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    This is newsworthy, indeed!!
    200 DAYS IS EPIC!!!
    The only thing better than a banana on a llama is a banana on a computer!! Here's for staying on top of game!! We are so proud of you and wish you continued success! WWWOOOHOOOOO!
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Congratulations, Narilly!! You rock the house.


        Glad things are okay G. I am having a little tissy fit kind of moment.
        I am sick of living in the Netherlands. It is almost Halloween and there isn't even any place to buy candy corn.
        Okay, so I am not eating sugar anymore. So what.
        No invitations to a Halloween Party either.

        Yes, I have a lot to be grateful for but everyday is not going to be a great one, huh?

        As long as we don't give in G we can just tolerate the rest. Slowly these feelings pass.
        Personally I wish I had had the sense to quit drinking YEARS ago. What a bimbo I was. Good grief, sometimes I do worry about myself. You know when you read 'no one ever regrets not drinking' how very, very true it is!
        Okay, gotta turn that switch and try and look at the bright side of things. My life isn't so bad after all. October was always my favorite month of the year, perhaps I am feeling blue to see it go? (Especially without any Halloween candy or costumes!).
        I got my haircut today, that was positive, a new style to cover my cancer ouchie and it does look great.
        Not sure where you are but my day is just about over. Enjoy the rest of your day or evening.
        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


          Elo, I have a colonoscopy next Wednesday....jealous?
          I'm sure your hair looks FAB! In fact, you look fantastic today!
          Sorry about the candy corn issue...try an online search, maybe there are some at a local shop? Wish you lived closer to me, maybe you should move? XXOO, B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
            I feel your pain on this one.
            The situation I found myself in isn't like this per se, in my case it is spread out among my whole family! I always knew my family was 'quirky', but it wasn't until AFTER I stopped drinking that I stopped making excuses for them. After the fog lifted, I was able to see them thru a different set of optics. One was MEAN by nature. Similar to your dad, she had a mind set that could NOT be budged. An unwavering, hard driving woman (mother) whom I could never please. Nothing I did was EVER as good as _____. That blank would be filled in by whomever was not me. She was a bully and that is all there is to it. In retrospect, I believe it was really low self esteem...she was bullied by her dad, and I guess that's all she knew. My siblings are like the deadly sins, one is greedy, one is extremely jealous, and on and on it goes. Bottom line, it was a hard day when I realized my family were human (not the SuperHeros I made them out to be growing up). My mom and dad were flawed, as are all of their children. I accept it, but I do NOT have to be a victim to it anymore. NOTHING will change them, but I can change how they effect me. Let them live the lives THEY choose and I will live mine to my choosing. They are NOT my problem and I can't fix their screwed up lives. This came as a huge relief to me. Maybe I have finally grown up??

            Oh lordie, I guess you can relate Brydie.
            Sometimes I think families are god's way of making twisted jokes. Put the ones together in a family that will never, ever get along and see what happens?
            Maybe he created your family during a snow storm for entertainment purposes? Probably is my guess!

            My family is one where the members decide not to talk to each other for years on end. Also lots of fun, especially on holidays!
            Well it is no wonder that I never had children. I was always afraid I would treat them like my mother did us, history does tend to repeat itself. I was determined that wouldn't happen, kind of sad though.
            (Especially when you don't have any kids to take trick or treating and your way to old to go yourself!).

            Trying to make light of things.... getting sleepy now! Hey where do you find your new icons? I had some good ones on my iPad can't find them anymore.
            I dont' like the 1/2 moon for day 7 awards, we gotta come up with a better one. One that provokes laughter I think!! Ideas?
            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


              Elo, we may should start our own thread about crazy family members! I am the only one speaking to everyone. My two brothers don't speak and my second brother and sister aren't speaking. ALL on account of money! (and not much, either!) That is also the reason I didn't have children, I was afraid that I would be that way to my kids. It is sad in retrospect, I couldn't hit another person. I am not that way at all....but you don't know that when you are on the other end of life.
              If you are a subscriber, there are more icons to pick from....You would choose the smiley like you are, then the 'more' option and up at the left top it has a drop down and you select 'subscriber icons'. I am also struggling to make the new ones work for me. You are in charge of the 7 day award, you can make it whatever you would like! Eventually, I am going to learn to choose from clip art, but I'm not quite there yet! Have a good sleep tonight!! xo, B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Have to get ready for a Bball game, so just wanted to check in and say I'm sober now and forever. Thank you all.

                Nar, I'm so proud of you. You've got to where you are one day at a time, listening to the buble hour, sharing you newfound wisdom with us, and supporting us along the way. You are special, I love you, and I'm following in your footsteps. You're a gem.:welldone::heartbeat::sohappy:
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                  Elo, I have a colonoscopy next Wednesday....jealous?
                  I'm sure your hair looks FAB! In fact, you look fantastic today!
                  Sorry about the candy corn issue...try an online search, maybe there are some at a local shop? Wish you lived closer to me, maybe you should move? XXOO, B
                  A colonoscopy? Oh dear, sorry to hear this B. Makes my life a sudden walk in the park.
                  Yes, I wish I did live closer too. A bit lonesome over here to be honest.
                  I really do need to be soooo grateful for staying clean and sober. Gosh, is life ever easier to keep in the proper perspective when you do not drink at all, ever!
                  (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                    Nar - Congrats on 200 days!! Very impressive and oh so inspiring. Way to go, friend.

                    G - glad you hung in there. Those nights are awful.

                    Eloise - I missed the news about your move to the Netherlands. Sorry you're feeling blue right now, but hang in there it will get better.

                    j-vo - I'm so proud of you. I knew you had this. Have fun at the game.

                    Well, I wish I could report some good news for a change, but it isn't to be right now. I did call my brother last night and he is feeling very poorly. It was depressing. We thought he had this first round. It was a long shot, but he responded so well to treatment, we were very optimistic. A week ago, he felt great. I did tell him that I found it unbelievable that cancer could return that quickly and with such a vengeance. He seems unconvinced. But I'm sure for him, anything out of the ordinary would seem sinister at this time. Still, I refuse to believe the worst until he has the results from his biopsy. It could be something else. Maybe, a reaction to the radiation or chemo. It happens. I'm sorry I need to keep asking for prayers. But if you wouldn't mind, my brother could use a few.
                    Everything is going to be amazing


                      Originally posted by Eloise View Post
                      Glad things are okay G. I am having a little tissy fit kind of moment.

                      Yes, I have a lot to be grateful for but everyday is not going to be a great one, huh?

                      As long as we don't give in G we can just tolerate the rest. Slowly these feelings pass.
                      Personally I wish I had had the sense to quit drinking YEARS ago. What a bimbo I was. Good grief, sometimes I do worry about myself. You know when you read 'no one ever regrets not drinking' how very, very true it is!
                      Okay, gotta turn that switch and try and look at the bright side of things. My life isn't so bad after all. October was always my favorite month of the year, perhaps I am feeling blue to see it go? (Especially without any Halloween candy or costumes!).
                      I got my haircut today, that was positive, a new style to cover my cancer ouchie and it does look great.
                      Not sure where you are but my day is just about over. Enjoy the rest of your day or evening.
                      Thanks Eloise. It's thursday morning here in Oz and day 93. The farm is calm. Your hair looks absolutely sensational with those purple and blue streaks.

                      Best of the best of wishes going out to you and your bro Mossy. I hope things work out. Far too much of this going around. Take care of yourself too my friend.

                      Narilly! You're a bloody RAWK star!

                      Have a bewdy Nester's, and i appreciate you all giving a damn. :heartbeat:

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        G - I had to Google bewdy. Thanks, I will. And I intend to use this in a sentence tomorrow at work. LOL. Glad you are doing better.
                        Everything is going to be amazing


                          Awesome 200 way to go. Don't stop now. Congrats to you narilly


                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Narilly - CONGRATS on your 200 AF days, that's awesome

                            MossRose, thinking of your & your family always, hugs to all.

                            Eloise, I visited the Netherlands once with my SIL. It's her homeland & she goes back often to see her family. It ws interesting but I wouldn't want to live there.

                            G, you're doing great & will be turning 100 soon, LOL

                            Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a safe & comfy night in the nest for all.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Things I have learned in 553 days.
                              1. Not to drink at anyone or anything. It doesn't change the other person or the situation and it would only make ME feel bad.
                              2. Gratitude is really important. At first it was enough to just be grateful to get throuth the day sober, or the sun, or how much my dogs love me. But as time passed I learned to be grateful about how my life has changed from not drinking. That has really helped me. As Pav said. Out of deprivation mode.
                              3. Having a plan is essential. I have parts A and B. A is for how I deal with life kn a daily basis. B is for emergencies. Having a plan and not using it is like having a storm cellar and sitting on the front porch watching the tornado head straight towards you.
                              4. Have a support system. Buddies who care about your quit. Who are there when you need them.
                              5. Use a little aversion therapy. Watch and learn what really happens as we continue to drink.
                              6. Reward yourself for your accomplishments. A little present. A dinner out.
                              7. Go for those dopamine rushes that really make us feel good. Laughter, exercise, sunshine, sex, beauty in nature.

                              I'm sure there are many small things. But these are some of the things that have helped me.

                              Congratulations on the 200 days Narilly. Good for you.
                              Mr. G. Glad you used your plan and posted first. It's wonderful seeing how this works.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Thank you everyone, you are too kind. It is wierd, no one knows except you guys and my hubby. When I logged on here I read all your posts and that makes me very grateful to have you all as my friends and support. Love you all.

                                Lil B, I agree with all your learnings above. I would like to add exercise and eating healthy to the list. Oh, and changing your habits, which is a longer process but integral to developing an AF life.

                                Goodnight sweet people

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

