Elvis, Daisy, don't drink! Glad you are here. STL's puking pumpkin pictures were a good visual on how booze effects us. I just finished reading 'Parched' by Heather King, she talks about the physical symptoms she was having from drinking. Daisy, maybe it would be good for you to read. Actually, it is good for any of us boozers. (Ex-boozers included)
Byrdie, your night sounds fun. Ya, I bet some people are hurtin today. I am so glad it's not you too.

Pav, glad you were able to watch the Giants win and stay sober, you too J-Vo.
G, you are sounding good., you too Kensho's and Matt.
Well, back to cooking butternut squash soup and roasted veggies.
Love being sober!
Oh, Howdy Cowboy
