for a 4-6 week stay again. Please send healing prayers her way. She needs them. My brother is scheduled to have another biopsy, which is never a good sign. There seems to be some complications. And their sons are dealing the best they can. Thank God I am sober and can be present for them.

                          Stay sober, stay healthy, stay grateful. That's what I'm trying to do. xx

                          edit to add: G - congrats on 90 days!! Way to go.
                          Last edited by MossRose; October 27, 2014, 06:49 PM.
                          Everything is going to be amazing


                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Great to see so many checking in

                            Eloise, changing my attitude about things AND people really helped me a lot too. I decided that I would never let anyone get under my skin again - that was a big trigger. I keep the negativity away from me as much as possible.

                            Hello & welcome lp711, glad you found us. I didn't use any meds when I quit, lots of people don't. What worked for me was making a good plan - check out the Tool box for great ideas.

                            G - Congrats on 90 AF days!!!

                            Greetings to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              You handled that so well. That shows how much progress you've made in five short months and the good that an alcohol-free life can give you. You are a worthy person and desrve to be treated with respect. :love:

                              I'm sorry I can't say too many good things right now. After lunch, my day went downhill, more with my low feelings right now. I feel a bit overhwhelmed about how I'm feeling about work right now, and I think I've figured out a way to give me time and get some things accompished. We just finished Flowers for Algernon and I'll be showing the movie the next two days. So there. Yes, we'll be covering the literary skills, but I just need to get my head wrapped around a thousand other things that are on my desk.

                              And I have to bitch. I was on FB and I saw all of these new restaurants in our area. Of course, there were pics of all the beautiful plates and talk of wine, ambience and all that shit. Well, it put me in a pissy mood, as I though I can't go there, can't do that, can't enjoy that. I wouldn't have cared about the food anyhow. Who am I kidding. But I like to get dressed up and go out and have a nice dinner. But if I did, I would be angry about it now. I have lots of work to do in my head. I hardly did anything tonight. I did brush my teeth and wash my face, now back on the couch. Had a pop tart and some chocolate, too. No exercise again. Bitch over.
                              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                                Last edited by abcowboy; October 27, 2014, 07:24 PM.
                                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.

