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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    thanks Coco-great tip!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Newbies Nest

      Afternoon Nesters,

      Taking a bit of a break, dust & dig hair now under control :H
      I've even managed to run out for a haircut - boy did I need that!

      runningwind, I've lived here on the east coast my entire life. I know when to plant things just out of habit & experience I suppose. You can plant Spring bulbs in the Fall the way we do - I looked this up for you: How to Grow Bulbs in Texas | Garden Guides
      Hope that helps - I really look forward to the early Spring blooms especially after this particularly harsh winter we've just had!

      OK, time to get back to my to do list!

      Sharing a reminder with everyone here - It takes 21 days to break a bad habit & 90 days to develop a new one! Stick to your plan, hang in there & everything will be OK

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Oh man, Lav - please don't suggest we develop any NEW habits!! :imshocked:

        JK - thanks for the tip!


          Newbies Nest

          Well I've blabbed everywhere else, but haven't made it to the nest so far. How daunting. I started reading all the posts and then noticed there were over 500! :nutso:

          You made me laugh. For the last week I've sat down at night with a cup of herbal relaxing tea. Last night my daughter said, "I think you're getting addicted to this stuff." :H There are worse things, darling.

          What new habit should I form, I wonder?


            Newbies Nest

            Maybe I'll just take up smoking again. Got to do something to get this clean taste out of my mouth!


              Newbies Nest

              YUCK - NO SMOKING in the Nest (just kidding)!

              Today is my 10 month anniversary since I quit smoking & I'll tell you the truth - I still think about it, almost all day long, drives me nuts!!!!

              Don't take up smoking Coco! Take up gardening.......I had the best damn veggie garden ever last summer, flowers too. I enjoyed the physical work much more being AF
              I also canned a lot from the garden - something else I had gotten away from.

              Hi dancingon - glad to see you here
              That's 544 pages of posts here...........
              we do like to talk!!!

              I'll be back later, I'm sure!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Lavende, thank-you so much for taking the time to post that imformation. I can't plant the Tulips here but there are many other varieties that do well in Texas. I still have to wait till this coming Fall but I'll just find something else to plant in the mean time. Gardening is something I'am adding to my sobriety plan and I owe that too you.
                The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone!

                  LeaveInSilence - glad you're back.

                  KB - you can hang out here. Good job on resisting the urges. I agree with Hippy - when you leave the al behind you will start relating differently to people, and to different people. It took a while for me, but it didn't happen until I was comfortable without the solitary binging and everything that goes with that. Don't quit quitting.

                  Hi MamaB - glad the topa is working for you! Hope things workout for you on the job-front.

                  Spam - I think you already know this, but part of your new era is a level of freedom you haven't had for a long time. Remember that you can do anything you want without al in the way.

                  Coco - no drooling on the keyboard! Pavlov indeed. You know your post reminded of something I read about the grieving process - they say you go through a bunch of stages and one of them is 'bargaining'. I think that's what happens when I have thoughts about 'holidays' or something like that - if I only do this, then it'll be okay - like I'm negotiating with myself for an inch - before taking the mile. Don't know if that makes sense - just thinking out loud. Coco - ur a Nut! Don't smoke - enjoy that clean taste.

                  Violet your post sounds great! AF is way better than plowed. Too bad they make you work when you're sick. Imagine that; nurses being forced to spread their germs to sick people. Ha.

                  Hi papm -- nice to hear spring is in the air. Also sounds like a good plan to deal with dad and the pg - the L-glut and Kudzu should help.

                  Hi dancingon - welcome! 500 pages of posts is a lot of nesting over a long time - before my time. But if you go to the last page, then step back a few you'll get the last few days. It's a good group of friendly people helping each other. Glad you're aboard!

                  Runningwind - Everything is good since I got back but a little busy. I flew in on Monday night and got to bed after midnight. Tuesday catching up back at work. I had a chiro and massage appt that evening so it was full. Finally got back to the gym on Weds-eve then hooked-up with a friend to hit some golf balls later - another long day. Last night was yoga class. I had a date setup for tonight but she's under the weather so I'm just gonna chill out tonight at home and catch-up on some rest, laundry... and even finish unpacking - duh. Phew -- a little busy. But thanks for asking!

                  Take care everyone!
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks Tranq thought it was time to climb out from my wine glass again

                    AF2 over for me, I've no AL in the house so although I'm tempted it's not an option tonight. I found AF2 today so much harder than in the past, so tempted to pick up my mini wine in the shop earlier, and I've been the b**ch from hell today with my bad mood but looking forward to that nice AF feeling when I finally drift off to sleep

                    Hang on in there guys and we'll fight another day tomorrow:l
                    WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                    Just taking it day by day.......


                      Newbies Nest

                      AF day 2 AGAIN! For some dumb reason I have never been to this forum. I always go to general discussion. Even though I've been on the site for almost 2 months, I've fallen down 6 times now. Just when I think I'm doing good, I screw up and slide right back down the mountain. I don't know who wrote that but it stuck in my mind all day. We are looking up at this mountain and we start climbing inch by inch until we think we are doing so good and we are feeling so GREAT and for some unknown reason, we decide to take a jump and fall off the mountain and it looks so tall from down here and I am wondering if I even have the strength to attempt to climb it again. Anyways, I think I'll stay here for a while and hear what good advice we get from those who have made it to the top. It CAN be done! They did it! But I'm learning more every day just how hard their journey was!
                      I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                      but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                      There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



                        Newbies Nest

                        S.O.B.S: welcome to the nest!
                        I am a randomn nester and try to drop in when I can. It is the best place to rest your weary self when you feel like its all too judgement,just kind words..always!
                        This is AF2 for me too...again,for the bazillionth time! Keep plugging at it.
                        You know, if you zig-zag up hills and mountains,it doesn't seem quite such a daunting task. Imagine yourself zig-zagging from one day to the next.
                        Hi to all other Nesters! I am doing okay,hpe you are all faring well and staying healthy and happy!
                        Luv Chook


                          Newbies Nest

                          Made it through dinner with dad tonite. Suggested we take a walk instead of the usual appetizer/wine period and he agreed (didn't do apps anyway as he knows I'm trying to lose weight-what a guy!!). I wanted a glass of wine sooooo bad!! He told me tonite that he's trying to cut way back too and I'm so happy to hear that. Although we (siblings) have talked to him in the past about his amount of drinking, no one has EVER said a word to me. Hmmmmm. Anyway, I'm home, dog tired and hoping to SLEEP tonite!! Got a bad case of heartburn from lunch today that never went away so it's gonna be a rough nite anyway.
                          My noise cancellation headphones came today and I was so psyched to listen to the Clearing CD on my new CD/FM/Alarm clock when I discovered that AUX input doesn't mean headphones!! :upset: Back to the store tomorrow to return yet a 2nd audio unit (the first was a IPod docking/FM/Alarm clock with horrible speakers!). Tomorrow morn. I will listen to the CD through my Ipod.
                          SOBS-welcome to the nest!! :welcome: it's very nice here and I get inspired each and every day!! Stick around and I can guarantee you'll find a level of success you haven't enjoyed before.
                          Leave-way to go 2 days AF. Keep the momentum going!!
                          Lavande-congrats on your NF anniversary-that is a great accomplishment!! Hope you stop thinking about it very soon!!
                          Everyone else-have a great night/day and I'll see you in the morning/evening.
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all,
                            Thanks Hippy and Tranq.. I am on a learning curve.. I know I have to "toughen up" and not be so sensitive and try and see good in people rather than just wheedling out the bad.. its a self-protective mechanism of mine - people have hurt me so much in the past, that I try and see badness in people straight off so I can protect myself from being hurt by them, I distance myself emotionally - this is a big reason why I am in therapy..
                            I hope you all have a great day.. I am Day 6 today.. and I am working in a couple of hours.. so no drinking for me today!
                            Also, I have been watching a DVD on creationism vs evolution.. very interesting.. I wont say where my opinion lies, but it made me remember the magnificence of the universe and life itself.. which has in turn made me feel grateful for being here and be a part of the world,..
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Newbies Nest

                              Mamabear.. I just thought I would let you know I have joined an online dating agency! lol.. never done this before.. was with my ex hubby for 4 years, been separated almost a year now.. I will let u know how it goes! though not sure how i'll find time to date in between working and looking after my son.. i guess i can make the time if the right man comes along!
                              Having a much better day than I thought I would.. and feeling great for not giving in to the urge to get drunk,
                              Katie xx
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello all my fellow nesters.
                                I was able to spend some with my son tonight so I didn't get any time to spend on here. Had a good time with him. We didn't do anything much. Watched a movie. Played on our computers. Talked. It was nice. I do miss all my friends on here though. Looking forward to getting caught up. I am going to work tomorrow so I'll be back when I can.

                                Katie - can't wait to hear about the online dating. I met my absolute best friend/soul sister online! Yep - I did! It is amazing. We still can't believe it. So, Katie......this could be the start of something wonderful for you.

                                Have a wonderful night/morning/afternoon!!!!

                                I'm so happy to be here with you all!!!!!!!!:l
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

