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    Yo Nesters near and not so far,

    Thanks for the congrats. Feeling good here, and 100 days in my sights. In fact, i am hunting that 3 digit sucka down like a boss on a Llama! :llama:

    Hope you're feeling better J-vo. Re exercise, it's a big plus for me regularly, but i remember in my first days/weeks, i didn't put myself under pressure to work out. I just did little bits and pieces when i could. What helped me was the attitude of just putting on my running shoes and walking out the door, to gym, walk, run, wherever, but with one proviso: Just do something for 5 minutes then come home. No stress, no expectations, no pressure. I would do 10 minutes at the gym, and leave if i wasn't comfortable. I would walk/jog to a tree 100 metres away then come home, and that would be okay. No stress, no pressure, but i took regular action in small, do-able steps. Dunno if this makes sense or helps at all, but just some idea's. (Also, me being a chronic relapser, i'd take anything i say with a grain of salt lol, unless of course i maintain current heavy metal mofo AF status).

    Have a bewdy out there all. Here's some butt velcro. Strap in! G

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Good evening nesters. Checking in, hope everyone is doing well tonite.


        J-vo I feel your frustration. Glad you have a couple of days to clear your desk. I wish it was easier for you.
        Eloise what a great example of not drinking. I'm sorry about your dad doing that to you. And I was impressed with your forgiveness.
        G-man way to go. Hunt down those triple digits.
        I joined a group on facebook about beagles. Spoiled little house dogs. Lots of beagles in halloween costumes right now. It's really put a smile on my face. Sometimes it's the simple things.
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          Hi all. Day 1 done. I'm still an alcoholic.


            Welcome back, Ican :hug:. You can do it - I hope you stick close to the nest and get the support that is needed.


              Howdy Nesters! J Vo - Sorry things are so tough for you right now. A pop tart?? Really! Not my go to vice but if it works for you! I am running up a tab at this awesome smoothie place in town. And tea!!

              Guitarista! Congrats! Way to go!

              Little Beagle - I am partial to pugs but maybe I will go check out some beagles. Funny pet videos are a way to pass some time in the evening.

              Well, I am exhausted and ready to fall into bed. I don't know why or how but I feel pretty content.



                Hey friends
                Just checking in, worked all weekend. Looking forward to reading the thread tomorrow and catching up. Anyway all is well!
                AF 08~05~2014

                There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                  Hi Nesty friends. Nice to see your contentment Yoga! That's a nice place to be!

                  Moss, your post gave me chills. SO many people get cancer and other afflictions - it reinforces why I am living and appreciating life sober. It can be gone any time so we have to celebrate it while we can - every single day.

                  Sorry you are sad j-vo. Hugs.

                  You were such a grown up with your dad Eloise! It's so hard when the grown ups aren't grown ups. Totally impressed with your awareness and refusal to partake in the negative. You win.

                  I sat on the couch all of Friday (sick), and took it easy this weekend. My daughter had a Dr. apt. today, and I did almost no work today. Needless to say, clients are calling! I'm trying not to panic and tell myself that they will either understand or not, but it's not worth stressing. I will do my best and get done what I can get done. Just do my best, just do my best, just do my best.....

                  On another note, Thanksgiving week will be at the in-laws in AZ. I have LOVED going there. Historically, we drank every night. It will be different than being at a night out. I have to start thinking about it, and also I think it doesn't have to be complicated. Just - I'm not partaking. Period. Get used to it. But they will wish I could partake. It will be interesting.

                  Anyway, be kind to yourselves tonight Nesters. Even when no one else is, we can still be kind to ourselves. :heartbeat:

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Hi, All--

                    Whoot to you G! Onward to 100 like a banana on a llama.

                    Pepper and STL, too?? So many BIG numbers.

                    And Sarah - 4 is fabulous - good luck with your stuff (Byrdie, sounds like your hubs has your sense of humor).

                    El - That was a great story. I have found that in sobriety I don't get manipulated like that nearly as much either. So happy for you that you didn't take the bait.

                    Ava - He must be a good guy if he got you to the beach. So nice that he saw the before and after you.

                    ICAN!! ICAN!! YOUCAN!! So happy you're back. I was worried about you. Stick close this time - we're here for you.

                    I have orange and black fever (GO GIANTS) and not a lot of time to do much else these days. Looking forward to getting my life back.

                    Happy Monday,


                      And I'm wondering if anyone saw this about Elizabeth Pena who just died. Turns out it was cirrhosis and alcoholism. Not kind to AA in the article, but some hard truths about women and drinking.



                        Yes, Pavati I saw that it's very sad. She was terrific in Jacob's Ladder.

                        Congratulations to all hitting milestones recently. Out of those ninety days, eight months, five months whatever the case may be, some of those days were certainly challenging but you persevered in spite of the difficulty. That is what it is all about, taking the AF road even when it is tough because we are in this for the long haul. Our reward is not an instantaneous chemical high anymore. It is a sublime and slow burning satisfaction with our selves.
                        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                        AF 11/12/11


                          Well I did 5 days. Serious cravings now with hubby going thru his upcoming roto-rooter service tomr. (sympathy stuff?) Not sure how I fair tomr, but for now I'm good as I need to go to bed. I can't promise anything for tomr but I'll try. see ya'll in a few hours...



                            Chocolate makes anyone feel better!
                            "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " by Winston Churchill .


                              Hello Nesters,

                              I take break while working not the spread sheet.
                              I look at the monitors which shows
                              the loong flight from Delhi to NYC
                              The new U2 album buzzing in my ear phones.
                              Sipping coke zero which tastes good.

                              As I fly to the place where I replaced last year
                              I feel much more confident and sting this time.
                              It was in Village last year where I sipped corona
                              that was after 44 days of promise of sobriety
                              it stared the downward spiral with no end

                              But that was last year, now I am 200+ days sober
                              Al is all but behind me. I must say I was hooked to caffaiene
                              I didnt realised but its made my life miserable.
                              Ever since I gave up I have been drinking coffee,sodas like crazy
                              Feeling Low, depressed can coffee cause that ?
                              Or was it the cold I was having that time

                              Its been about 2 weeks now since I have touched coffee.
                              And there is no cold as well ...
                              Life good now.
                              Past 2 weeks felt like a dream.
                              It was festive time for us
                              Holidays and staying sat home with family
                              Some thing which I am not used to
                              I have am used to drinking or thinking about it
                              especially on a day off … where to drink how to.

                              Not anymore, it feels great to be free.
                              Liberated … expect now just few hours away from home
                              i miss them …

                              Next 15 days going to be a like roller coaster ride.
                              4 cities in 3 continent across the world.
                              Will meet a lot more people.
                              But will be with my self … seeing old friends
                              and some new ones ….

                              Sorry have not been posting much on MWO
                              But this place is always with me
                              its given me a new life, new hope
                              MWO is nothing but you all wonderful people
                              who have been giving valuable info
                              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                              Rebooting ... done ...
                              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                                Good morning Nesters,

                                Greeting to all who checked in after I went to bed last night!
                                Welcome back Ican - you know what to do

                                J-vo, switch that thinking to gratitude thinking if you truly want to succeed. Don't fall victim to the false advertising that wine makes everything perfect, that's just crap.

                                Sarah, great on your 5 days! Stay positive & keep moving forward & you won't have to repeat these early days ever again!

                                Rahul, wishing you safe travels.

                                Pav, thanks for that article. I thought I had seen something mentioning she had cirrhosis. It's a real shame that women have to be so fearful in looking for help. This site helped me attain my goals, I am forever grateful.

                                Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Tuesday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

